The "homophobic" lie

Ignorance begets fear begets hatred.

So if you just keep saying it, over and over, enough times, then that makes it true?

The homophobe is afraid of what s/he doesn't understand about the homosexual.

I agree with that statement. But it's only because "phobia", by it's very definition, means a fear of something. And I'm sure that somewhere in the world there are "homophobes". But that doesn't say anything at all about good ol' regular people who dislike homosexuals.

I dislike fat women .....therefore I'm afraid of them? ...LOL!!

Nope, sorry, Tiassa, but just saying something, over and over, doesn't make it true or valid. However, I will give you points for your persistence in repeating it over and over and over and over and over and over and......

Baron Max
So if you just keep saying it, over and over, enough times, then that makes it true?

I agree with that statement. But it's only because "phobia", by it's very definition, means a fear of something. And I'm sure that somewhere in the world there are "homophobes". But that doesn't say anything at all about good ol' regular people who dislike homosexuals.

I dislike fat women .....therefore I'm afraid of them? ...LOL!!

Nope, sorry, Tiassa, but just saying something, over and over, doesn't make it true or valid. However, I will give you points for your persistence in repeating it over and over and over and over and over and over and......

Baron Max

the lack of understanding to fear to hatred is a proven thing mentally it is how we function
the lack of understanding to fear to hatred is a proven thing mentally it is how we function

Aren't there some commas missing in that statement???

But regardless, .....if it's proven, then show me the proof. Not someone's opinions, not someone's theories, not someone's ideas, me the proof of which you claim!

Baron Max
Good ol' regular hatemongering misanthropes? What are y'all afraid of?

Baron Max said:

But that doesn't say anything at all about good ol' regular people who dislike homosexuals.

I dislike fat women .....therefore I'm afraid of them? ...LOL!!

In either case, what brings these specific groups past indifference? There are plenty of things I "don't like" in the world, and most of them don't compel me to go out of my way to have a problem with them. There is generally a stake that I perceive compelling me to notice certain things, and that stake describes the fear at the root of my attention. At that point, the question of what is relevant is a necessary consideration.

Consider Deep Thought's point, for instance. This, Max, as compared to your argument, is what a valid consideration looks like.

• • •​

Deep Thought said:

I was always led to believe that latent homosexuals were terrified of being exposed and as a consequence they bully gay people thinking that others will see this as a validation of their masculine credentials. It's simply the terror of being persecuted which drives them.

To my understanding you are correct. But what, then, about the form of that behavior? Is the homophobe terrified that being around gay people will make him sick (e.g. HIV)? That the homosexual will attempt to disrupt his family (e.g. seduce spouse or child)? That the homosexual will cause a power disruption within the family (e.g. cause spouse or children to question authority rituals within unit)? That the homosexual will attempt to rape the homophobe?

The manifestation of fear, the specific object of loathing about the homosexual, tells us more about the homophobe than it does anything else.

• • •​

Links of interest:

Harrington, Evan. "The Social Psychology of Hatred". Journal of Hate Studies, December, 2004. See

WBUR. "The Psychology of Hatred". OnPoint, August 6, 2003. See

American Psychological Association. "1998 Position Paper". See

Kent, Le'a. "Abnormal, Wrong, Unnatural and Perverse: Taking the Measure (9) of the Closet". See

• • •​

One thing we should remember is the topic example itself. The topic post describes and responds to a specific form of homophobia: " One of the things that strikes me about this brand of homophobia is its self-centered origin."

Max's objection, however (#1575761/6) immediately attempts to leap to a broader consideration. This transformation is necessary in order to justify the objection.

Nonetheless, questioning the nature of fear is, generally, a valid consideration. Blindly throwing darts at the wrong wall, however, is not the best way to explore that aspect.

Max wrote, "But by the same token, I don't think that men and women can function properly in such close proximity without sex rearing it's ugly head".

Here, the fear motivating the segregation is one about human beings in general, the nature of sexuality, and our responses to the notion of duty. It arises from a root ignorance. The argument surrenders to human nature, presumes that our "animal" nature is simply insurmountable. And, often it seems that way. But the fact of our society in the twenty-first century ought to be ample testament to the human faculty for transcending our more primal aspects. That we do not, as a people, understand how to overcome this part of ourselves is a scary thought for some. It is easier to not think about it, hence segregation--with all of its moral implications--seems an attractive solution. At the heart of any sexual outlook is the individual. Even if one presumes that everyone else is sexually overcharged, even if one is deluded enough to believe that they are the only sexually-rational beast among people, the boundaries of empirical sexuality can be blinding. The cynicism that comes in presuming people incapable of performing their duties appropriately, despite any plethora of examples, is one defined within the cynic, according to the cynic's own knowledge, ignorance, and responses thereunto (for instance, fear).

