The "homophobic" lie

Hmm now your homophobic comment makes sense. You're another one of those hicks in the US (and Canada)

Do you have sexual feelings towards your family members too? shorty and Baron haven't admitted it, but they are strongly on the nude=sexual team.
Poor sam. Please read some basic psychology. At one time or another many young boys and girls get a "crush" on their mothers or fathers. Sayin' it ain't so won't makle it go away.

If it lasts, it's a problem. Otherwise, it's quite normal.
WOW all these low blows huh.......You are a mod? HAHA what a joke!!

What did your response have anything to do with my question? All I asked was as a woman how do you know
what men feel or fear?

And you question my maturity level, or staying on topic :rolleyes:

At least you admitted you're clueless.:shrug:
Apparently the only reason people are not screwing around at home is because we wear clothes :crazy:

That's basically the logic behind their argument, yes. Good point.

Wow Sam, you've been pretty damn sharp and piquant these days. :p
...LOL! I think that's funny, but it's also so damned true! And almost every man I know hates gay men, but has absolutely nothing against lesbians ...and more to the point, most of them are more than happy that there is such a thing as a lesbian!

Someone should start a new thread about that ...why the difference in attitude towards them? Why are lesbians more acceptable? And I don't think it's because we all like to look at lesbian porno. I've seen it, of course, but I don't normally indulge in porno except in fictional stories. But it's interesting, ain't it?

Baron Max
Yep. It's a proven fundamental difference in the brain wiring between men and women.
Anyone who gets an erection from looking at their mom has some serious issues, man.

Interesting. But just think of it this way ......what if the boy's mom was a hot, attractive, sexy, woman and we put a bag over her head so the boy couldn't tell that it was his mom. Don't you think he'd get an erection from seeing her naked? If not, then, ......THEN he's have some issues, man!

Baron Max
Look, every once in a while, you run across two guys who probably would have been better off as partners. They've been through tumultuous marriages, endured economic hardships, and held fast to one another through the herculean challenges of life. And yet, for some reason, they're afraid to admit the love they have for one another because it's too "gay".'ve reminded me of some people I used to know.

I remember two friends of mine who lived in each others pockets during their twenties. You couldn't separate them. They went everywhere together and did everything together. Suddenly a woman came along and they both managed to fall in love with her at the same time. This sordid affair ran on for ages. We got sick to death of hearing about it. This woman seemed to swap and change between them... one minute she was going out with one of them, and then the other. Whenever you met one of these guys it was all they ever talked about... in fact they bored you to death with how much they loved her and how treacherous the other one had been. And I mean really went on and on and on about it. It became such a chore that we all avoided going out with them.

The whole thing never seemed to make any sense.

To cut a long story short she married some other guy and now has children. Those two guys were back to being single last I heard but living far away from each other.
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Hmm, then what's the difference in making a similar statement about gays? "Any man who gets an erection from looking at another man has some serious issues, man."

I'm like someone above who said, essentially, men creep me out! But I damned sure ain't afraid of them.

Baron Max

No, it's not similar to that statement at all. You have no relation to another man on the street you find attractive, whereas you know fully well and have a deep connection with your own mother. Being turned on by your mom is NOT at all like being turned on by another guy.
I'm really asking. I have never heard of any age range where it is "normal"; from my child psychology classes, I remember it as pathological transference.

"Normal" in that it happens, Sam. It's a proven facet in child psychology and has been for years and years. I suggest that you go back and read some of your old psych books, esp. on child psychology.

Baron Max
Poor sam. Please read some basic psychology. At one time or another many young boys and girls get a "crush" on their mothers or fathers. Sayin' it ain't so won't makle it go away.

If it lasts, it's a problem. Otherwise, it's quite normal.

And you've read too much Freud.

By the way, homophobia as latent homosexuality has also been experimentally shown

is a result of latent homosexuality was put forth in the late 20th century. A 1996 study conducted at the University of Georgia by Henry Adams, Lester Wright Jr., and Bethany Lohr indicates that a number of "homophobic" males exhibit latent homosexuality. The research was done on 64 heterosexual men, 35 of whom exhibited "homophobic" traits and 29 who did not. Three tests were conducted using penile plethysmography. While there was no difference in response when the men were exposed to heterosexual and lesbian pornography, there was a major difference in response when the men were exposed to male homosexual pornography.

The researchers reported that 24% of the non-"homophobic" men showed some degree of tumescence in response to the male homosexual video, compared to 54% of the subjects who scored high on the "homophobia scale". In addition, 66% of the nonhomophobic group showed no significant increases in tumescence after this video, but only 20% of the "homophobic" men failed to display any arousal. Additionally, when the participants rated their degree of sexual arousal later, the "homophobic" men significantly underestimated their degree of arousal by the male homosexual video.
I'm really asking. I have never heard of any age range where it is "normal"; from my child psychology classes, I remember it as pathological transference.

Definition: Described in Interpretation of Dreams, the Oedipal Complex is a term invented by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud who explained present day neuroses partially on the basis of wish fulfillment. The Oedipal Complex is based on Freud's observation that children often seem to have fallen in love with one parent and developed a hatred for the other. Freud believed this tendency exists in all children but was more marked in neurotics. Freud believed the Oedipus myth bears witness to the prevalence of this Oedipal Complex, both in that it was a popular topic for Greek tragedy and the fact that modern audiences still relate to the story of Oedipus (who murdered his father Laius and then married his mother Jocasta).
In a mild form, I've always read that this is normal.
"Normal" in that it happens, Sam. It's a proven facet in child psychology and has been for years and years. I suggest that you go back and read some of your old psych books, esp. on child psychology.

Baron Max

I think SAM and Orleander should get together for a night of scrap booking, all their favourite family naked moments LOL......

Then as Orleander said in the other thread........Post them all on the Internet! Because apparently it's normal for a mother to post naked pictures of her kids on the internet.
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Interesting. But just think of it this way ......what if the boy's mom was a hot, attractive, sexy, woman and we put a bag over her head so the boy couldn't tell that it was his mom. Don't you think he'd get an erection from seeing her naked? If not, then, ......THEN he's have some issues, man!

Baron Max

What does that tell you? The knowledge of seeing your own mom automatically makes your mind take a different approach to how you view them sexually. Thus, erections aroused from seeing immediate family is very strange and uncommon. At least, in normal households.
In a mild form, I've always read that this is normal.

Freud is overrated and quite quite dated.

He probably grew up in a family where everyone was always clothed.

Probably had secret fantasies about his family members and made it "normal" for himself to think like that.
Ha! That's funny.

Anyway, my own personal experience of a period of attraction to my mother would bear this out. And I am quite normal, right? (someone please tell me I'm normal!!!)

Depends on whats normal; apparently in your part of the world, that is normal :shrug: