The Mark of the Beast

Hold everything guys!

I think witnessjudgejury knows what he's talking about. 2 destruvtive U.S. hurricane's, a killer foreign tsunami, and a world full of terrorists going balalalalalalalalala *kablooie*? Clearly, nature and man have nothing to with these things and the world will end by Wednesday!!!!!

Just to be sure I consulted the Shlank Shlank (a rather wise and powerfu devon rex). When confronted with the question, she looked up into my eyes and with all her soul said "Maaaaaaa!". Admittedly, my feline is a bit rusty; however, I am pretty sure she said "Payback's a bitch homie!"... either that or "Give me tuna now!". I am pretty sure it was the former though.
look out the window, are all the dolphins leaving.
if so the end of "the world is nigh".

see the film/tv/radio play/book the "hitchhikers guide to the galaxy".
witnessjudgejury said:
:rolleyes: I am of few words so let me reveal this to you simply

The Mark of the Beast is the work you have done with your right hand and your forehead. It is the Pride, selfishness, removing God from the nation, Selling your interpretations of Gods word in books and movies, lusting after your lusts and pleasures and greed, etc. None have loved God nor obeyed his commandments and all have received the mark of the beast with open arms, save the Elect of God (The 144,000).

This said, you have sealed your eternal fate and this being revealed to you marks the beginning of the Lords Day.

paybacks are a bitch.

feel free to talk amongst yourselves.'re a prude, and a retard, and a christian...of course, all three seem to go hand-in-hand on this forum.
a question for you, witness. why is it that you, the alleged handpiece of God, are wasting your time on a relatively small set of scientific forums attempting to demonstrate your divine power to people? shouldn't you be spreading word of coming destruction to the people at large?
a question for you, witness. why is it that you, the alleged handpiece of God, are wasting your time on a relatively small set of scientific forums attempting to demonstrate your divine power to people? shouldn't you be spreading word of coming destruction to the people at large?

A lot of people avoid deserts when looking to grow food. But some know that after many days travelling they might come to an oasis.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
witnessjudgejury said:
:rolleyes: I am of few words so let me reveal this to you simply

The Mark of the Beast is the work you have done with your right hand and your forehead. It is the Pride, selfishness, removing God from the nation, Selling your interpretations of Gods word in books and movies, lusting after your lusts and pleasures and greed, etc. None have loved God nor obeyed his commandments and all have received the mark of the beast with open arms, save the Elect of God (The 144,000).

This said, you have sealed your eternal fate and this being revealed to you marks the beginning of the Lords Day.

paybacks are a bitch.

feel free to talk amongst yourselves.

I find that I do so much work with my forehead... :bugeye:

The 144,000 are jews...

And you're unfortunately mistaken about the mark. It is a genetic alteration that causes the immortality of the flesh and the death of the spirit, among other things.
Adstar said:
A lot of people avoid deserts when looking to grow food. But some know that after many days travelling they might come to an oasis.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

and the relevance there would be...?
It is a genetic alteration that causes the immortality of the flesh and the death of the spirit, among other things.
whose interpretation is this?
And you're unfortunately mistaken about the mark. It is a genetic alteration that causes the immortality of the flesh and the death of the spirit, among other things.

Lori 7 where did you get that one from?

I have another candidate for mark of the beast.

It is a sub-dermal micro device with a radio transmitter and a microchip designed to be an ID device, linked in with a electronic funds transfer system. Designed to be used to replace money in a cash-less society.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
As a side issue i would like to conduct a symbolisim interpritation test.

The question was asked:

a question for you, witness. why is it that you, the alleged handpiece of God, are wasting your time on a relatively small set of scientific forums attempting to demonstrate your divine power to people? shouldn't you be spreading word of coming destruction to the people at large?

My symbolic answer was:

A lot of people avoid deserts when looking to grow food. But some know that after many days travelling they might come to an oasis.

Dr. cello does not have any idea what it could mean:

and the relevance there would be...?

So now i an curious. I would like to see some interpretations, lets see who can take my symbolic statement and translate it into plain English? I await your attempts with tingling anticipation. :)

The winner is the one who comes up with the closest interpretation to my meaning. ;)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Hi Adstar :)

I'm having a guess ...

Sciforums is the desert in which WJJ seeks to sow his seeds of knowledge. Most people wouldn't bother given that sciforums is a deeply atheist domain. However WJJ knows if he sticks with it long enough he is sure to come to a place where those seeds will be able to take root?

Having said that I find some stuff he says to be a little weird. i.e. God saved us by the blood of the lamb in order to exact his revenge upon us??? Lol, thats hardly scriptural. It sounds to me like WJJ believes he is a prophet, that he is uniquely favored and God has given him the unique honor of sticking his tongue out out everyone else. I think perhaps a little inner humilty is needed. Perhaps WJJ should go wash the feet of AID's victims in Africa.

i understand perfectly, but it's irrelevant. who cares if stupid people walk around in a desert looking for oases? the wise man has better places to plant.

and compared to even the 144,000 people he's obsessed with, sciforums, even if every member was active, contains less than a tenth of that. when trying to reach a lot of people, going somewhere where you can't reach a lot of them even if you tried is a bit silly.
ellion said:
whose interpretation is this?

