The Miracles of Father Nacho

James R said:
Fine. By why go telling other people the story? Are they supposed to be convinced it is true just because you say it is?

You might as well keep it to yourself if this is the best you can offer.

By telling the story, I am offering a frame of reference. I am broadening your horizons by telling you of viewpoints of which you obviously have no experience.
Bells said:
You had the flu. The flu Leo.:rolleyes: You weren't healed by anyone. The bug had probably run its course by the time you got to the church. He probably looked a you funny because he realises that you're insane. And the story he told you about him bringing people back from the dead? It's probably just that. A story. He probably got a bigger laugh at the fact that you actually believed him.

Why ask for evidence? The fact that you can even ask that question shows that the mental institute should not let you use the internet anymore.

Dear Bells,

You should have read the story... or did I leave out the part where I was only barely sick a few days when everyone else in town was struck down for weeks.

But I would not suppose the Flu Cure was an extremely significant event, in itself, but it does show that Father Nacho was as certain that he had cured me as he must have been certain he had been temporarily raising people from the dead.

Okay, you may suppose that people were not raised from the dead, and that I was not cured of particularly nasty strain of the Flu, but, then consider that the point of the Story may be that some Catholic Priests would have no doubt that illness can be cured and people can be raised from the dead... on an almost casual day-to-day basis.
James R said:
It was probably just a cold. Most people don't know what the flu is. Influenza is a killer.

Yes, young children and old people with weak immune systems often die of the Flu. The symptoms are high fever, aches and pains, digestive problems. Such is what was going around town. The TV and Radio Stations were giving out Health Alerts and urging people to come in for FLU Shots. If only you had been there to reassure the entire Community and Medical Establishment that it was only a Cold going around.
Bells said:
I don't know about you guys, but I don't know whether to be saddened or amused by the fact that he had the flu and went to church to ask a priest to heal him. :eek:

Those are the only choices that occur to you? You are given an insight into the reality of another culture, and you suppose your only intellectual reaction is to choose between a happy emotion and a sad emotion. What!? You don't have a brain? You are given information and all you can do is wonder what you should FEEL. Are you a girl?
just like Leo, to avoid answering the obvious, give crunchy cat the information he requested(answer his post).
Cris said:
When someone has such strong blind convictions ...


I am the one speaking of the Huge Wave of Empirical Evidence that supports the Miraculous. Your ignoring my arguments and using cliches like "blind" to refer to me, show that you are the blind one.
Crunchy Cat
Registered User (538 posts) 08-01-04, 12:15 PM
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leo said:
I once met a strange and funny Priest. Many of the Parishioners didn’t like this guy. He was a bit abrasive. I once wanted to confess, and he asked about ‘what’, so I told him, and he told me it wasn’t important. I didn’t much like that—Hey! If I think it’s a sin, then it’s a sin! I could see how this priest could get on people’s nerves.

But then I had this strange experience with him. Although he was an old guy, he was a new Priest in the Parish and so he got the dirtiest job – the job that New Priests in a Parish always get – he was the Priest that had to go to the Hospitals in the middle of the night to give the Last Rites. This also made him the Priest in charge of the “healing sacraments”. Well, I got the flu. I was sick as a dog, but everyone knows that in late afternoon, no matter how sick you are, you get a little bit of a remission. So I jumped in the car and drove to the Church and looked around and found Father Nacho and asked him to cure me. He looked at me funny like I was joking, but I told him that I knew for a fact that it was his Job to do the healing, so “heal me!” So he said a quick blessing, and I went home. I felt better almost instantly but figured it was the accident of an afternoon remission, which often happens during a fever. But the fever never came back. Everyone else in Town was sick for two weeks, while I whistled a happy tune and had a spring in my step.

The next time I was in the Parish Office everyone was dumping on Father Nacho, with him standing right there. I said “Wait a minute!” and ripped into everybody how, obnoxious or not, Father Nacho was the Real Thing! A few minutes later Father Nacho signaled me to the door and we went outside for a talk. He told me this strange story. That when he first got the job of healing and giving Last Rites he would go to the hospitals, and since they always called him much too late, he would give last rites to the corpses. The startling thing is that they would come back to life. Of course, this would create havoc as the doctors and the nurses would have to get the crash carts and take the ‘corpses’ to intensive care. And every time they would just soon drop back into death. It happened again and again and again. The doctors and nurses were beginning to dread the death of any Catholic – they simply did not stay dead after Father Nacho would show up. Finally the doctors asked Father Nacho if he could give Last Rites without bringing them back to life. He said, “I guess so”. And from then on the dead bodies stayed dead.

