The Miracles of Father Nacho

mario said:
So leo, do you believe in aliens? I mean, with all the scientifically gathered evidence of little green men, I bet you believe in them as much as miracles. Like how can somebody NOT believe in aliens? The truth is out there...but do we have it down here?

Strange that god creates all kinds of health problems for us...then gives his power to cure these afflictions to a lowly human like mr nacho...or a stream called order to correct his mistakes.

By supposing that you think God creates all the diseases so that Father Nacho can cure them shows that you believe in the Absolutist Vision of God. The other week when I accused all the Atheists on this page of Defining God in terms of Absolutes only so you could tear Him down with accusations of Relativity, it was all denial denial denial. But here you are doing it. NO! God is not absolute. God, through Spiritual Men and His Angels is attempting through a Slow but Enduring Process, to Spiritualize the World. Yes, God will eventually Cure All Disease, but only after the True Church becomes truly Universal, giving the Indwelling Spirit a better opportunity and a larger sway.

Yes, I believe in Aliens. Why shouldn't I, since there are at least three Aliens being held as diplomatic hostages by the Navial Department in Washington D.C. And I read the Newspapers. Just a few years ago was it not reported that the Skys over Belguim were clustered full with hundreds of UFO's. Is not Belguim a real country in this real world? And Mexico City has been reporting dozens of sitings -- in daylight over the City. With photos.

Why not call me ridiculous for supposing that the World is Round.
really get of the LSD man, it doing your head in, I have never come across, anybody like you, you really believe this stuff.
that is SAD
Leo Volont said:
Father Nacho had the added advantage that it was his assigned job to do such things and he was a Priest of the Holy Catholic Church. This would make him a Live Graft into the Living Vine of Christ. Protestants, no matter what they think they have Faith in, will never know any true miracles, because they voluntarily and quite rather ruthlessly cut themselves off from the Vine of Christ and the Source of All Grace

Hello Leo,

You may be correct in assigning advantages to Priests of the Holy Catholic church, I don't know for sure. All I know for sure is that Jesus taught his disciples that what he could do they could do also, and all they needed was faith and no doubt. In other words anyone who truly has the requirements He mentioned can literally do anything.

Thanks for sharing this fascinating story. I personally have witnessed a miracle with my own eyes so I have no problems believing what you wrote about Father Nacho.

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so dave, you had a dream too, we all have dreams
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
mis-t-highs said:
so dave, you had a dream too, we all have dreams
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

I did not mention this to proove anything, only to acknowledge that I believe Leo's story, nothing else. Miracles have no foundation in dreams so I don't know what possessed you to say what you did.

The title of this thread sounds like a 7-11 commercial. I can imagine an animated nacho tray with a cape who fights crime and cleans up slurpy spills.
Father Nacho is a smart man, he knows which side his bread is buttered, and how to lay down a line of bull better than a sideshow carny. I think he slipped Leo a micky and sodomized him for 2 or 3 days before he woke up miraculously "cured".
davewhite04 said:
Miracles have no foundation in dreams so I don't know what possessed you to say what you did.


to an Atheist, a vision, a dream, a miracle,or an hallucination,are all the same thing.
none have a basis in logic.

The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike.
Crunchy Cat said:

I think the intent at hand may be mis-understood. A fantastic claim was
made... something that defies the known laws of physics and nature. Rather
than taking the position of asserting that it's all fairy-tales, I am offering
a partnership between you and I (along with Father 'Nacho') in the form of an
opportunity to support this specific fantastic claim (and not any others).
The consequence of cooperating could be potentially invaluable to the
mission of your chosen career.

Similarly, I am not claiming that your writings are for the sole purpose of
proving the miraculous; however, there is a large audience in this forum
whom could be influenced towards 'God' simply by proving one fantastic
miraculous claim. It's such a small step for a wonderful benefit don't you

I want to let you know that you are not bringing me to doubt anything. To
my knowledge the existence of 'miracles', 'God', 'dragons', etc. are claims
which have no empirical support. If any of them were to be proven 'true',
then I can easily accept it and it doesn't cause me to doubt my way
of thinking. Consider this... I am only an 'Atheist' because I don't accept
unsupported claims and someone created a word to label me as not
accepting the specific unsupported claim that 'God' exists.

*Bumpidy Bump*
mis-t-highs said:
to an Atheist, a vision, a dream, a miracle,or an hallucination,are all the same thing.
none have a basis in logic.

The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike.