The end result is that segregation seems the best solution.

Information, however, could easily alter the equation. While we are social and sexual creatures, what of the form of our condition? Would different baseline social conditioning bring a different result? All suggestions are affirmative, but we don't know. Inherent there is the ignorance itself, and the fear of change (e.g. transforming baseline conditioning) that is, essentially, the fear of the unknown.

Perhaps if Norsefire actually understood more about homosexuals and homosexuality, he wouldn't be afraid of gays the way he is. Perhaps if Norsefire understood more about himself, he would be able to address more directly the relationship between "gay" and "self". The components of Norsefire's expression, gay and self, are telling.

Consider, for context, those who express their concern about gays, "for the children":

Elsewhere in her discussion of Helms's legislation, Butler delineates the same slide from homosexuality to pedophilia to sadomasochism that informs Measure 9:
"The exploitation of children" comes [immediately after sadomasochism in the text of Helms's legislation], at which point I begin to wonder: what reasons are there for grouping these three categories together? Do they lead to each other, as if the breaking of one taboo necessitates a virtual riot of perversion? Or is there, implicit in the sequencing and syntax of this legal text, a figure of the homosexual, apparently male, who practices sadomasochism and preys on young boys, or who practices sadomasochism with young boys, a homosexuality which is perhaps defined as sadomasochism and the exploitation of children? Perhaps this is an effort to define restrictively the sexual exploiter of children as the sadomasochistic male homosexual in order, quite conveniently, to locate the source of child sexual abuse outside the home, safeguarding the family as the unregulated sexual property of the father? (Butler 116)​

(Kent, see citation above; emphasis added)

Isn't that a creepy phrase? "Unregulated sexual property"? And, hey, no matter how many layers I put between myself and the root principle, the most basic reason that I find it creepy is because I can imagine a lot. I mean, if I had "unregulated sexual property"? Holy f@ck. I mean, literally: the possibilities ... a smorgasboard of perversion and indignity. So on the one hand, yeah, it's a problematic word to have in there. To the other, though, the point is that I'm not talking about any self-projection that isn't, in its broadest form, common. We all do it. The important questions are what, how and why. What do we worry about? How do we worry about it? Why do we worry about it (in that way)?

But yes, I've seen this process in motion before. And it looks creepy even when its properly and benevolently intended. I mean, listening to a guy obsess over his daughter's sex life: the boys she will be allowed to date, the underwear she would be allowed to wear ... Dude--you just found out she's having a girl. Your kid's age is T-minus. Spaceship daughter leaves the hangar in what, five months? And already he was delineating the boundaries of his ownership of her sexual development and behavior. I've never really figured out what the episode means to me. I think it's one of those things I'm hoping is never tested. Right. I know. Good luck with that, have fun storming the castle. So as creepy as the Kent excerpt is, it treads in valid territory.

We should not take this simplistically, though:

One proximate example of the defensive construction of the patriarchal family ... is the spate of "satanic child abuse" scandals so prevalent in the last few years. In one instance covered by the New Yorker, an abusive fundamentalist father managed to implicate the entire sheriff's department in one town near Olympia, Washington before the stories began to unravel. The point here, however, is that the allegations of satanic abuse were not a cynical ploy, but a group fantasy which all involved believed to be true. The wish to protect the family from potentially fragmenting accusations of patriarch-al abuse was so strong that the most ridiculous scenario became believable not only to the abuser in question, but to most of the community. Although no one had ever seen any evidence of Satan worship, and although police investigations repeatedly failed to reveal any, the police themselves had no difficulty believing that Satan worship was at the heart of the crisis in Olympia's families. Similarly, news accounts of OCA chapters in Oregon report that most members have never, to their knowledge, met any gays or lesbians, yet have no difficulty in attributing the "disintegration of the family" to "the homosexual agenda" ....


Patriarchal monopoly is a powerful prize. Its beneficiaries don't easily give up any portion of it, and many accustomed will compete for the scraps. Homosexuality is, in its most basic definition, damn near the antithesis of patriarchal monopoly. And it makes people uncomfortable in large part because people don't like the way they relate to it. Some face this discomfort, some look for others to blame--e.g., it's the gays' fault.

