The Mark of the Beast

Quote wjj:
"Gods values are wholesome."

* What exactly are gods values?
stretched said:
Quote wjj:
"Gods values are wholesome."

* What exactly are gods values?
Silly! You know... stuff like killing every man, woman and child in various countries, taking the gold and silver for himself and french-frying anyone who grabs any of His gold, drowning a 'worldful of people', punishing 10 million of his chosen in death camps, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Burning Times, oh the list of the doings of YHVH goes on and on and on and on... little incest here with His buddy Noah and his daughters, His buddy Abraham the cowardly husband, suicide bombers, etc... These are the values of the monster god.
These are the fruits by which the tree is known.. Enough to give a teenager nightmares!
Uh oh.. wait a min.. first the nightmares, then fundamentalism!
No more nightmares!
Praise the Lord!!
The Seal of God and The Mark of the Beast

The Seal of God in their foreheads is simply someone whose mind is consumed with God and the things of God.

The Mark of the Beast in the hand and the forehead is simply someone who is consumed with money/business. As christ said: "The love of money is the root of all evil". Christ also said: Those who buy and sell will never know the things of the Father. In Revelations it is said that if you do not have the mark of the beast, you cannot buy or sell. You cannot be a business man unless you have the mark of the beast.

I have hated money from the time I was young and knew in my soul that business was evil.
This is the difference between us and is the proof that the two marks are present today and always have been.

Christ also said in the Gospel of Thomas when he was asked: "When shall the dead rest and the new world come?","What you seek has already come to pass".

So everyone is consumed with business and is doomed. This is the evidence you were looking for. Even the preachers are consumed with the business of supporting themselves and their ministries. None but those with the seal of God will ever know the things of God.

Christ said all things will be revealed. I'm here to reveal. Maybe I can save a few and curse the rest.
that's not evidence. that's a madman's interpretation of scripture based on inaccurate citations.
witnessjudgejury said:
The Seal of God and The Mark of the Beast

The Seal of God in their foreheads is simply someone whose mind is consumed with God and the things of God.

The Mark of the Beast in the hand and the forehead is simply someone who is consumed with money/business. As christ said: "The love of money is the root of all evil". Christ also said: Those who buy and sell will never know the things of the Father. In Revelations it is said that if you do not have the mark of the beast, you cannot buy or sell. You cannot be a business man unless you have the mark of the beast.

I have hated money from the time I was young and knew in my soul that business was evil.
This is the difference between us and is the proof that the two marks are present today and always have been.

Christ also said in the Gospel of Thomas when he was asked: "When shall the dead rest and the new world come?","What you seek has already come to pass".

So everyone is consumed with business and is doomed. This is the evidence you were looking for. Even the preachers are consumed with the business of supporting themselves and their ministries. None but those with the seal of God will ever know the things of God.

Christ said all things will be revealed. I'm here to reveal. Maybe I can save a few and curse the rest.

If you have not bought anything and hate money soo much, how do you have a computer to type on? Do you come out of your cave on a daily basis, stroll into your local library and type this stuff? Or does the power of christ give you the ability to bring this supremely entertaining information to us without the benefit of tecnology?
dr. cello said:
i'm still waiting for destruction and suffering. right now everything is rosey.

cello i did not even think to answer this one because even most athiest believe the word is headed for ecological disaster. Many scientists believe it is irreversible. Even if we stop burning fossil fuels many believe there is a runaway greenhouse effect happening now with the massive release of methane from the melting permafrost. But anyway this might be true or it might not be true. The real reason i am posting to you now is not to tell you the above but to go out on a limb and tell you that i have had a dream. That’s right a dream. Ready for this?

You see i believe God has given me a dream about destruction. Maybe you will be alive when this happens and it will be a personal sign for you? I am not sure if the dream is for you or for someone else here. But anyway i will give you it.

The Dream:

I was looking as people standing on a shoreline looking out to sea. Behind them i saw a very menacing dark cloudy sky. Now above them i saw a string of white letters. I could not make it out. As i looked some of the letters fell away and the remaining letters congealed into two words. The Words where.


Now i did not know who or what Thera was so i did a google search. I clicked on the first site that came up and medially knew the message of the dream.

