The Mormon Jesus vs. The Gospel Jesus?

I find it very interesting that an angel told Joseph Smith that his name would be both good and evil spoken of among all nations, kindreds, tongues and people. An obscure farmboy, what are the odds? Yet here in this very thread, that prophecy is coming true.
I was on the train the other day and 'Jews for Jesus' came on. They were real cool and i was surprised because i never heard of them before. Is anyone here a Jew for Jesus?
I find it very interesting that an angel told Joseph Smith that his name would be both good and evil spoken of among all nations, kindreds, tongues and people. An obscure farmboy, what are the odds? Yet here in this very thread, that prophecy is coming true.

Oh dear, Smith had a rap sheet and some gullible followers. The rest kinda follows. It's not prophecy, it's public relations. The simple fact is that Smith was a conman, and some people remain conned to this day.
What is the story about him and the four horseman? I read it a long time ago and thought that was real cool.
"christianities" christ and god is intangible and confusing. after the white lights at the end of the tunnel, what? u can't see god.

one thing smith did have going, was a more logical approach to his theism. a god u can actually relate with. one who ressurects with a reason, to have a body. not to just ressurect and obliviate into trinity. a father and son, who are actually a father and son. a spirit that is actually just purely spirit.
Does ones religion matter as long as it brings him/her closer to God? I dont think there is just one path, one religion that brings one closer to God.
It is easy to belittle those you do not know. If you do not know moromonism, I suggest getting to know some mormans. After you have met them and come to know them, then pass your judgement. Ask them your questions? Ask them about the rumors.
Does ones religion matter as long as it brings him/her closer to God? I dont think there is just one path, one religion that brings one closer to God.
It is easy to belittle those you do not know. If you do not know moromonism, I suggest getting to know some mormans. After you have met them and come to know them, then pass your judgement. Ask them your questions? Ask them about the rumors.

I do not believe God has a preference for religous idealogy. That is mans' hangup not Gods.
As you say..if the scriptures or religous system in question helps people with understanding the concept of God and brings them closer,then it's good.
Unconditional love and being selfless in your attitude are the important qualities to achieve.This was demonstrated by various religous figures and is not exclusive to one religion.
Does ones religion matter as long as it brings him/her closer to God?

Sadly too many people have 'met their maker' due to religious difficulties, so religion satisfies your point there, it has brought people to their God quickly!

I dont think there is just one path, one religion that brings one closer to God.

Sadly, that is not the common view, so terms such as heretic and infidel are thrown around.

It is easy to belittle those you do not know. If you do not know moromonism, I suggest getting to know some mormans. After you have met them and come to know them, then pass your judgement. Ask them your questions? Ask them about the rumors.

Oh, but I have. A guy I used to share a house with was approached by Mormons, and he, being Italian, was raised as a Catholic, so had a good background in Christianity, and these Mormons thought they could rekindle some religious feelings in him. They visited each week for about an hour, and we sat and talked, and we read the Book of Mormon, and sometimes they brought films to illustrate the Mormon point of view. After a while, they brought their Church Elder around, we asked him a lot of awkward questions about Mormonism, about Brigham young usurping the church, about Joseph Smith describing the people that lived on the Moon, about the racism in the early church, about Smith's criminal record, about discrepancies in the Book of Mormon, about the lack of anthropological support for Smith's assertions about early America, and he said he would come back with the answers.

He, nor the missionaries ever came back.

Seems some truths do not sit alongside faith.
He's not "presidential" enough like Mitt. He has awful teeth. He doesn't "look" the part. I don't like his name. It sounds like a hick. He needs a makeover.

Looks “presidential”? Not “presidential” enough? What type of values do you place on people you vote for? What are the qualifications before you put your mark on the ballot?

Let me guess:
Must be male
Needs ‘blue eyes’,
strong chin,
Must be Republican
able to talk w/ ease before TV cameras
smile w/ all 32 teeth showing?
Yep! That’s Mitt alright

I guess that being a flip-flopper don’t count against him, like Republicans say it counts so heavily against Democrats, that in years past, Republicans would make sure it was noted by all, if not, then they shouted it if need be & the ads, oh the ads; lets see or:

Women are taking bullets for you on the front lines of Iraq

Politically Incorrect Hottie? You mean, hopelessly politically disconnected, & you really vote??? We’re doomed, shot me now, the culture wars are over, dumbo won

Dems say:
To help remind voters about all of Mitt Romney's old positions the Democratic Party listed a Mitt Romney flip-flop kit on auction at Ebay. This one of a kind, special edition Mitt Romney Flip Flop Kit includes:
Oh, but I have. A guy I used to share a house with was approached by Mormons, and he, being Italian, was raised as a Catholic, so had a good background in Christianity, and these Mormons thought they could rekindle some religious feelings in him. They visited each week for about an hour, and we sat and talked, and we read the Book of Mormon, and sometimes they brought films to illustrate the Mormon point of view. After a while, they brought their Church Elder around, we asked him a lot of awkward questions about Mormonism, about Brigham young usurping the church, about Joseph Smith describing the people that lived on the Moon, about the racism in the early church, about Smith's criminal record, about discrepancies in the Book of Mormon, about the lack of anthropological support for Smith's assertions about early America, and he said he would come back with the answers.

He, nor the missionaries ever came back.

Seems some truths do not sit alongside faith.