So when I had confronted him that one day and asked to be cured, he wondered whether he would be able to cure me, since he had seemed to have renounced the ‘gift’, so to speak. He told me that he was very happy that he still had the “knack”! True story! ”


I would like to verify the claim of multiple ressurection. May I have the
full name of father Nacho, the full name and phone number of the hospital
he worked at, and the date range for which ressurection was performed?

If explicit dates, the names of doctors, or any other specifics could be
provided then that would be great.


Crunchy Cat
Registered User (538 posts) 08-02-04, 08:55 PM
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“ Originally Posted by Crunchy Cat

I would like to verify the claim of multiple ressurection. May I have the
full name of father Nacho, the full name and phone number of the hospital
he worked at, and the date range for which ressurection was performed?

If explicit dates, the names of doctors, or any other specifics could be
provided then that would be great.

Thanks. ”

*BUMP* Leo?
Crunchy Cat said:

I would like to verify the claim of multiple ressurection. May I have the
full name of father Nacho, the full name and phone number of the hospital
he worked at, and the date range for which ressurection was performed?

If explicit dates, the names of doctors, or any other specifics could be
provided then that would be great.


Why, you don't believe me?

So, for people who think I am a liar, I am supposed to intrude upon the privacy and the confidence of a Priest who proved to be a good friend of mine.

One does not discomfort friends in order to appease people who one suspects rather of being nasty and hateful.

Besides, if you have been following my Posts then you would know that the Bishops are the enemies of the Good Priests. By informing on the Good Father, it might result in the Bishops virtually imprisoning him.

So don't believe me. Its your loss.

Besides, some cases are completely published. The Investigators at Lourdes are totally published. The Sterling Hospital and the case of Prahlad Jani were published. But every Skeptic still found ample room to blow it all off.

It is my thinking that I am preparing you for the time when you will experience a miracle. Evidence has no effect on you, because it has never had any effect on you. But when you experience it first hand, then you will have to decide whether it is REAL, or whether you are INSANE. I am giving you a frame of reference whereby you may decide that it is REAL.
Leo Volont said:
Dear Bells,

You should have read the story... or did I leave out the part where I was only barely sick a few days when everyone else in town was struck down for weeks.
I did read the story Leo. And you still haven't sold it to me. Isn't it at all possible that you had a different strain of the bug? I have been sick for weeks with the flu. It resulted in my developing bronchitis and a cough that still refuses to leave me. My other half got a cold and his illness only lasted for 2 days. Do you see where I'm going with this? There are different strains of the flu going around. And there are common colds as well which are rarely as potent as the actual flu. My guess is that you had the cold which ran its course in a matter of a few days.

But I would not suppose the Flu Cure was an extremely significant event, in itself, but it does show that Father Nacho was as certain that he had cured me as he must have been certain he had been temporarily raising people from the dead.
Then my dear Leo, it is sad to say that Father Nacho is probably as delusional as you are.

Okay, you may suppose that people were not raised from the dead, and that I was not cured of particularly nasty strain of the Flu, but, then consider that the point of the Story may be that some Catholic Priests would have no doubt that illness can be cured and people can be raised from the dead... on an almost casual day-to-day basis.
I'm sure that there are priests out there in the world who are under the illusion that they can raise the dead and cure the flu. Amazing that the Vatican haven't picked up on it, nor any medical establishment or even the media. Or would you say that it is the Protestants who are at fault? More amazing still that these priests don't fulfil their duties and actually cure people from the flu and raised loved ones from the dead. I don't suppose that people aren't raised from the dead or cured from the flu Leo. I know that they don't.

Those are the only choices that occur to you? You are given an insight into the reality of another culture, and you suppose your only intellectual reaction is to choose between a happy emotion and a sad emotion. What!? You don't have a brain? You are given information and all you can do is wonder what you should FEEL. Are you a girl?
Was I supposed to exclaim 'halelujah'? Kneel down and praise the Lord for these miracles that I read about from a brainless religious zealot on the internet? Should I be feeling rejoiced at your little story? You haven't given ANY information Leo. Not one little bit of information. All you gave was a cute little bible like story of a priest named after a much loved Mexican food who can raise people from the dead and make you stop sneezing. You have given no proof of your claims. You merely expect us to give you the adulation that you feel you deserve. I'm sorry Leo, but you've come to the wrong place if you think that we are brainless hero worshippers.

And what does my sex have to do with it Leo? Does it offend you that a mere female could dare contradict you and see you for what you really are?