You see Thera is an island in the eastern Mediteranian also known as Santorini. You can read about it yourself here>>>

From Biblical prophecy the sky will be darkened just before the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Now from my reading of revelation i have always thought that a large comet strike would produce the ejection of matter into the atmosphere to create that darkness. But now i believe that it will be the eruption of Thera that will cause the darkness.

Of course i do not expect anyone here to believe one word of this now. But maybe cello you will still be alive when this eruption happens? So remember the name Thera remember the Island of Santorini. I believe it is going to provide a very violent eruption.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
witnessjudgejury said:
:rolleyes: I am of few words so let me reveal this to you simply

The Mark of the Beast is the work you have done with your right hand and your forehead. It is the Pride, selfishness, removing God from the nation, Selling your interpretations of Gods word in books and movies, lusting after your lusts and pleasures and greed, etc. None have loved God nor obeyed his commandments and all have received the mark of the beast with open arms, save the Elect of God (The 144,000).

This said, you have sealed your eternal fate and this being revealed to you marks the beginning of the Lords Day.

paybacks are a bitch.

feel free to talk amongst yourselves.

Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred sixteen.

There is no way I am going to read six pages of bizarre post when it has been stated before about the beast and its mark.

600 = DC
16 = was the address number before it was changed, which is now 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Who is putting themselves out there as the most powerful nation?
What country can buy or sell without this powerful nations okay or say so?
fieryice said:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred sixteen.

There is no way I am going to read six pages of bizarre post when it has been stated before about the beast and its mark.

600 = DC
16 = was the address number before it was changed, which is now 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

17:10 And there are seven kings:
five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

continues here;
for it is the number of a man

Man's number, man's numbering not angel or angel language, simply man's.

the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

The League of Nations was, then was not and now is the United Nations, interestly their headquarters is in New York.

The bottom line Democracy/Demonocracy.

What is our governing suppose to be? Monarchy, Kingship.
fiery ice said:
Man's number, man's numbering not angel or angel language, simply man's.
nice fluid movement here. re-affirm "for it is the number of A man"

The League of Nations was, then was not and now is the United Nations, interestly their headquarters is in New York.
unity is a desirable method of social development.

" The bottom line Democracy/Demonocracy " its your choice.

What is our governing suppose to be?
as autonomous individuals we are suppose to be self governing.
The beast is both a man and the empire he rules. And when his name/title is calculated it totals 666.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
much like Nero, who, along with his actions, fits the description in Revelation perfectly.

John was a prophet! only, he was telling a story about the past.
Nero Caesar in Hebrew is given by the Hebrew letters corresponding to nrwn qsr. Someone writting in the book in greek, but expressing Hebrew gematria would have calculated the number of the name to be six hundred and sixty six. In latin the name would have been given by the latin letters corresponding to nrw qsr which yields six hundred and sixteen. It just so happens that the oldest surviving fragment of the new testament though it is a greek copy says that the number is six hundred and sixteen, not six hundred and sixty six which indicates that the number does represent Nero and this copy retained the number of a latin copyist. The mark of the beast, not the number is what Rev 13:16 says the people who buy or sell are caused to receive in their hand or forhead although Vs 17 seems to imply that those who receive the mark also receive the number and name. The people literally received the mark of Nero when they bought and sold as coins had his image on them. The mark in their forhead seems to be symbolic as the verse after 18 says that the 144 thousand have the name of the father of the lamb written in their forheads. I think the author was condeming those who would use the coin of the Christian and Jew persecutor Nero. Unfortunately for Christian proponents of the new testament, none of this was prophetic as it was likely written durring or after the Reign of Nero.

I have looked at things from our time that could in any way correspond to this as a prophesy. The best candidate I have come across is bar codes which may also be connected to Bill gates. The vast majority of bar codes have two sets of numbers that are separated by two thin lines in the middle and have identicle two thin lines on the far left and on the far right. If you find a bar code with the numbers *on the right side* containing a 6 you can find identicle two thin lines above it which represent a 6 to the computer. So the two thin lines on the left middle and right may be read off 666. Everyone who buys or sells receives the number in their hand when they as much as pick up the merchandise. Bill gates may be called by Bill Gates III. Bill Gates in ascii representation sums up to 663 and then the III added yields 666. Then again, you can find a way to sum a lot of things to 666. William J. Clinton is 666 in both Hebrew and Greek. What has been proposed as being an anchient title of the pope
vicarius filii dea
is 666 in latin. Satan in greek is Teitan and is 666. The list goes on and on.