The moon isn't real

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Now this is just depressing. The nuts are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Oh man, I can't believe anyone can see the joke!! Counsler, you have my sympathy fo sho!!!
To CounslerCoffee

If you can't believe in what you see then you might as well believe we all live in some kind of VR matrix and everything is make believe... I advice the jumping off a very tall building to test this. :rolleyes:

Well.... the BIG joke is the world is so terribly screwed up that to be completely and utterly mad is the only way to be. That may or may not pertain to this though.
More for CounslerCoffee

even to make a joke like this..... Jesus what kind of :m: are you on it must be great stuff, can I get some :eek:
The site the orignaly link goes to has a better one.
The sun isn't real.
LOL! here await let me find this... I have a link somewhere to people that think we live in a matrix (VR) and not since the movie either, but like late 80's!
Dam it I can’t find it! I read it a couple of weeks ago… it was by a group of philosophers. I’m going to sleep now need to go to stand-by-mode ;)
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
Mystech, Im sorry. I will not delete my previous posts so that everyone can see what a butthead I just made of myself.

Counselor hasn't slept in a while, he's kind aderanged right now. So forgive me, please?

I do not believe that the moon is fake, that is a joke. But it is a good read and does have interesting points.

:p ok, I forgive you, just so long as you're not setting out to make fun of the shuttle explosion I'm ok, we all say some kinda' thoughtless things now and again.

And I realize that this post is mostly a joke, otherwise I would have just come in swinging and ranting and raving about the moon, and all that and probably calling you names, heh. . . I'm sure you've seen some of my posts :p
Originally posted by moonman
Here's another theory. CouncslerCoffee is not real.
Think about it, you've read his posts but have you ever seen him or heard his voice.

Well if you wanna’ go that far, why can’t we just take it out to the next logical step! It’s right at the back of everyone’s mind, so lets just put it out there: Nothing exists! Let’s all become depressed nihilists, and claim that everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is a hoax, nothing but an illusion, nothing exists, there nothing but the void, and not even that is real!

Ahh but then even if the world were an illusion, and nothing existed, the illusion is still there, and that IS something. . . poor poor nihilists, quite a paradox.
so, Counsler
What's the thing with your second posting in this thread? Why did you put these bold characters in it?
If I put the letters in sequence I read this:


What are you playing at? :bugeye:
Im pretty sure the whole website is just a joke. Along with the moon and sun hoaxes they also say, Sydney olympics never happened, Dunkin Doughnuts dont have holes, and canada was resposible for the 9/11 attack. One article sites The Onion as a factual source. The thing that makes the website funny is you guys who take them seriously.:D

For god's sake lighten up people.:D
haha, ok, now I'm confused, let's have a show of hands, who here really is taking this seriously?
How do I know that I am not a Schizonphrenic who logs in on Sciforums, 50 times a day as a different user each time and have conversations with all my other alter-ego's?
Okay, Im busted. Ive got like seven alter egos... Im Xev, Adam, Tiassa, Porfiry, Mallory Knox, Green World, Whatsupmuscles, and backslash777. Four of my alternate egos have been banned, Im workin on Xev right now.

No I do not take the site seriously. God, cant yall see a joke when you see it... Or is the joke real?:bugeye:
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