I am the one speaking of the Huge Wave of Empirical Evidence that supports the Miraculous. Your ignoring my arguments and using cliches like "blind" to refer to me, show that you are the blind one.
No. You are merely speaking of Father Nacho apparently raising people from the dead and clearing your sinuses. You have given no 'empirical evidence' to support your claim.

So, for people who think I am a liar, I am supposed to intrude upon the privacy and the confidence of a Priest who proved to be a good friend of mine.
We don't think you're a liar. Merely delusional. And you have already intruded upon the privacy and confidence of this priest by telling us what he has told you. Did you ask for his permission before you posted the story he recounted to you in confidence?
Bells said:
Psst crunchy... Leo never replies to questions that he knows the answers will prove him wrong or idiotic. He's like a politician dodging any questions that show how they aren't 'all there'.

So, it is just political dodging, and never in the history of the universe has anybody ever REALLY cared about their privacy and the privacy of their friends, especially, if indiscretion would result in serious harassment and persecution.

If you were the least bit acquainted with the Dynamics of Miracle Investigations, and how abusive Skeptics can be, you would understand that I should wish to protect my own identity and the identity of others.

Simply look at your own behavior toward me, and you can understand why I should wish to shield my friends from the same crass rudeness.
Leo Volont said:
So, it is just political dodging, and never in the history of the universe has anybody ever REALLY cared about their privacy and the privacy of their friends, especially, if indiscretion would result in serious harassment and persecution.

If you were the least bit acquainted with the Dynamics of Miracle Investigations, and how abusive Skeptics can be, you would understand that I should wish to protect my own identity and the identity of others.

Simply look at your own behavior toward me, and you can understand why I should wish to shield my friends from the same crass rudeness.
You still haven't answered my question in regards to whether you have asked this priest's permission to recount his story on the internet.

And I agree with you, everyone should be careful of their privacy. Hence why I have asked you the question above... twice.
Bells said:
You still haven't answered my question in regards to whether you have asked this priest's permission to recount his story on the internet.

And I agree with you, everyone should be careful of their privacy. Hence why I have asked you the question above... twice.

You must be retarded!

Have you not heard a word I said?

Go over it one more time and see if you can't figure out what my answer to your question is... or, then again, maybe you should go all the way back to Kindergarten... they say the Third Time is a Charm.
Leo Volont said:
You must be retarded!

Have you not heard a word I said?

Go over it one more time and see if you can't figure out what my answer to your question is... or, then again, maybe you should go all the way back to Kindergarten... they say the Third Time is a Charm.
Ah Leo, it is you who does not understand. I know that you hid his identity. But regardless of whether you hid his identity or not, you still do not realise that you have broken this man's confidence. Calling him Father Nacho doesn't mean anything. You still recounted a story he has told you in confidence.
Leo Volont said:
Why, you don't believe me?

So, for people who think I am a liar, I am supposed to intrude upon the privacy and the confidence of a Priest who proved to be a good friend of mine.

One does not discomfort friends in order to appease people who one suspects rather of being nasty and hateful.

Besides, if you have been following my Posts then you would know that the Bishops are the enemies of the Good Priests. By informing on the Good Father, it might result in the Bishops virtually imprisoning him.

So don't believe me. Its your loss.

Besides, some cases are completely published. The Investigators at Lourdes are totally published. The Sterling Hospital and the case of Prahlad Jani were published. But every Skeptic still found ample room to blow it all off.

It is my thinking that I am preparing you for the time when you will experience a miracle. Evidence has no effect on you, because it has never had any effect on you. But when you experience it first hand, then you will have to decide whether it is REAL, or whether you are INSANE. I am giving you a frame of reference whereby you may decide that it is REAL.


It's not a matter of me believing you nor am I calling you a liar. I am simply
trying to find facts that support a fantastic claim. I don't think I can do this
on my own which is why I want your cooperation.

I certainly don't want to cause your friends discomfort nor do I wish to be
perceived as nasty and hateful. Maybe we can ask Father Nacho if he would
like to help me? If he says 'yes' then there is no reason why we cannot
proceed. If you are worried about personal discosure then I will be more than
happy to communicate with you by private messaging and exchange phone
numbers, email addresses, and / or physical addresses so that we may
continue offline.

Thanks for taking the time to point out other places that have experienced
'miracle' phenomenon. While I appreciate it, I would prefer to focus on the
miracles of Father Nacho. Similarly, I appreciate the effort to 'prepare' me
for a miracle.

Let me know how you would like to proceed.
crunchy cat,bells,miss t
hahahaha youre funny................
why dont you come to my thread to give you some
sweet philosophicals answears,you know where,dont you?
still want to procees?