This is my own interpretation based upon what God has shown me...which has been quite a lot in regards to this particular subject. This is what my miracle is all about. You know, the rock star miracle that everyone makes fun of me about, and tells me that I'm crazy and delusional because of? See, rock star had the mark given to him. He experienced the deception, accepted the mark, and lived for years (7 years I think) with the reprocussions of it. Now that God has healed him, he'll tell everyone about what has happened to him, and what it all means. This is revelations prophecy revealed.
Adstar said:
Lori 7 where did you get that one from?

I have another candidate for mark of the beast.

It is a sub-dermal micro device with a radio transmitter and a microchip designed to be an ID device, linked in with a electronic funds transfer system. Designed to be used to replace money in a cash-less society.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I never did understand the logic behind this candidate. Maybe you could explain. What does electronic funds transfer systems have to do with salvation and rebirth in Christ? Are you assuming that you'll have to deny Christ in order to buy or sell something? What if someone lies just to get what they need? It just seems like it would have to involve a lot more than that. What about the circumstances surrounding such a system? What about chips used to locate missing animals...what about children? How is wanting to locate a missing child denying Christ? You may be relying more on man/machine instead of Him in this particular circumstance...but how could that constitute a complete denial and rejection? I think it's an example of a degree of denial, but not something that would warrant the title "the mark of the beast".
ellion said:
what do we win?

A cuddle ((((((((((((((((winner))))))))))))))))) and a smile. :D

But it looks like c20H25N3o has got it about 80% right. So i will have to give her a Cuddle. Ellion remember next time to "strike while the iron is hot." (symbolic for take the opportunity to answer the question while you have got the chance before someone else takes the glory) ;)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
witnessjudgejury said:
:rolleyes: I am of few words so let me reveal this to you simply

The Mark of the Beast is the work you have done with your right hand and your forehead. It is the Pride, selfishness, removing God from the nation, Selling your interpretations of Gods word in books and movies, lusting after your lusts and pleasures and greed, etc. None have loved God nor obeyed his commandments and all have received the mark of the beast with open arms, save the Elect of God (The 144,000).

This said, you have sealed your eternal fate and this being revealed to you marks the beginning of the Lords Day.

paybacks are a bitch.

feel free to talk amongst yourselves.
And I thought it was UPC codes:
Probably a self fulfilling prophecy, but I admit it is uncanny.
c20H25N3o said:
Hi Adstar :)

I'm having a guess ...

Sciforums is the desert in which WJJ seeks to sow his seeds of knowledge. Most people wouldn't bother given that sciforums is a deeply atheist domain. However WJJ knows if he sticks with it long enough he is sure to come to a place where those seeds will be able to take root?

Having said that I find some stuff he says to be a little weird. i.e. God saved us by the blood of the lamb in order to exact his revenge upon us??? Lol, thats hardly scriptural. It sounds to me like WJJ believes he is a prophet, that he is uniquely favored and God has given him the unique honor of sticking his tongue out out everyone else. I think perhaps a little inner humilty is needed. Perhaps WJJ should go wash the feet of AID's victims in Africa.


(((((((((((((((((((((c20H25N3o))))))))))))))))))) huggles

You are keyed in to the symbolic jargon well herec20H25N3o. But one thing. I was talking for myself, I was Not talking about WJJ i agree with your observation "stuff he says to be a little weird"

So lets get back to the symbolic speech.

"A lot of people avoid deserts when looking to grow food. But some know that after many days travelling they might come to an oasis."

People = Followers of Jesus who bear witness to Him to the world.

Deserts = Places like Sci Forums where there is a lot of hatred for God and especially followers of Jesus. Sowing the seeds = Message of God in a desert seems stupid because without good soil and water the seeds will not even germinate. So a lot of my words fall on deaf and hostile ears.

Oasis = People who are trapped in a desert that are isolated from the message of the Jesus but who upon hearing it will prove to be fertile ground for the seed and will grow a fine crop.

Now why don't i just go somewhere where the resistance is easy (plenty of rain, good climate) and their is a lot of receptive people (good productive farming land) Because the Oasis's (receptive people) in the desert ( God hating environments) need someone to come to them and give them a chance to receive the seed. (Message of salvation) If in my whole life i am used by God to bring just one Oasis to produce food (saved by Jesus) then my life will not have been in vain. Someone has to do it. ;) This is not the worst place to sow seeds. I hear mecca is a very dry and barren place.

I think i have come across two Oasis in this desert. One left without me knowing if the seeds i planted would grow so i do not know about that one?
The other is still here at sci forums and i do not know if the seed will grow and bear fruit there either? Many Oases are swamped by the desert sands as the harsh winds drives the sand to cover them and smother out their life.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
dr. cello said:
i understand perfectly, but it's irrelevant. who cares if stupid people walk around in a desert looking for oases? the wise man has better places to plant.

and compared to even the 144,000 people he's obsessed with, sciforums, even if every member was active, contains less than a tenth of that. when trying to reach a lot of people, going somewhere where you can't reach a lot of them even if you tried is a bit silly.

You understand very little dr cello. And your pride blocks you from admitting it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I'm afraid it's not really related to the thread, but I thought I'd just stick my neck out and say I'm rather enjoying the climate of religion bashing in this particular part of the forum. I'm a little tired of peoples' religious views being regarded as special and off limits. I accept that we have a right to our beliefs, but if I can scoff at the delusions held by Richard Hoagland, Tom Cruise, Uri Gellar etc., then I'm damn well going to scoff at any similarly fatuous beliefs.

I really appreciate the irreverence and entertainment value.