The Mark of the Beast

ellion said:
adstar, it seems to me you also worship an evil god. given what you say, you are worshipping a beast.

See Lori 7, Here ellion is calling The God of Abraham evil. From his own free will he has rejected the love of the truth.

Same with other posters here. You see what they "approve of" and what they "disapprove of" They reveal their spirit so clearly and openly. Almost as if on Que.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
See Lori 7, Here ellion is calling The God of Abraham evil. From his own free will he has rejected the love of the truth.

Same with other posters here. You see what they "approve of" and what they "disapprove of" They reveal their spirit so clearly and openly. Almost as if on Que.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: Abraham, if he existed, and that is very unlikely, was a polytheist NOT a monotheist! He worshipped the gods of Canaan. Most likely, however, Abraham ushered in the Sign of Aries, the Ram. Remember, his name changed from Abram to Abraham. All that did was signify that Ra, the Sun god, was with him. He was the first sign of the zodiac, hence all the references to sparing Isaac with a young ram.

There is a whole story line about Sarai and Hagar. Sarah was an Egyptian princess (pharaoh's daughter as Abraham was pharaoh's son). They were half-brother-sister, according to Egyptian law -- if they existed. Does that mean Ishmael and Isaac existed -- I don't know but probably not. Ishmael was the firstborn son, and Isaac, after all, was nothing but a joke!

You people have been anthropomorphising these zodiacal characters since time immemorial. It's time you faced reality.
Adstar said:
See Lori 7, Here ellion is calling The God of Abraham evil. From his own free will he has rejected the love of the truth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

how many gods are there?
adstar, i would still say it is true that the god you are worshipping is the unfaithful, merciless and decietful beast. and the image of this beast you worship, well what could that be? †

i wonder then do you worship this beast to save your soul from the torment of eternity. were you promised life eternal if you just accept this beast as you master? was your first death in the baptismal font marked with a cross upon your forehead?

this is what i rejected not the love of the truth. your judegemnent of me receals your spirit also, but then we are all naked, we have always been naked since what you may call the fall.

it is no shame to me to stand revealed with all my sin, for in truth their is no sin. we are simply children learning to be gods.
how many gods are there?

Billions, one for each individuals imagination, throughout history.
i wonder then do you worship this beast to save your soul from the torment of eternity. were you promised life eternal if you just accept this beast as you master? was your first death in the baptismal font marked with a cross upon your forehead? this is what i rejected not the love of the truth.

Well i was baptized in the way you mentioned and i also rejected that worthless ceremony in that dead church when i accepted Jesus as Messiah.

You see i rejected that when i accepted the Love of the truth. You rejected that and Also the Love of the Truth. You call the One whom i believe an "unfaithful, merciless and deceitful beast" The Creator of all Existence knows whom i believe in. And He knows whom you follow.

it is no shame to me to stand revealed with all my sin, for in truth their is no sin. we are simply children learning to be gods.

Such pride, such rebellion. You have embraced satans deception “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God," .

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
"Such pride, such rebellion. You have embraced satans deception “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God," .

So, according to the myth, god said that if they 'eat' of the 'fruit', they shall surely die.
The 'serpent' said that they wouldn't surely die but their eyes would be opened.
They didn't die and their eyes WERE opened.
who was the real liar?

(Thanks all for the fun read!)
adstar said:
and Also the Love of the Truth
can you be more direct with me in this matter. you are willing to judge me and even to talk about me in a very cowardly way to lori. if you are judging me thus be congruent with me and tell me my faults.

see this leaves me wondering; what you refer to as truth, is it he whose name is true that you think i have rejected the love of?

Such pride, such rebellion.
pride?, yes i am proud! we probably give pride different value. a lion has pride, the lion is a beast also, but a beast that has no need to disguise its own nature. rebellion? definitley! rebellious against the fallacy of an unapproachable father. rebellious against the authority of dogmatic chritsian ideals, ideals which restrict the soul of man to a meak and lowly expression of its true divinity. rebellious against god? sometimes but we work things out, the god i know is forgiving, i dont even have to pray for it.

adstar said:
You have embraced satans deception “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God," .
christian doctrine is a web of lies this is one of the greater, being faithful and true lies have no place to root.

John 10:34
"Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"
I have visited you alright. As always, I am rejected here. Your problem is that I will reject you when you get there and "paybacks are a bitch".

I'll raise up a demonic king for you to love on your way out.
i'm still waiting for destruction and suffering. right now everything is rosey.
Can't y'all see that poor 'witness' is not in need of ridicule here but serious professional help? He seems dangerously delusional!
ellion said:
can you be more direct with me in this matter. you are willing to judge me and even to talk about me in a very cowardly way to lori. if you are judging me thus be congruent with me and tell me my faults.

see this leaves me wondering; what you refer to as truth, is it he whose name is true that you think i have rejected the love of?

pride?, yes i am proud! we probably give pride different value. a lion has pride, the lion is a beast also, but a beast that has no need to disguise its own nature. rebellion? definitley! rebellious against the fallacy of an unapproachable father. rebellious against the authority of dogmatic chritsian ideals, ideals which restrict the soul of man to a meak and lowly expression of its true divinity. rebellious against god? sometimes but we work things out, the god i know is forgiving, i dont even have to pray for it.

christian doctrine is a web of lies this is one of the greater, being faithful and true lies have no place to root.

