The moon isn't real

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ive heard a lot BS in my life, I for one being one BSing stuff, like my way through High School..... but even if it is a joke or whatever sayin the moon is fake and a hologram is kinda dumb to even consider.... There was no technology back in the day to even make a Hologram... and i dont believe holograms would cast shadows.... space and the universe and all that is a mystery and everything we know about it is just based on theories that scientists make up about what they think is going on. How many people would think i was crazy if i said the world was only 6000 years old? probly a whole hell of a lot but does that totally mean that its not true? How do we know exactly that the earth is 4 billion years old? Its just scientific theory that is taught to everyone so that is what we believe. For all I know we are just some alien kids science project.
haHAha Saying the Earth (or the known universe in general) is only 6,000 years old is like saying the moon and sun is not real!!! The evidence can be seen with your own eyes!
Open your eyes, and see that the moon is just a lie that they have told you to keep you in line!

theory proven exactly..... told u people would think i was crazy sayin the earth was only 6000 years old...... never said i believed it....

but if you actually did research on it there are lots of arguments sayin its impossible for the earth to be that old as if you take how the sun has been shrinkin over time...if you reverse it and go back millions of years ago the sun would be so big that the earth wouldnt exist cuz the sun would have burned it up

Or that it doesnt take millions of years for things to become petrified, like the trees of the bottom of that lake wen st. helens blew in the 80s...all of them are petrified and that was 20 some odd years ago...

I just say think what you wanna think, believe what u want
you are your own person and have the right to believe anything you want to.
Re: ahahhahaha

Originally posted by hoppything

I just say think what you wanna think, believe what u want
you are your own person and have the right to believe anything you want to.

But in all seriousness, you'll also have to pay the price for being wrong :p
of course

whats the point of believing anything or not believing anyhting if your not gonna listen and take into consideration what other people think?
No th sun never was large enough to engulf the earth. if you check its growth against normal main cycle stars (in any college level astronomy text book) you would see this! No the earth has to be older then 6000 years the evidence is as plain as our senses.
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The moon is real , end of story, dumbest conspiracy theory ever.

And the earth is way older than 6 000, there is no serious evidence suggesting it could possibly be that young, on the other hand, there is so much evidence suggesting earth is billions of years old that to deny it is only making a fool of yourself. sorry.
sorry bout what ?

im in college Astronomy. I never said I believed the earth was 6000 years old. I just passed on what arguments some dumbass in my class was saying. Look at the Grand Canyon.... no way possible for that to happen within even1 million years....
Hey, what about the supposid size of our "Moon". That thing is huge compared to other planets moons, where did we get such a big friggin' moon? The answer: The government, or whoever is behind the conspiracy to hoax a moon, went a little over bored! They figured if they were going to fake a moon, that they'd make it the biggest damn moon in the solar system(At least proportionaly)!
How bout this Idea....

Why would the government wanna Fake a Moon? I mean... Its a moon who cares? I would give 2 shits less if we had a moon or not.....damn thing is bright outside sometimes.... id sleep better with totall darkness....and for the sun if thats fake....why the hell do they make it so its all hot on earth? Cant they air condition this sum bitch in the summer? ...
It's close mindedness like that which alows them to perpetuate the lie!
Still though

i was just being humorous by the way..... why put all that time into making something fake when they could put something together bigger? I think they should change the sky to Green.

Your the lie! you were sent here by the gov. to cover up the truth from us, the truth that the world is actually ruled by lab mice and that we are their graduate thesis project! Admit it now so I can hunt you down and put a wooden stack through your heart so you won’t come back life.
the sky IS's a lie that it's blue...see, the colour they taught you was blue is actually green. but since they said it's blue rite from the beginning, u think it's blue, not green!
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus

Your the lie! you were sent here by the gov. to cover up the truth from us, the truth that the world is actually ruled by lab mice and that we are their graduate thesis project! Admit it now so I can hunt you down and put a wooden stack through your heart so you won’t come back life.

Gah! How'd you figure it out so quickly!
The moon is real but... hollow! Yes is hollow,something like an alien base! :eek:
Sometimes i wonder WHY we don't see the back of the moon?
Because it's a alien base behind the moon :eek:
Moon it's not a big rock but a big metallic ball !!! :eek:
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My fetal jar protects me from the stupidity radiation that the aliens focus on the earth so everyone is render total morons and unable to see the horrible truth!, but I know better
, I will defeat you… I will find you and gum you to death you alien scum!
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