The Miracles of Father Nacho

Crunchy Cat said:

Thanks for the advice on how to study the miraculous. Unfortunately,
I don't think I was clear in my request so I'll try to restate it.

Father Nacho performed multiple resurrections at a particular hospital and
I would like to verify that the events happened as claimed.

* The full name of Father 'Nacho'.
* The full name of the hospital that Father Nacho performed the
* The phone number of the hospital that Father Nacho performed the
* The date range which Father Nacho performed the resurrections.

If this minimal set of information can be provided (and of course anything
extra is more than appreciated) then I can take the ball and run with it.
I do need explicit information however. Clues are unfortunatly not explicit,
may lead to incorrect interpretation, and have no confirmation behind them.
This is why I require explicit information and it would be a great help if this
could be provided as it is my understanding that you have all of this
information. Please let me know what obstacles (if any) would prevent
this information from being delivered to me explicitly.

Quite selfcentered, are you not?

How could telling YOU any of this benefit either myself or Father Nacho? What if you were to investigate and find all of these things verifiably True, and were to Publish to that effect. It would force an Episcopal Investigation to prove that you were wrong. Contrary to what Atheists are all the time asserting, the Church is biased against Miracles... apparently the Other Masons ridicule the Bishops in their Ranks for encouraging all the Superstition. An Episcopal Investigation would lead to Father Nacho being placed under virtual arrest. Yes, it is counter-intuitive, but Catholics are effectively punished for speaking of Miracles. The same Office that used to be in charge of the Spanish Inquisition now is in charge of Investigating Allegations of the Miraculous. I am not saying they are unfair. But they are definitely UN-Fun.

And YOU, a perfect stranger, would ask me to unleash all of that on an innocent friend. Yes, indeed, you DO think very highly of yourself. It is unfortunate then, for yourself, that you are not the one who gets to make the decision.
Leo Volont said:
By telling the story, I am offering a frame of reference. I am broadening your horizons by telling you of viewpoints of which you obviously have no experience.

I'm sure JamesR has plenty of experience with people making things up, and believing in false "cures".
Repo Man said:
I'm sure JamesR has plenty of experience with people making things up, and believing in false "cures".

One would say that it is "easy to talk" except that it must be difficult for James R since he rarely puts more than 30 words... I should say 'characters' in anything he posts. Quick denials is all I've ever seen. I can't see that you can infer any great deal of experience from a short clipped denials. They are more likely the products of reflex prejudice or bigotry as any wide experience of actual events.
I haven't denied anything, Leo. All I have said is that I am skeptical of your claims. SInce you seem unwilling to provide anything which would allow them to be independently verified, I guess we'll have to leave it at that.
James R said:
I haven't denied anything, Leo. All I have said is that I am skeptical of your claims. SInce you seem unwilling to provide anything which would allow them to be independently verified, I guess we'll have to leave it at that.

You see! It takes no experience to say such clippy things.
Ok!! Leo I believe you. You got healed by your own faith though, father Nacho only renforced your belief by the power of suggestion. The dead people in the hospital were brought back from death by god to reinforce father Nachos convictions.

I got one for you.

When I was a child, a hurt a foot I went to father Ingnasio he prayed over my head, and asked for me to lay down, he started to undue my pants, and WAAALAA!! My foot got better and I ran the hell out of there. :D

Thus the moral of the story, when one's about to get in the tail by one of these sedastic catholic preists your pain seems to subside rather quickly.

Leo Volont said:
Quite selfcentered, are you not?

How could telling YOU any of this benefit either myself or Father Nacho? What if you were to investigate and find all of these things verifiably True, and were to Publish to that effect. It would force an Episcopal Investigation to prove that you were wrong. Contrary to what Atheists are all the time asserting, the Church is biased against Miracles... apparently the Other Masons ridicule the Bishops in their Ranks for encouraging all the Superstition. An Episcopal Investigation would lead to Father Nacho being placed under virtual arrest. Yes, it is counter-intuitive, but Catholics are effectively punished for speaking of Miracles. The same Office that used to be in charge of the Spanish Inquisition now is in charge of Investigating Allegations of the Miraculous. I am not saying they are unfair. But they are definitely UN-Fun.

And YOU, a perfect stranger, would ask me to unleash all of that on an innocent friend. Yes, indeed, you DO think very highly of yourself. It is unfortunate then, for yourself, that you are not the one who gets to make the decision.

Ok Leo, so it's established that you want something in return otherwise
the question "what's in it for me?" would have never arisen. Well then meistro,
let me ask the obvious question. What do you and / or Father Nacho want
in return?

