The moon isn't real

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Ok so these is were that talk came from! I only logon as "WellCookedFetus" nothing else. Admins can find IPs and prove who is who.

Your completely wrong... Everybody knows the moon is made of green cheese... Check sources:

Wallace and Gromit visitedd on moon

Wallace eating moon cheese

(The actual site both images is on: A Grand Day out)

Although it's said nobody got to the moon (Outtake)

(Site owner of above Footage)

How about the moon being a flipping giant BUTTON!!!

Okay that site was a pretty good joke by someone, the real Button moon was more like this:

Just another kean moon conspiracy destined for April Fools day, in my own neck of the woods: (contains footage)
heh, subliminal messages are fun.

Also, I'm very glad to hear that I'm not someone's alter ego. And no, the admins can't use an IP address to determine who you are for sure, unless you have a perminant conection, dail up is still pretty random within a certain range.
That right but lets say we have 3 "people" that have the same first six digits in there IP. This would mean:
1. They are 3 people on the same LAN, which is very unlikely
2. That its one person with a non-static Internet connection.
3. That by total random luck 3 different peopled with very similar IPs
Well that's true, but if the banning works in such a way that they have to restrict a certain spacific IP address (I dont' know how the banning works :p) they can just log on again with a new addy, and flame all they like until they get kicked off again.
Oh no I'm not talking about banding I'm talking about finding out who is who. Heck I have been band from 3d Guru twice and I'm still there :D
Well, you've got me convinced. By the way, try using singular first person pronouns when talking about yourself, it seems much less suspicious.
I'm with Persol....

I'm quite sure the sun is a fake too.

Stupid fake star wannabe piece of interstellar shiny junk. I can't believe all you people buy it's weak assed premise of life-giving heat. Pshaw.

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Exactly, we all know that it's just some sort of cheap gimmic, Oohh a bright light that rises in the east every day, how amazing! People are too easily impressed if you ask me.
heyya all :)

yo CounslerCoffee

reading between your lines...
yes! yes! yes!,.....maybe

just another space station... (maybe)

groove on all :)
do you people mean that you belive the moon ACTUALLY exists! omygod! looks like yall r illiterate!;)
everyone knows the moon's a fake!
See, that's just the thing, it doesn't work like that. If it were so simple everyone would probably realize it, the truth of the matter is far more complex and devistating!
Woah, I know kung-fu!

No, not at all like the Matrix, I don't know where you're comming from with that, try to keep your feet on the ground. This is a serious topic.
Well if your going to say the sun and moon don't exit then your saying all of reality doesn't exist and the matrix is the only reasonable theory that can explain this.
hey, the matrix deosnt exist. in fact, no theories exist. the whole world is just a hallucination. :p
and is this a joke or is it seriously serious? i stil havent figured it out....:confused:
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