Returning to Norsefire's example, the process seems a bit simpler. The most apparent sexual monopoly is the self. The fear expressed reflects particular perspectives on homosexuals and homosexuality. Is this how Norsefire thinks all gay men act? Is this how he thinks he would act if he was gay? If?

Ah ha!

Wait, wait ... why "ah ha"?

Well, it seems like a good point for a dramatic turning, but there really isn't one. That "if" reflects a construction of possibility. If Norsefire was truly and entirely heterosexual, that "if" would not exist. Certainly, he tries to isolate the if by making it an issue of stealth buggery.

But that "if". Doesn't mean he would. Means something, though. If, of course, the characterization of the homosexual role in his fantasy construction is a reflection on how he thinks he would act if he was gay.

Seriously, though: Should this barracks-rape fantasy, or any other similarly-irrational argument, really be taken seriously? Or am I wrong to phrase the question that way? Do some people find rape fantasies logical?

Really. Seriously. Someone's argument against homosexuality is a rape fantasy, and what the hell do we do with that?

If this isn't about fear (e.g., rape), and this isn't about ignorance (e.g., fantasy in lieu of something rational), then what the hell is it? Do people really sit around and think, "Now, if I was in the army, I wouldn't want any nasty gay man to try to hump me in the barracks while I slept. Nosiree. Nn-nnh. That sort of homo stuff just isn't for me." You know, if I was in the freakin' army, I'd probably say, "Did I lose a bet, or something?" And, "Hmph. Must've been high." I promise you, I would have better things to worry about than nancy boys.

• • •​

Most hate crimes are carried out by otherwise law-abiding young people who see little wrong with their actions. Alcohol and drugs sometimes help fuel these crimes, but the main determinant appears to be personal prejudice, a situation that colors people's judgment, blinding the aggressors to the immorality of what they are doing. Such prejudice is most likely rooted in an environment that disdains someone who is "different" or sees that difference as threatening. One expression of this prejudice is the perception that society sanctions attacks on certain groups. For example, Dr. Karen Franklin, a forensic psychology fellow at the Washington Institute for Mental Illness Research and Training, has found that, in some settings, offenders perceive that they have societal permission to engage in violence against homosexuals.

• • •​

The most socially acceptable, and probably the most widespread, form of hate crime among teenagers and young adults are those targeting sexual minorities, says Dr. Franklin. She has identified four categories of assaulters involved in such crimes, as follows:

Ideology assailants report that their crimes stem from their negative beliefs and attitudes about homosexuality that they perceive other people in the community share. They see themselves as enforcing social morals.

Thrill seekers are typically adolescents who commit assaults to alleviate boredom, to have fun and excitement, and to feel strong. Peer-dynamics assailants also tend to be adolescents; they commit assaults in an effort to prove their toughness and heterosexuality to friends.

Self-defense assailants typically believe that homosexuals are sexual predators and say they were responding to aggressive sexual propositions.

(American Psychological Association, see citation above; emphasis added)
Ok Baron, you dislike the gays. But not because of any disturbing insecurities they might force you to confront, but for some other reason. What is this other reason?
.... There are plenty of things I "don't like" in the world, and most of them don't compel me to go out of my way to have a problem with them. There is generally a stake that I perceive compelling me to notice certain things, and that stake describes the fear at the root of my attention. ....

Are you and Fraggle having a contest to see who can type the most words to explain the least? Damn, you're more like a politician, Tiassa!

So, "don't like" some things, yet you claim you don't go out of your way to have a problem with them??? Tiassa, you should check your posts here, and you'll see that you dislike lots and lots of things ....AND... go out of your way to have a problem with them! Cops is a good example. Politicians is another. And that's just to mention a few.

So, tell me, Tiassa, ....why are you so fearful of the people and things that you post about??

And, as usual, you've just typed more and more bullshit in the hopes tha someone will think you know what the fuck you're talking about .....when you usually don't. Which is, of course, like a politician ...trying to use long, convoluted speeches to hide his lack of knowledge.

By the way, as it stands right now, I think Fraggle is still in the lead with number of words posted that mean little or nothing. But you're not far behind, so hurry. :D

Baron Max
Ok Baron, you dislike the gays.

Who said so? Where did you get that idea? ...just because I'm taking a unpopular stance on the issue? Perhaps playing Devil's Advocate?