If I were to investigate the claim and found evidence strongly supporting it
then YOU would stand a great chance in turning a huge number of SciForums
visitors into believers (myself included). If part of your doing 'God's will
is to lead people to 'God' the FUCK the Episcopal Investigation as that is
a work of 'Man' and take a risk that would could SAVE peoples 'souls'. Additionally, I would recommend letting Father 'Nacho' know about this
conversation and get his opinion on it.
Godless said:
Thus the moral of the story, when one's about to get in the tail by one of these sedastic catholic preists your pain seems to subside rather quickly.


Damn! It's like comedy hour around here.
Crunchy Cat said:
If I were to investigate the claim and found evidence strongly supporting it
then YOU would stand a great chance in turning a huge number of SciForums
visitors into believers (myself included). If part of your doing 'God's will
is to lead people to 'God' the FUCK the Episcopal Investigation as that is
a work of 'Man' and take a risk that would could SAVE peoples 'souls'. Additionally, I would recommend letting Father 'Nacho' know about this
conversation and get his opinion on it.

I've answered that! There is already evidence in plenty for the Miraculous. If you do not believe any of that, then why would you believe any of this.
You can't really believe that where 99 Books of miracles have no influence on the Forum here, that one more will turn the balance.

Also, consider that I am not writing for those who demand absolute proofs of the Miraculous. I am writing for the benefit of people who suspect that there are Miracles, and use my testimony as a validation for their own experience. Also, whether I give you proofs or not, by asserting that there are these and thousands of other miracles current in this day and age, I am bringing doubt to your certainty in Atheism. Science is not all in the Laboratory. There is also the Principles of Empirical Observation. Much of Atheism rests upon the Notion that there have never been observed Supernatural Events. Science does not need to explain non-existent phenomena. But now Miracles are a part of Our Observable Phenomena, and then Science has to retreat from it orignal Wall to the Citadel of saying, "Well, you can't prove your Observed Miracles in a Laboratory using Double Blind Peer Review Controlled Methodologies". You use Science's own limitations to say that Observable Phenomena isn't happening. That's silly.
Leo Volont said:
I've answered that! There is already evidence in plenty for the Miraculous. If you do not believe any of that, then why would you believe any of this.
You can't really believe that where 99 Books of miracles have no influence on the Forum here, that one more will turn the balance.

Also, consider that I am not writing for those who demand absolute proofs of the Miraculous. I am writing for the benefit of people who suspect that there are Miracles, and use my testimony as a validation for their own experience. Also, whether I give you proofs or not, by asserting that there are these and thousands of other miracles current in this day and age, I am bringing doubt to your certainty in Atheism. Science is not all in the Laboratory. There is also the Principles of Empirical Observation. Much of Atheism rests upon the Notion that there have never been observed Supernatural Events. Science does not need to explain non-existent phenomena. But now Miracles are a part of Our Observable Phenomena, and then Science has to retreat from it orignal Wall to the Citadel of saying, "Well, you can't prove your Observed Miracles in a Laboratory using Double Blind Peer Review Controlled Methodologies". You use Science's own limitations to say that Observable Phenomena isn't happening. That's silly.


I think the intent at hand may be mis-understood. A fantastic claim was
made... something that defies the known laws of physics and nature. Rather
than taking the position of asserting that it's all fairy-tales, I am offering
a partnership between you and I (along with Father 'Nacho') in the form of an
opportunity to support this specific fantastic claim (and not any others).
The consequence of cooperating could be potentially invaluable to the
mission of your chosen career.

Similarly, I am not claiming that your writings are for the sole purpose of
proving the miraculous; however, there is a large audience in this forum
whom could be influenced towards 'God' simply by proving one fantastic
miraculous claim. It's such a small step for a wonderful benefit don't you

I want to let you know that you are not bringing me to doubt anything. To
my knowledge the existence of 'miracles', 'God', 'dragons', etc. are claims
which have no empirical support. If any of them were to be proven 'true',
then I can easily accept it and it doesn't cause me to doubt my way
of thinking. Consider this... I am only an 'Atheist' because I don't accept
unsupported claims and someone created a word to label me as not
accepting the specific unsupported claim that 'God' exists.
I can easily understand why the doctors asked father Nacho to stop. It must be difficult to conduct business with brain eating zombie reanimated corpses running around.


Better that the dead stay dead.
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Crunchy Cat: Damn! It's like comedy hour around here.
M*W: Crunch, I did a search to look for Father Nacho to confirm the miracles Leo believes were true. You know there aren't that many Catholic Diosceses in this country if you look at them through the process of elimination. When I contacted the Dioscese in New Jersey, I spoke to a Father Frito who assisted me in my search. Father Frito was an interesting sort. Before he became a priest, he was an outlaw who reformed his ways. At one time, he was called the Frito Bandito in South Texas and Mexico.

Having explained to him about Leo Volont's end-stage psychiatric delusions, he was more than willing to help me find Father Nacho to work a miracle on Leo.