So dreams don't have a basis in logic? Did you ever watch a horrow movie when you were younger and have a nightmare that night because of it? This all seems rather logical to me, I mean would you have had the nightmare if you had not watched the movie? Same can be said about hallucinations, just replace the horrow movie with LSD or something.

You initially said that miracles are but dreams, then have outlined above that they are in fact separate. Maybe a dictionary might be handy at this point.

dave :
I sorry to but in here, but having read both yours, and mistys posts, you have it wrong.
she said dream, you said miracle, so she said a vision, a dream, a miracle, or an hallucination, are all the same thing. so she has not, infact separated them has she.
shes linked them as the same.

also what has a horror movie, and nightmares, got to do with logic.
a movie is fantasy, as is a dream.
Hello Preacher,

the preacher said:
I sorry to but in here, but having read both yours, and mistys posts, you have it wrong.
she said dream, you said miracle, so she said a vision, a dream, a miracle, or an hallucination, are all the same thing. so she has not, infact separated them has she.
shes linked them as the same.

He/She said are all the same thing as in they have no basis in logic.
Then went onto say they look very much the same, which hardly means
they are the same or does it?

Maybe you have misunderstood what mis-t-highs had said. mis-t-highs did not reply so I assume he/she is on the same wavelength as I, obviously now you have written what you have written this may change.

a movie is fantasy, as is a dream.

Agreed, but if you dream about Star Wars after just watching it, is it
logical to assume the fantasy movie influenced your dream? What happens
in the dream doesn't have to be logical.

your just being picky Dave.
The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. (Delos McKown)
Is a quote, and it's a quote that makes a point, I seen it many times.
what she said literally, was the sentence above.
the distance between, very much alike, to the same, is an hairs thickness.
logical to assume, is a contradiction in terms.
logical is clear thought, but an assumption is not.
you can make the assumption the fantasy movie influenced the dream.
but you cant logically say the fantasy movie influenced the dream.
and yes I am being picky.
Hello Pavlos,

pavlosmarcos said:
logical to assume, is a contradiction in terms.
logical is clear thought, but an assumption is not.
you can make the assumption the fantasy movie influenced the dream.
but you cant logically say the fantasy movie influenced the dream.
and yes I am being picky.

I have a battery operated clock. Now it is currently at 11:17, I can through the process of logic assume that it will turn to 11:18, ooops and it did. I had to assume this because I don't know if the battery would run out within the 60 seconds or so. So tell me, where is the contradiction?

Reality does effect dreams, many dreams contain characters that you know of in reality, this is a fact. So can we logically say that reality plays a role in dreams?

audible said:
really get of the LSD man, it doing your head in, I have never come across, anybody like you, you really believe this stuff.
that is SAD

"Sad". Why 'sad'? You might suppose that a life of psychodelic adventures would be exciting.
davewhite04 said:
Hello Leo,

You may be correct in assigning advantages to Priests of the Holy Catholic church, I don't know for sure. All I know for sure is that Jesus taught his disciples that what he could do they could do also, and all they needed was faith and no doubt. In other words anyone who truly has the requirements He mentioned can literally do anything.

Thanks for sharing this fascinating story. I personally have witnessed a miracle with my own eyes so I have no problems believing what you wrote about Father Nacho.



"Faith" was the First Teaching of the Antichrist.

You need to understand how the Doctrine of Faith is actually used. It is not used to explain Miracles, in that, so and so can walk on water because he has 'Faith'. It is always used in the negative to explain why so and so CANNOT walk on water -- that his 'Faith' is insufficient.

Look at all the New Age Cults out there that preach Faith. A million housewives are out there who think they only need Faith to win the Lottery, and every week they are told, again, that there Faith is not yet strong enough.

The Direct Disciples of Jesus did not need Faith. Being of the Vine of Christ all they needed was their Will. It was only with the Rise of the Antichrist Paul, that the congregations were stripped of their Miraculous Powers. Paul needed to find an excuse to explain away the Loss of Power. The Explanation became the Doctrine of Faith -- and that nobody apparently had it.
mis-t-highs said:
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

Why? It seems like you are using a value judgment in order set a higher threshold for proof of phenomena that you have a prejudice against.
Crunchy Cat said:

3rd bumps a charm.

Hi Crunchy.

Lets keep going in this circle. I would like to protect Father Enuncio from Episcopal Persecution. Besides, I am almost certain that the hospitals did not document the fact that numbers of patients whom they declared dead were later found to be quite alive (Yes, it was a large Metropolatan Area in which there was more than one Catholic Hospital).

But I offer a compromise. The Lourdes Site I keep recommending. Here it is:

They documented over a hundred miracles.

It makes my miracles redundant, no?