The Inadequacy of Atheism

Atheism, well true atheism as in someone who decides "yes there is no God" takes as much faith as any God believing person.
Atheism, well true atheism as in someone who decides "yes there is no God" takes as much faith as any God believing person.

That's far from true. The existence of an intelligent creator of the universe is not 50/50. God is just one possible explanation - a great imagination could come up with an unlimited amount of other explanations.
Where did imagination come from? Don't say it was guided by an unguided force...

Why not? Because it reduces the role of your god?

Quite natrually, there is a guiding force in that we can't imagine anything our biology, physics and chemistry will not permit. Inevitably you will then ask "where do the laws of the universe come from", in which case we both hit a dead end, and your notion of god is neither less likely, or more likely.
Atheism, well true atheism as in someone who decides "yes there is no God" takes as much faith as any God believing person.
In studying the flora of your backyard, it's easy to come to the conclusion that, at least as far as you can see, there are no coconut trees about. And that the divits in the ground are not caused by falling coconuts, but by the neighborhood dog who is known to make such depressions.

The analogy, of course, is that continuing to believe that there are coconut trees in your backyard and that the dents in the ground are sure proof of this is faith, while deciding that invisible coconut trees that drop dent-making coconuts do not exist is pure informed common sense.

So what's improbable?

Alot of things with no evidence; flying pink elephants, imaginary friends, psychic powers, telekenesis, Bush blowing up the WTC buildings with explosives, all those thousands of other Gods people used to worship...
Alot of things with no evidence; flying pink elephants, imaginary friends, psychic powers, telekenesis, Bush blowing up the WTC buildings with explosives, all those thousands of other Gods people used to worship...

When were these ideas invented?
What evidence do you want superluminal? If you were the God of the Bible that is...
This is your response? I just unequivocally showed why strong atheism is in no way based on faith, and I get this?

I can only think of one word right now.

When did someone come up with the idea of God? Do you really think that your examples are appropriate in this context? If so, what you doing here?
Well how about this, how did the coconuts fall to the ground?
Why do you keep asking me questions? Can you not directly address the ideas contained in the post? Was it not completely clear how concluding the lack of existence of god has nothing to do with faith?

What is the problem?