They probably did not think you were serious. I have never heard anything about Smith and moon people. Can you provide evidence of same?
When looking at a presidential candidate's religion, I would only be interested in if his/her core values conflicted with the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. In terms of core values Mormons are not different from other Christians in any significant way. Electing a Muslim would be problematic since they believe Sharia Law supersedes any man made law, and Sharia Law is inconsistent with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Whatever, believe what you want, but LDS belief is biblical.
contra-Biblical you mean, for all the BYU archaeologists that have tried to prove LDS true, not one shred of evidence, no ancient LDS temples, no liturgy, no funky underwear, no polygamists nor strange theology, so if LDS is really what the Primitive 1st Century church looked like, wheres the proof?

Neither Paul, Luke, Peter nor John ever wrote letters to Mormon or about mormonism. Seems to me, that out of a verse here & there, whole theologies are assumed by LDS, almost like J. Smith's degrees of the Egyptian alphabet (see sample below), problem with that is that the ancient Egyptians were not "Vegans" like in the movie "Contact", overlaying complex messages into 3 dimensions or degrees :rolleyes:

It may not be your interpretation of the Bible, but it is ours and we believe that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, supports our interpretation.
can you support Kolob from the Bible or how about men on the moon? holy underwear?

Edited to add:
And we do have scriptural books, the Book of Abraham and the Book of Moses, which are by the patriarchs and which support our beliefs.
if no one had been able to really translate hieroglyphics, you could go on with that BIG lie, but alas, Jean-François Champollion was able to finally do that by translating the Rosetta Stone in 1822, thus putting J. Smith in some very bad light
see here:çois_Champollion

& now even you can translate Egyptian, or transliterate like this:
Owl+Arm+Mouth+Lion+Reed Leaf+Water =Marlin

:eek: then modern misfortune came about once more, when the papyri that J. Smith had daned to translate, turned up once again, again putting him in a bad light
The Papyri are found
To every one’s surprise, in 1966 the papyri were rediscovered in one of the vault rooms of the New York’s metropolitan Museum of Art. The Deseret News of Salt Lake City on Nov. 27, 1967 acknowledged the rediscovery of the papyri. On the back of the papyri were "drawings of a temple and maps of the Kirtland, Ohio area."1 There could be no doubt that this was the original document from which Joseph Smith translated the book of Abraham.

With the papyri rediscovered and Egyptian hieroglyphics decipherable since the late 1800's, it would then be an easy task of translating the papyri and proving once and for all that Joseph Smith was a prophet with the gift of "Seer" as he and the Mormon church have claimed. This would then prove the truth of the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham and would vindicate Joseph Smith as a true prophet of God.
What do the Experts say?

Joseph Smith copied three drawings from the Egyptian scrolls, labeled them Facsimile No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, and incorporated them into the Book of Abraham with explanations of what they were. Egyptologists have viewed the drawings and found Joseph Smith's interpretation of them to be wrong. But, the Mormons, in defense of the sacred book, maintained that the Facsimiles alone were not sufficient to prove that Joseph Smith was erring in his translating abilities. With the rediscovery of the papyri, not only were there the same drawings in the scrolls, but so was the text from which Joseph Smith made his translation. It was now possible to absolutely determine the accuracy of Smith's translating abilities.

Read more at:

sample of J. Smith's work
Egyptian Alphabet First Degree
Beth Ba=eth This character is from the first degree It has an arbitrary sound or signification which is Beth; and also a compound sound which is Za and comprise one simple sentence for its signification It is only increased or lessened in its signification by its connection with other characters. one connection with another character, gives it a compound signification, or enlarges the sentence. Two connections increases its signification still: Three increases it still: Four increases still and five still. This is as far as a sentence can be carried in the first degree. In its arbitrary sound it may have more sounds than one, but can not have more than five sounds. When it is compounded with others, it can only have one sound.
Every character in this alphabet is subject to the above restrictions
Iota or Ki

[Second part of the first Degree]
Second part of the Alphabet 1s[t] Degree

Veh Kli floisis The fifth fixed star in its motion (namely) Limdi, whose motion, according to the cubit measure of time is six days to one cubit.
Kolob in the first degree. It signifies the first great grand governing fixed star which is the fartherest that ever has been discovered by the fathers which was discovered by Methusela and also by Abraham [p. 34]

WBY, I'm done arguing with you. I was done a long time ago. Talking with you about Mormonism is like trying to convince a flat-earther that the world is round, even when I produce valid evidence to prove my arguments. You've made your decision that Mormonism is false and nothing is going to dissuade you. I leave you to your wilfull ignorance.

For others, however, let me just say that the arguments WBY is bringing up are old, tired, and already disproven and/or answered as much as 50 years ago. For those interested in real answers to such arguments, I suggest the following web sites:

and the official LDS web site,
Marlin, those arguments made by WBY have not been disproven, it's just that the LDS Church dishonestly edits it's own scriptures of things that get proven to be false, and then disowns the offending material. Just take the climb downs on polygamy and racism. Not that LDS have stopped practising either, they just do it quietly.

All religions are made up bullshit, Mormonism is no better than any other.
Say what you will, phlog, but I know for a fact that "Mormonism" (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) is true.
"For a fact?" I doubt your definition of "fact" lines up with the rest of the real world's. Facts are statements supported by evidence. Could you perhaps share with us a "fact" about magic underwear? I've been dying to get a straight answer from someone of the Mormon cult about this.
Say what you will, phlog, but I know for a fact that "Mormonism" (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) is true.

Having discussed it at length with two Mormon Missionaries, I know for a fact that it is flawed, inconsistent, revised, dishnonest, and was devised by a liar and a conman.

But you have been brainwashed by the cult, so what would you know?