Philosopher Philocrazy
Crunchy Cat said:

It's not a matter of me believing you nor am I calling you a liar. I am simply
trying to find facts that support a fantastic claim.

Study the Miraculous. My story is not the only story. Go to the French Lourdes Site and click through to the Medical Organization that Pre-approves Cases that are forwarded for Vatican Consideration. Go to a Catholic Bookstore and buy a few books.

What I told you is True, but by no means especially remarkable. Many things that ARE remarkable are already published. The Truth is already out there.

But if you really want to know about Father Nacho... I'm not stopping you. There are enough internal clues in that Story where if you really wanted to, you could have it all checked out in less than two weeks.

Heck, I'm Charitable... I'll give you another clue. The Parish which Father Nacho came to required his services because another Priest had recently died. That Priest was REALLY considered a Saint. There are Miracle Stories floating around about him, but none that I can quote. But the Great Thing about this Previous Priest was that he SEEMED like a Saint. Father Nacho was funny looking, talked funny, and was obnoxious alot of the time, and so nobody would really think of him as Saint Material. Everybody in the Parish moans and groans that they have lost a Saint, but everybody has failed to see that Our Lady had quickly replaced Him. It is a well kept secret only because appearances can be deceiving. I know about him because years ago Our Lady gave me the Gift of the Faculty of True Discernment. So for me Father Nacho cannot hide his magnificent Soul behind the appearance of a funny looking, off-putting, foreign sounding little old man.
Leo Volont said:
Study the Miraculous. My story is not the only story. Go to the French Lourdes Site and click through to the Medical Organization that Pre-approves Cases that are forwarded for Vatican Consideration. Go to a Catholic Bookstore and buy a few books.

What I told you is True, but by no means especially remarkable. Many things that ARE remarkable are already published. The Truth is already out there.

But if you really want to know about Father Nacho... I'm not stopping you. There are enough internal clues in that Story where if you really wanted to, you could have it all checked out in less than two weeks.

Heck, I'm Charitable... I'll give you another clue. The Parish which Father Nacho came to required his services because another Priest had recently died. That Priest was REALLY considered a Saint. There are Miracle Stories floating around about him, but none that I can quote. But the Great Thing about this Previous Priest was that he SEEMED like a Saint. Father Nacho was funny looking, talked funny, and was obnoxious alot of the time, and so nobody would really think of him as Saint Material. Everybody in the Parish moans and groans that they have lost a Saint, but everybody has failed to see that Our Lady had quickly replaced Him. It is a well kept secret only because appearances can be deceiving. I know about him because years ago Our Lady gave me the Gift of the Faculty of True Discernment. So for me Father Nacho cannot hide his magnificent Soul behind the appearance of a funny looking, off-putting, foreign sounding little old man.


Thanks for the advice on how to study the miraculous. Unfortunately,
I don't think I was clear in my request so I'll try to restate it.

Father Nacho performed multiple resurrections at a particular hospital and
I would like to verify that the events happened as claimed.

* The full name of Father 'Nacho'.
* The full name of the hospital that Father Nacho performed the
* The phone number of the hospital that Father Nacho performed the
* The date range which Father Nacho performed the resurrections.

If this minimal set of information can be provided (and of course anything
extra is more than appreciated) then I can take the ball and run with it.
I do need explicit information however. Clues are unfortunatly not explicit,
may lead to incorrect interpretation, and have no confirmation behind them.
This is why I require explicit information and it would be a great help if this
could be provided as it is my understanding that you have all of this
information. Please let me know what obstacles (if any) would prevent
this information from being delivered to me explicitly.
Bells said:
Ah Leo, it is you who does not understand. I know that you hid his identity. But regardless of whether you hid his identity or not, you still do not realise that you have broken this man's confidence. Calling him Father Nacho doesn't mean anything. You still recounted a story he has told you in confidence.

Actually not.

His name IS Father Nacho. But I think there must be a few Father Nacho's so I wouldn't worry about that. The Real Father Nacho could still insist upon a plausible deniability.

But I am relying on a convention I've seen in Psychology Books where the Doctor talks in detail about Confidential Cases, protecting that confidentiality simply by not pointing specifically at his individual patients. By not specifically pointing out the Particulars of the Case, Father Nacho's confidentiality has been protected.

Yet, if somebody REALLY wanted to dig into it, they could find Father Nacho. But it would take so much work that I feel that they would sort of have earned the privelege of meeting him. And then it would up to Father Nacho himself to encourage or snub the advances.