But not because of any disturbing insecurities they might force you to confront, but for some other reason. What is this other reason?

Oh, geez, that's 'cause AIDS can leap out of their skin and attach itself to others if anyone even comes close to a gay man! You didn't know that? Some also think that if a gay looks at them, and worse if he winks, then the AIDS virus travels along that line of sight and ...POOF... you're infected!

And even worse than dying of AIDS, some people think that homosexuality is a hidden disease and if a gay is even in the same room with a hetero, then they'll become gay, too. Which is much, much worse than dying!! :D

And drinking out of the same canteen with a gay? Oh, my god, you just don't want to know how horrible that can be!! :D

Baron Max
Who said so? Where did you get that idea? ...just because I'm taking a unpopular stance on the issue? Perhaps playing Devil's Advocate?
Baron Max

You've been too consistent over the years for you to have been playing devils advocate. You've said repeatedly that you don't like them, I'd like to know why (and to see if you are willing or able to defend your reason(s)).
You've been too consistent over the years for you to have been playing devils advocate. You've said repeatedly that you don't like them, I'd like to know why (and to see if you are willing or able to defend your reason(s)).

Explain to me why you think it's important to know, and perhaps I'll respond. But in the meantime, check out my last post outlining some interesting points about gays and AIDS.

I'm not sure yet, but I think some people think that if they talk to a gay on the Internet, the AIDS can slither through the phone lines and infect hetero males easily. Geez, I sure hope you ain't gay?! :D

Baron Max

Interestingly, Max, whether or not we adjust to compensate for your narrow perspective, you still contribute to my point. We'll take a look at it both ways:


Baron Max said:

So, "don't like" some things, yet you claim you don't go out of your way to have a problem with them??? Tiassa, you should check your posts here, and you'll see that you dislike lots and lots of things ....AND... go out of your way to have a problem with them! Cops is a good example. Politicians is another. And that's just to mention a few.

Your history of disproportionate comparisons serves to remind that your perspective is rather quite superficial. Politicians and police volunteer to enter a social contract against which their conduct is measured. Homosexuals are obliged to the same social contract terms as anyone else similarly situated.

This is why, for instance, your attempt to equate blacks and police officers doesn't work. The only real comparisons are inapplicable: they're words that describe certain people. The thing is that you know this. You never did explain to me how I apply to be a black man. And I don't understand how being black gives me the right to abduct people and throw them in state-run facilities to await trial.

Comparing things that people choose to the things they are is not generally useful.


Baron Max said:

So, "don't like" some things, yet you claim you don't go out of your way to have a problem with them??? Tiassa, you should check your posts here, and you'll see that you dislike lots and lots of things ....AND... go out of your way to have a problem with them! Cops is a good example. Politicians is another. And that's just to mention a few.

Well, you know, if a Christian, for instance, slipped into my room at night and tried to rape me ....


It's okay, dear. We know you don't understand. And we know you don't want to.

• • •​

So, tell me, Tiassa, ....why are you so fearful of the people and things that you post about??

Depends on the issue, its priority in my perspective, various factors.

• • •​

And, as usual, you've just typed more and more bullshit in the hopes tha someone will think you know what the fuck you're talking about .....when you usually don't. Which is, of course, like a politician ...trying to use long, convoluted speeches to hide his lack of knowledge.

Maybe it all adds up to nothing, Max. But you're not the one to make that determination. One of the reasons you have no credibility is that you openly refuse good faith. At no point can anyone actually accept that you're being sincere about anything. Empty consciences such as yours seem to thrive on the thrill of being self-righteous prigs, but don't want to bother with the necessary learning to justify your examinations and conclusions.

You blathered not long ago about perspective, Max, and that's the thing. The perspectives you put forward are so artificially construed as to be useless, and the only common element to them is that they are designed to turn away from any productive discussion, and demand that everyone else either follow along or abandon the discussion.

Natural stupidity, Max, suggests that you shouldn't even be able to operate your computer. So it's probably not that you're inherently stupid. This stupidity is a choice, and a misanthropic choice. Your right to be an asshole ends when other people have to put up with your shit.

You don't have to envy me, you don't have to like me. You don't have to give a shit what I say. And yet, you do, Max. You follow me from discussion to discussion, whining like a brat puppy, begging my attention. That you actually put effort into being a miserable, ignorant twat is, for the most part, your own. But your dedication to this mission of annoying other people and disrupting other discussions actually demands notice. So the spotlight's on, Max: What the fuck is your problem?

