The Ineffability of God's Will

now we're on masturbation? i think masturbation is sad. kind of pathetic you know? i mean, usually people do it in lieu of a satisfying sexual relationship with another human. right?

no Lori . People masturbate for many reasons , one of the reasons may be what you stated . What do you got against Masturbation ? Do you think it is a sin or something ? How bout when your partner does it with you . I seen this group of Masturbates once . It was an organization of Masturbates. They would take turns rubbing each other off . Kind of like group sex where several people would rub off one person . It was a documentary on the group. I seen some other documentaries on other cultures that have completely different views on sexuality . Some of them might blow your mind . Who am I to judge ?
no Lori . People masturbate for many reasons , one of the reasons may be what you stated . What do you got against Masturbation ? Do you think it is a sin or something ? How bout when your partner does it with you . I seen this group of Masturbates once . It was an organization of Masturbates. They would take turns rubbing each other off . Kind of like group sex where several people would rub off one person . It was a documentary on the group. I seen some other documentaries on other cultures that have completely different views on sexuality . Some of them might blow your mind . Who am I to judge ?

i'm not judging; i'm expressing an opinion based on my own experience. when i've masturbated, i've just felt lonely and pathetic. :shrug:

with a partner, again imo, a little foreplay is nice, but ultimately i like to fuck.
i'm not judging; i'm expressing an opinion based on my own experience. when i've masturbated, i've just felt lonely and pathetic. :shrug:

with a partner, again imo, a little foreplay is nice, but ultimately i like to fuck.

what makes it wrong?
My bad, I could have sworn you told me at one time you thought it was wrong? I really thought you felt this- I'm sorry if I got this wrong.

i think you're pretty well aware of what an idealist i am. i think damn near everything is wrong. i think that the norm is trying to compensate for the fact that we're fucked up. :shrug:

with that said, you're in a committed sexual relationship are you not?

would you say that this relationship is more fulfilling, and/or better, and/or less sad and pathetic than you home alone whacking off by yourself every night?

or is it just me?
i think you're pretty well aware of what an idealist i am. i think damn near everything is wrong. i think that the norm is trying to compensate for the fact that we're fucked up. :shrug:

with that said, you're in a committed sexual relationship are you not?

would you say that this relationship is more fulfilling, and/or better, and/or less sad and pathetic than you home alone whacking off by yourself every night?

or is it just me?

Of course I'd rather enjoy a lobster diner with my partner than alone. But, that wouldn't stop me from eating it by myself. Eating lobster with my partner will always be just as special, whether I masturbate or not.
Wow...Lori, I'm the most guilt-ridden person I know:rolleyes:, and even I think whacking off is normal and harmless.

In fact, I'm rather inclined to view it as like brushing my teeth-regular maintenance...Unless I'm depressed it sort of needs doing daily.

Besides the fact that my wife just has way less of a drive than me, my wife and I only have one day off a week together-we work different shifts ATM.

So I get sex from my wife once a week IF she's not busy or tired.

The other six days... :shrug:. But I'd certainly much rather have sex with her than with something that takes AA batteries.
Wow...Lori, I'm the most guilt-ridden person I know:rolleyes:, and even I think whacking off is normal and harmless.

In fact, I'm rather inclined to view it as like brushing my teeth-regular maintenance...Unless I'm depressed it sort of needs doing daily.

Besides the fact that my wife just has way less of a drive than me, my wife and I only have one day off a week together-we work different shifts ATM.

So I get sex from my wife once a week IF she's not busy or tired.

The other six days... :shrug:. But I'd certainly much rather have sex with her than with something that takes AA batteries.
I'm not guilt ridden. I would just much prefer having sex with my husband. Is that really so far out? I'm beginning to feel like I'm in the twilight zone here.
Of course I'd rather enjoy a lobster diner with my partner than alone. But, that wouldn't stop me from eating it by myself. Eating lobster with my partner will always be just as special, whether I masturbate or not.

Which is better? You can decide (as if this is a difficult decision) by choosing which you would prefer doing exclusively for the rest of your life if you had to.