John 10:34
"Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"

I don't think there is anything else i can say to you ellion. You are totaly fixed in your pride.

the god i know is forgiving

God is forgiving to those who ask for forgiveness. Not to the rebellious prideful ones that state:

is no shame to me to stand revealed with all my sin, for in truth their is no sin

You do not know God at all.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
witnessjudgejury said:
I have visited you alright. As always, I am rejected here. Your problem is that I will reject you when you get there and "paybacks are a bitch".

I'll raise up a demonic king for you to love on your way out.
M*W: Why do you think you've been rejected? Where do you get this power to reject us when we get "there," wherever "there" is while you get revenge on us. Where do you get the power to raise up a demonic king? It sounds as if you are being controlled by the dark side. No one here fears you or anything you say.
Adstar said:
I don't think there is anything else i can say to you ellion. You are totaly fixed in your pride.
i expect nothing more from you. you are a christian. you cannot see past you restrictive idealist inhibitions. people only have value to you, when they agree with you beliefs. anyone that takes a different position, has a different understanding, or interprets reality differently from you is evil, and must be "saved" form themselves by accepting the beast as their master, or losing their life to the eternal fire.

fixed in my pride? you seem to think this is a negative. as a lion, i can fulfill my role here and value myself, i can love myself, and i am loved, with my sins, i can value others, i can love others, with their sins. even you are valued though you are different and your sins are of a different order. even you i can love though your ideals are an offense. it is the person inside, the real self that is good and lovable to me, not the thoughts, not the beliefs or the behaviour.

do you hate people that are proud? do you hate people that are rebellious. do you hate sinners? your judgements of others will be measured out to you too.

God is forgiving to those who ask for forgiveness. Not to the rebellious prideful ones that state:
he knows what i need before asking. in secret, my child, in secret.

You do not know God at all.
you do not know this at all. you are making judegments again. you place your own value on my words and build a house on a swamp. is this how you came to be saved did you form you beliefs this hastily. or is this simply a way of attacking what you cannot bare to face. is this your cowardice again. i see you are still not able to speak directly to me. what if you were wrong what if all i say is true? what if people are loved by god no matter what they do on earth? what if i god was forgiving without the need to beg of him? wha t if god did know what i need before i know myself? what if i do know god? what if you are worshipping the lifelss image of a beast? how would you face that?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
praise everyman you meet but purge him if his weakness.
witness judge jury said:
I have visited you alright. As always, I am rejected here. Your problem is that I will reject you when you get there and "paybacks are a bitch".

I'll raise up a demonic king for you to love on your way out.
you have not been rejected here, what you say has been rejected, but not you. you are wlecome her by all, i hope. you are definitely welcome here by me. if you feel rejected here it is perhaps because you put to much value on what you are talking about. if you work with people on where you communication is failing to be accepted you may come to some undestanding of how to have your expereince accepted a litttle more. it may even be that people are jsut not ready to accept what you are saying. this is no reflection on you or them, it is just not the right time for those two perspectives to meet each other.

you are certainly not rejected however.
The Lords Day is the day when God pours out his wrath on the last, wicked generation on earth. The Sabbath day is His day of rest.

You can see what comes out of your mind and your hands from your comments on this thread.

I appreciate the vote of confidence and that I am not rejected, but, my words are me.
That is like saying that 2000 years ago, they were not ready to accept Christ, so they killed him. I suppose the tribulation will put everyone through the fire and will make them ready. Most of them will curse God when going through the fire of purification and will not be ready to accept him until the final day of judgement when they are face to face with him.

Gods values are wholesome. There is nothing wholesome about most of the comments posted here. In fact, the world and the U.S. is becoming less and less wholesome with the removal of prayer from the schools, tolerance, the removal of the Ten Commandments, and the rising liberal contamination of the country. The children of this generation are growing farther from God and have no hope of ever accepting him.
witnessjudgejury said:
The Lords Day is the day when God pours out his wrath on the last, wicked generation on earth. The Sabbath day is His day of rest.

You can see what comes out of your mind and your hands from your comments on this thread.

I appreciate the vote of confidence and that I am not rejected, but, my words are me.
That is like saying that 2000 years ago, they were not ready to accept Christ, so they killed him. I suppose the tribulation will put everyone through the fire and will make them ready. Most of them will curse God when going through the fire of purification and will not be ready to accept him until the final day of judgement when they are face to face with him.

Gods values are wholesome. There is nothing wholesome about most of the comments posted here. In fact, the world and the U.S. is becoming less and less wholesome with the removal of prayer from the schools, tolerance, the removal of the Ten Commandments, and the rising liberal contamination of the country. The children of this generation are growing farther from God and have no hope of ever accepting him.

Evidence of 'God's existence please.
The children of this generation are growing farther from God and have no hope of ever accepting him.

True, children are getting better educated at an earlier age. By removing the teaching of religion from schools, and questioning such a move, they can reason that gods are very much in line with santa and easter bunny myths.