Seriously. Pursue Fraggle and me across the fucking Universe if you want, boy, but your behavior suggests you need genuine psychological help. Black people are not the same as cops. You are not oppressed like Palestinians. You are not the holy avenger of the delusional downtrodden.

If you think there's no homoerotic subtext about your portrayal of yourself as an asshole that's always being fucked, well, we're back to words like perspective.

So come on out of the closet, Max. Doesn't mean you have to spend the rest of your life snuggling up to the boys' diving team. But what the hell do you have stuck in there? Because it really seems to have your attention, and you really really have made a degrading spectacle of your lust.

And that would be just fine, except that you're splattering it all over everyone else.
Baron Max said:

So Devil's Advocates can't be consistent? Why not?

It creates the illusion of partiality. And under that circumstance, "Devil's Advocate" is a big heap of shit behind which the lazy and cowardly like to hide.

It's okay, Max. Repo may not have grasped that you don't actually care, and simply crave the attention.
Comparing things that people choose to the things they are is not generally useful.

Do you think people choose to dislike or hate gays? By the same token, do you think people choose to dislike or hate blacks? Do you think people choose to dislike or hate Muslims?

And do you really think that all of those people noted above are actually afraid of those others?? Geez, Tiassa, give me a fuckin' break!!!

Tiassa, you're making wrong assumptions and wrong connections. But you type so fuckin' many words that it's usually hidden from people that aren't looking for it.

And once again, your long, involved bullshit is worthless. Why do you bother to type so much to say so fuckin' little? Are you a fuckin' politician?

Baron Max
Do you think people choose to dislike or hate gays? By the same token, do you think people choose to dislike or hate blacks? Do you think people choose to dislike or hate Muslims?

And do you really think that all of those people noted above are actually afraid of those others?? Geez, Tiassa, give me a fuckin' break!!!

Tiassa, you're making wrong assumptions and wrong connections. But you type so fuckin' many words that it's usually hidden from people that aren't looking for it.

And once again, your long, involved bullshit is worthless. Why do you bother to type so much to say so fuckin' little? Are you a fuckin' politician?

Baron Max

hatred is a choice you don't just randomally meet someone and hate them it takes effort
Some people in Dallas go around and beat the shit outta the gays just for a good evening of fun and games. Yet while the gay is lying on the ground bleeding or in the hospital, you make the claim that it was all because those guys were afraid of the gay???? ....LOL!!
The two most common instigations of violent anger that I see are:

frustration (somebody or something won't do what somebody else badly wants done), and

a bad scare.
All yo, Max

Baron Max said:

Do you think people choose to dislike or hate gays? By the same token, do you think people choose to dislike or hate blacks? Do you think people choose to dislike or hate Muslims?

You know, I actually gave this one a try. And then I decided that you really do well enough to speak for yourself on this one.
Perhaps if Norsefire actually understood more about homosexuals and homosexuality, he wouldn't be afraid of gays the way he is. Perhaps if Norsefire understood more about himself, he would be able to address more directly the relationship between "gay" and "self". The components of Norsefire's expression, gay and self, are telling.


Do you think that we are ever justified in feeling threatened by other men?

Have you considered the possibility that Norsefire may have been a victim of rape?
Deep Thought said:

Do you think that we are ever justified in feeling threatened by other men?

Have you considered the possibility that Norsefire may have been a victim of rape?

Then we would have an origin point for fear, eh?
"Have you considered the possibility that Norsefire may have been a victim of rape?"
Then we would have an origin point for fear, eh?

Yeah, see, I can understand that fear. But what you're suggesting, Tiassa, is totally ridiculous and is more likely to be some idiotic psychologist or psychiatrist attempting to explain something that he don't know about!

To say that people who dislike or hate gays is due to fearing gays is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!! ...LOL!

And, by the way, I've asked you several times to prove your assertaion, but all you can do is say it over and over again as if saying it proves it.

I would also caution you that you've used the term "homophobic" when you're posting something, but you should be cautious about using that term. Homophobic is, in fact, a phobia, a fear of gays ....but that ONLY applies to a very, very few people, if any.

And, Tiassa, I'm really, really proud of you for your new-found ability to post short, concise posts ....without all that long, involved, convoluted bullshit that you usually use. Congratulations!

Baron Max