And remember that I remember exactly how pathetic you were before you met her.

Would you rather be alone?
Which is better? You can decide (as if this is a difficult decision) by choosing which you would prefer doing exclusively for the rest of your life if you had to.

And remember that I remember exactly how pathetic you were before you met her.

Would you rather be alone?

Why would one have to decide either or? Why not both? :confused:
what provocative photo?
Wasn't it you who posted a photo of her arse?

Am very sure it was you.

well that's because you're the quintessential hater bitch.
A girl is brutally attacked, raped and set on fire. She somehow manages to survive. And what do you come out with? How right you are that lust and porn is evil. And how righteous you are.

Not an ounce of sympathy for this girl. Just your own righteousness and lecturing us on our evil ways and your blathering about repentance and choice.

I guess it is because you are the "quintessential Christian".

you can't possibly be this stupid, but just in case i'll reiterate. we're all sinners and we all carry a burden because of it. we can be our own victims and we can also be each others victims because (as if you didn't know this) we live a communal existence.
What sin did this girl commit to have this attack against her by a demon inspired preacher happen with God's will?

what the fuck are you talking about? what semi-erotic photo? you best be explaining yourself because if you're out here lying about me i'm going to see about getting your mod privileges revoked or suspended.

and yes, the image of my backside donning my priestess granny panties was for haters like you, as a very appropriate gesture for you to kiss my ass.
You are a hypocrite. You just proved you know what photo I was talking about. You post a photo of your backside on the forum and then carry on about your sex life with your husband and you have the actual nerve to lecture us from up on high about lust and pornography?

You can report me as much as you want and demand or "see about getting" my mod privileges revoked. I'll fall on that sword gladly.

Maybe I'll blame it on the "quintessential hater bitch" demon. Then I'll probably have you making excuses for me like you are for the man who attacked this girl.

oh ok, i think i understand now. perhaps i should be wearing a burka. or perhaps i should be wearing a long skirt. one that covers my ankles. you can't possibly be referring to my avatar could you? oh ffs hold on...

whew! i'm cryin here. that was a good one.

is it because the top i'm wearing doesn't have sleeves? is it because it's sleeveless bells? is it the ruffles? is it the hat? is it the fact that i'm smiling? i'm not even showing any cleavage!

god you're an embarrassment to the human race! motherfucking haters with a mentality like yours are the reason women get stoned to death in the middle east!


this is going to be a shock to you, but this is how people who don't hate think...

they wish that everyone could be free to be naked, and beautiful, and happy, and exactly who they want to be, without being judged and hated or victimized by some fucked up person like yourself.
You have spent the last few pages defending this man's actions and using your belief in God to do it. You have blamed us all for this child's attack and you have portrayed yourself as some holier than thou priestess lecturing us on our behaviour. You then ranted about how this poor child's attack is something you are used to and we should be as well, then you advised you prayed daily for the mass murder of all of humanity by God's hands.. because that is the kind of Christian you are.

And you think I am fucked up?

Why did you judge this girl as being a sinner? Is this her punishment as a sinner? Since we are all collective sinners?


made him? no. i don't think spirits can make people do anything they don't already want to do.
Then maybe you can explain your earlier posts in this thread.

no you don't see, and if you would pay attention to context instead of your blinding hate, perhaps you would understand what i was talking about.
Oh no, you have made yourself very clear.

oh honey, you haven't seen giving a shit like i give a shit.
You're right. I don't spend my time praying for the death of billions as some form of religious purge.

you come out here with a post like this and you expect anyone to take you seriously? you're a fucking joke.

looking at an atrocity like this and the multitude of others that go on every day in this god forsaken world and realizing that there is something terribly and inherently wrong with the human race that it can not and will not ever fix itself is nothing but common sense. it's not my fault that your precious ego squelches yours.
The human race will never right itself as long as there are people like you on the sidelines praying for its complete demise because you feel so self-righteous.

bells, you're a cliche.
How very predictable of you.

i'm not excusing anything.
You could have fooled me. You have blamed this girl's attack on everything but the actual person who did it. You can't even express sympathy for what happened to her, because you are too busy telling everyone how inherently evil we all are because of "lust" and "porn" and how right you are.

you, bells, are a hateful bitch.
If being hateful means that I don't pray for the purging of humanity and excuse attacks like this girl's? Then yep, proud to be a hateful bitch.