It seems that Father "Nacho" is a nickname, so we had to go further by looking into the Archdiosceses around the country. We located a priest in New Hampshire who referred us to a Father Dorito in northern NH that has a decided Acadian influence. He seems to recall Leo through another priest, the parish and town I can't remember just now. Apparently this other priest had come from somewhere in the midwest, either North Dakota or Nebraska. He knew Father "Nacho" and confirmed the miracles to be true, much to my surprise.

I finally located Father "Nacho" who remembered Leo well. He went on to tell me the story of his "miracles," one of which was of Leo himself! Father "Nacho" told me that those people who were dying in the hospital truly believed in miracles. A miracle was their only hope. It was the only thing they could cling to. Father "Nacho" also said he worked a miracle on Leo. Leo, and many of his neighbors, had the flu at the same time. It was an epidemic going through the area. Leo asked Father "Nacho" to pray for him and heal him. Amazingly, Leo's symptoms subsided, but the other "non-believes" in town didn't respond as fast as Leo did, of course, with the aid of a miracle! Father "Nacho" admitted that he didn't have the "power" himself to create miracles. He said that miracles stem from the mind of the believer. All Father "Nacho" did was teach his parishoners to believe in the power miracles! Apparently, he was very successful in doing just that. And that was the extent of our conversation.

I was sad to learn shortly thereafter I had spoken to Father "Nacho" that he had died. The new parish priest, Father Taquito read him his last rites. I understand that Father "Nacho" will be buried next Tuesday following Holy Mass in Our Lady of Picodegallo Catholic Cemetery.
I guess if we were to attend this mass, we would find Bishop "Frito Lay" and father Tostitos, present for this event. :)

So leo, do you believe in aliens? I mean, with all the scientifically gathered evidence of little green men, I bet you believe in them as much as miracles. Like how can somebody NOT believe in aliens? The truth is out there...but do we have it down here?

Strange that god creates all kinds of health problems for us...then gives his power to cure these afflictions to a lowly human like mr nacho...or a stream called order to correct his mistakes.

Do you see the irony?
That's funny. I think these type of common miracles occur quite often, but most people don't try to go public with them.
Godless: I guess if we were to attend this mass, we would find Bishop "Frito Lay" and father Tostitos, present for this event. :)
M*W: Yes, they're officiating at the Holy Mass. I understand that they will be distributing the Holy Eucharist, made by the Order of the Tacolite Nuns who have perfected the Body of Christ to have a slightly salty crunch. Fathers Frito and Tostito plan to pass around the Holy Chalice containing the Blood of Christ to all those parishoners receiving communion. Father Frito said Blood of Christ to be used at this ceremony has a chunky texture of tomato-y freshness with a hint of jalopena salsa. Sister Margarita is providing refreshments in the Parish Hall after the funeral. A fun time will be had by all.
Medicine Woman said:
Godless: I guess if we were to attend this mass, we would find Bishop "Frito Lay" and father Tostitos, present for this event. :)
M*W: Yes, they're officiating at the Holy Mass. I understand that they will be distributing the Holy Eucharist, made by the Order of the Tacolite Nuns who have perfected the Body of Christ to have a slightly salty crunch. Fathers Frito and Tostito plan to pass around the Holy Chalice containing the Blood of Christ to all those parishoners receiving communion. Father Frito said Blood of Christ to be used at this ceremony has a chunky texture of tomato-y freshness with a hint of jalopena salsa. Sister Margarita is providing refreshments in the Parish Hall after the funeral. A fun time will be had by all.

Oh #!@!!, I nearly fell out of my seat reading all this. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! :D :D
Crunchy Cat: Oh #!@!!, I nearly fell out of my seat reading all this. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! :D :D[/QUOTE]
M*W: I'm happy that I made you laugh! We all need a good laugh once in a while. I even needed one myself, today!
mario said:
Strange that god creates all kinds of health problems for us...then gives his power to cure these afflictions to a lowly human like mr nacho...or a stream called order to correct his mistakes.

Do you see the irony?

Maybe we all have the potential to do this, not just Father Nacho. Jesus did mention that super human feats can be accomplished if you have enough faith and do not doubt.

Matthew 21:21
Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

davewhite04 said:
Maybe we all have the potential to do this, not just Father Nacho. Jesus did mention that super human feats can be accomplished if you have enough faith and do not doubt.

Matthew 21:21
Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.


Father Nacho had the added advantage that it was his assigned job to do such things and he was a Priest of the Holy Catholic Church. This would make him a Live Graft into the Living Vine of Christ. Protestants, no matter what they think they have Faith in, will never know any true miracles, because they voluntarily and quite rather ruthlessly cut themselves off from the Vine of Christ and the Source of All Grace