The "homophobic" lie

Baron Max said:

And I caution you, posting the opinions and theories of some psychiatrist or psychologist, in some attempt to "prove" your point is not proof at all, but just more of the same ....repeating something over and over until everyone believes it. I think that's usually termed "brainwashing", ain't it?

You do realize, Max, that since there's no proof that will convince you, nobody's bothering?

We know it's all just a game to you. We're aware you don't have any sincere intent. Enjoy the fact that people will still waste a few heartbeats patronizing you anyway.
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According to you, it's common in Dallas. It's also common for a gay man to have had it happen to him.

Murder happens in Dallas, too. But would you say that murder is "common", too?

A few people in Dallas can be violent toward gays, but by the same token, some people in Dallas can be violent towards any other people in Dallas. But a few isolated incendents doesn't make it "common", nor does it imply that it's accepted practice.

Disgust does not explain gaybashing, or hatred of gays.

I never said that it did explain violence toward gays. But I think disgust plays are large role in the principles/ideals of "hate". People "hate" (which might even mean "pity"?) the homeless in large part because they're almost always dirty, stinking, slovenly, etc. To deny that is to ignore reality. But none of that should excuse violence toward them.

People can be disgusted by the homeless without fearing them. And equally obvious is that people can be disgusted by gays without fearing them.

Baron Max
You do realize, Max, that since there's no proof that will convince you, nobody's bothering?

Sure ....that's because they all know that there is no proof, only speculation, theories, innuendo, accusations, ..... So why should anyone believe it if that's all there is to post? You can't prove what isn't true. But you sure can repeat it over and over and over until people are finally brainwashed into belieiving it .....which is still not the same thing as proving it.

Tiassa, do you believe everything the psychiatrists and/or psychologist say or claim?

Baron Max
Gay men look like this:

Homophobic men look like this [google for redneck man]


Gay men look like this:

Homophobic men look like this [google for redneck man]



My Analysis:

Gay guy: Patrick Batemans alter ego from American Psycho. Lives in a loft apartment in Manhattan. Spends huge amounts of time in the gym and looking at himself. Very self-conscious and deeply narcissistic - utterly selfish. See's other people as objects whose worth is measured entirely by their wealth and physique. Rarely smiles. Incapable of emotional warmth or of forming loving, long lasting relationships. A borderline sociopath. Under the right circumstances capable of cold-blooded murder.

Rednecks: Two good time boys from back west. Salt of the earth types. Good natured and friendly. Will invite you round for a beer and not make any judgments about you. Well known and trusted within the community. Both possess a moral compass. May make a few politically incorrect comments.
Deep Thought said:

Gay guy: Patrick Batemans alter ego from American Psycho.

Interesting. Does that mean the current fashion trends are taken from a two-bit, semi-literate hack novelist?

Funny thing is, I probably would have guessed the two rednecks were gay.
Deep Thought said:

They don't look self-conscious enough to be gay.

I promise you, Deep Thought, that one's a stereotype. Just like the one that says even though they're gay, they won't actually admit it.

• • •​

Baron Max said:

Tiassa, do you believe everything the psychiatrists and/or psychologist say or claim?

Of course not. Why would you jump to such an inquiry? After all, it's a fair degree from your standard: And I caution you, posting the opinions and theories of some psychiatrist or psychologist, in some attempt to "prove" your point is not proof at all, but just more of the same ....

What would "proof" look like to you, Max?

Might I enquire what led you to make that particular guess?

The lack of homophobic suspicion in their eyes? Actually, Max, since the discussion has entered the "wild generalization" phase, it's enough to say they pinged my gaydar.

Look, every once in a while, you run across two guys who probably would have been better off as partners. They've been through tumultuous marriages, endured economic hardships, and held fast to one another through the herculean challenges of life. And yet, for some reason, they're afraid to admit the love they have for one another because it's too "gay". I wouldn't even have thought about that, except that I've come across it twice, recently. First, there was the homoerotic subtext of Superbad, which would have been just a well-timed (overdue) joke. But then I actually spent a couple days in the company of these guys who were so devoted to one another that if they didn't have a closet gay affair going on, it would be a tragic loss of trust and companionship for both of them. (Read through the second--longer--Mark Steel excerpt in the topic post.)
What would "proof" look like to you, Max?

So you're just going to continue to make the claim that heteros who are disgusted by gays are .......fearful.... of gays?

And that by saying enough, then you'll come to believe it yourself, and hopefully cause others to believe it? ...using Hitler's tactics? ...and the usual brainwashing techniques? :D

Baron Max
Straight guys are not homophobic, cos they have no interest. Homophobic guys have a prurient curiosity and enjoy imagining what gay guys do. Quite graphically too. Its a very clear tell.
Straight guys are not homophobic, cos they have no interest. Homophobic guys have a prurient curiosity and enjoy imagining what gay guys do. Quite graphically too. Its a very clear tell.

Okay, fine. But which group is "disgusted" by gays and gay activities?

See? That's what Tiassa is attempting to claim!!! Which is patently false, yet he continues to make the same claim, over and over and over and.....

Baron Max
Okay, fine. But which group is "disgusted" by gays and gay activities?

See? That's what Tiassa is attempting to claim!!! Which is patently false, yet he continues to make the same claim, over and over and over and.....

Baron Max

well Tiassa is wrong than.
Okay, fine. But which group is "disgusted" by gays and gay activities?

Baron Max

The homophobes. Have you ever heard a conversation from guys who find homosexuality secretly exciting? But are scared to death they might be gay?
The homophobes. Have you ever heard a conversation from guys who find homosexuality secretly exciting? But are scared to death they might be gay?

no such thing. homophobes hate gays because they limit their freedom.

And homophobes are straight and gay as well.

I hate gay people, I am straight.