Frankly, from you, I would take it as a compliment.

nothing. look up the word repentance. you can't possibly understand what it means if you asked this question.
And I asked you. What sin has she done in the past to deserve this?

none that i'm aware of.
Correction.. None that you actually care for.

You are too busy blaming the human collective, including this girl, on our lust and pornography.

for being born into a fucked up world full of evil people, yeah i guess so.
What a loving girl you have and pray to.

she's not being judged, she's being victimized. what is wrong with you?
Could have fooled me. When you advised that all of humanity shared the blame because of our lust and supposed love of porn and now masturbation, this girl was not included?

i in no way shape or form excused her attacker. you either didn't read what i said, or you're purposefully lying. none of us get a choice or have a say about a lot of things bells. wake up. we're all born into a fucked up world that we had nothing to do with creating, and then we proceed to fuck it up even more. it's the nature of the beast. and you may wish it were some other way, but it's not, and from what i can tell, you're not willing to do a damn thing to make it any better yourself.
You just found a heap of excuses for her attacker.. Our collective lust.. Porn.. Demons.. etc..

it doesn't.
Could have fooled me by the way you are prattling on in this thread.

the demon didn't do it, the "pastor" did.
With god's will. Shame the loving God did not extend protection and love to the child to prevent this man from doing it to her - since you know, he said he was inspired and encouraged to by demons you said existed with god's will.

it's what happens when people are victimized bells, wake up. what planet are you on? the perp had a choice.
People are victimised. And he had a choice. But why blame it on everything else but him?

no it's her parent's fault for trusting her to some pedophile who got her drunk and raped her and then attempted to kill her.

I guess we should warn all parents to never trust their children with anyone who believes in God and repentance and demons..

do what you want.
Was that meant to be a comeback?


You keep flopping around in your claims. Let us know when you make up your mind.

i see what's wrong with the world because i see what's wrong with myself. can you say that? or would you rather continue to believe lies?
What is wrong with myself that leads to or allows people to commit such attacks on children? What is wrong with you that allows or leads people to do this?

Again, blame the world and not the attacker... Blame the parents for trusting their daughter with some bible thumping preacher.. blame them for putting her in harms way without knowing or expecting it.. and not her attacker.

And tell us how good and righteous you are...

See the pattern?

he's full of shit, and yes he chose. spirits are like enablers. you have to invite them and entertain them according to your own intentions.
So he is full of shit about listening to demons and then you say you have to invite the demons in?

So the demons exist?

Tell me, what demon leads you to pray for the purging of humanity from the planet?

yes it's called duality. good couldn't exist without the possibility of evil, and we choose. isn't that right bells?
I wouldn't know. Apparently one can only be good if one prays for the complete demise of humanity as the solution to the problems plagueing the human race..

the possibility of it is embedded in the law, yes. doesn't mean we have to choose it.
We just have to let the enablers in..

And that is his ultimate crime for you, isn't it?

how many stories that are this bad or worse do you hear on the news every single day? maybe you're just privileged?
I have heard and seen worse. But I don't blame it on 'letting in the demons'. I don't blame everything but the perpetrator.

You on the other hand have pulled out everything bar the kitchen sink, to blame for this.

if that's what it takes. everybodies gotta die sometime. may as well be for a good reason.
You must be devastated this girl survived then.

no i wasn't, but i do wonder how she feels about her survival.
Do you think she prays for everyone to die in a Godly purge, like you?

i attribute that to my relationship with god. he's shown me the possibility of an existance that is so right and beautiful. not like this one with our slavery and suffering and disease and war and atrocities du jour. i guess you enjoy all of this suffering huh? well then, off to hell you go!

you haven't read or understood a damn thing i've said. you're either retarded or you're a joke. either way, until you're willing to actually have an intelligent conversation instead of just randomly making shit up so you can spew your caddy bitchiness all over the forum, get lost.
I'm sorry, I prefer to help people. Not pray that they all die in a God loving purge.

I am not like you.

you're an idiot, and you'll reap what you sow. it's not my fault, and it's not my problem.

i know you're not like me. THANK GOD i'm not like you. i can't fathom being so blind and so caddy.

and i'm sorry that you misinterpreted that picture. the (rather obvious) message was "kiss my ass", and i meant it.
it's a hypothetical, to make a determination. i already explained that. now choose.

I'm not playing your game, it's (no offense intended) stupid.

Why should one have to choose between masturbation or having sex with their partner? What purpose? It occurs in nature, Lori. Walk by a monkey in the zoo if you don't believe me.
i'm not judging; i'm expressing an opinion based on my own experience. when i've masturbated, i've just felt lonely and pathetic. :shrug:

Then admittedly, you are projecting. But before you qualified your statement it appeared as if you were condemning any less socially adapted and/or attractive person (in other words, someone who can't get laid easily) to a life without any kind of sexual release, unless they were happy to be called pathetic.
Then admittedly, you are projecting. But before you qualified your statement it appeared as if you were condemning any less socially adapted and/or attractive person (in other words, someone who can't get laid easily) to a life without any kind of sexual release, unless they were happy to be called pathetic.

i don't think i'm projecting. you asked what i thought about masturbation and i told you. i of course was speaking from my own perspective, not someone else's. i can't help but get the impression you're trying to snare me. why do you think it's wrong for me to feel lonely or pathetic if i masturbate? aren't i entitled to my own feelings or opinions?

my opinion is that i don't think it should be so hard to not only get laid, but to have wonderfully fulfilling sexual relationships. i think it's sad that people don't see each other or themselves as attractive, and i think it's sad that people have such barriers to communion. do you think that's wrong of me? ok, but it's still what i think.

i wish everyone was fulfilled entirely, and i'm sorry, but the idea of some socially inept and/or unattractive person, home alone and masturbating makes me sad. i wish it wasn't so hard you know? to give and receive love and intimacy. it's sad.

so sue me. :shrug:
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I'm not playing your game, it's (no offense intended) stupid.

Why should one have to choose between masturbation or having sex with their partner? What purpose? It occurs in nature, Lori. Walk by a monkey in the zoo if you don't believe me.

oh ffs, you just can't stand it when i'm right can you? :rolleyes:
i don't think i'm projecting.

You appear to be when you call an act of self-gratification pathetic, without making it clear that you are simply sharing your own experiences. But since you've clarified what you meant by it now, all is well on that front I guess.

why do you think it's wrong for me to feel lonely or pathetic if i masturbate? aren't i entitled to my own feelings or opinions?

I wouldn't presume to try and dictate what your feelings should be. They are what they are. However although I can understand the loneliness, I think the idea that it is pathetic is inherently judgmental, even when you are only being judgmental of yourself. I don't think it's healthy.

my opinion is that i don't think it should be so hard to not only get laid, but to have wonderfully fulfilling sexual relationships. i think it's sad that people don't see each other or themselves as attractive, and i think it's sad that people have such barriers to communion. do you think that's wrong of me? ok, but it's still what i think.

How can I not agree with you on this point? I'm a bit of an idealist myself.

i wish everyone was fulfilled entirely, and i'm sorry, but the idea of some socially inept and/or unattractive person, home alone and masturbating makes me sad. i wish it wasn't so hard you know? to give and receive love and intimacy. it's sad.

I agree that it's sad, but I don't agree that it is pathetic, unless perhaps it is the result of some kind of self-imposed self-destructive isolation from the world. But even then people need help, not judgment.

In the end however I was not thinking about worst case scenarios. I was pondering a situation where an average socially adapted and reasonably attractive person might choose, for whatever reason(s), to embrace occasional self-gratification in addition to what you seem to consider to be more "normal" sexual activity. In such a scenario I think the label of "pathetic" is profoundly unjustified.