The "homophobic" lie

Baron Max said:

I don't know, Tiassa, but you're the one who is constantly bringing it up and trying to get everyone to believe in "fear" of homosexuals. So, ....why ARE you afraid of homosexuals?

Yawn. You're not smart, Max. I mean, really: When your campaign requires you to pretend you're illiterate and stupid, well, don't be surprised if people take you up on it. To the other, it's not much of a leap, is it?

But, sure do type up a bunch of crap, don't you, Tiassa. All that long, involved post and you said almost nothing. You type words, Tiassa, lots of fuckin' words, but you can't seem to just say what you mean. Are you, somehow, someway, afraid to actually say what you mean? Or is it that you don't fuckin' know what you mean?

Hush, sweetheart. Grown-ups are talking. I'll explain it to you when you're older, and are able to understand.

And again, I know of no one who's afraid of gays.

It was a girly scream, wasn't it?
Yawn. You're not smart, Max. I mean, really: When your campaign requires you to pretend you're illiterate and stupid, well, don't be surprised if people take you up on it. To the other, it's not much of a leap, is it?

That's all you can say or do, Tiassa ....slander other posters? Or is it libel? :D

I'm still kinda' curious why you're afraid of gays? And also why you continue to project your own fears onto others?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:

That's all you can say or do, Tiassa ....slander other posters? Or is it libel?

Libel is the proper word, except that it doesn't apply in this case, Max. Libel requires that the charge isn't true. For instance:

I'm still kinda' curious why you're afraid of gays? And also why you continue to project your own fears onto others?

You're going to have to support that thesis before it gets any better respect from me. If the game you want to play is that you're a complete moron, that's up to you.
This does seem to be coming up alot, and Tiassa you are VERY defensive about it.

Are you homosexual? :shrug:
Tiassa said:
It's a closeted aspect of a closeted perspective of a closet fear. Something akin to a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a vest.
Yeah; oppressed within oppressive layers of oppression—like good submissive boys. And the thought of being liberated raises a red flag of suspicion that they would most likely end up as bottoms.
Feeding trolls again, Shorty?

Shorty37 said:

This does seem to be coming up alot, and Tiassa you are VERY defensive about it. Are you homosexual?

What, a civil rights issue shouldn't be discussed in regards to Ethics, Morality, and Justice?


See, Shorty, the thing is that Max has been around long enough, and participated in enough related discussions, to know that I fuck men from time to time.

As such, his theory that I am afraid of gays is very, very interesting, and he should expand on it. The fact is, however, that it's an illegitimate theory because he is incapable of detailing it.

I don't see why gay people should have to endure such slanders as Norsefire's, especially when it all comes back to the hatemonger's own fear. I'd rather pathetic haters like Max and Norsefire get over their fear and live with some inner peace.
..., especially when it all comes back to the hatemonger's own fear. I'd rather pathetic haters like Max and Norsefire get over their fear and live with some inner peace.

I've asked you, hundreds of times, but you keep evading the issue ...why do think that there's any "fear" involved at all? It actually makes no sense, yet you use it as if it does. You seem to equate "hate" or "dislike" with "fear", but surely that's not the case, nor has it been the case throughout history. And yet you continue to use "fear" as some kind of weapon against those who dont like gays.

Some people in Dallas go around and beat the shit outta the gays just for a good evening of fun and games. Yet while the gay is lying on the ground bleeding or in the hospital, you make the claim that it was all because those guys were afraid of the gay???? ....LOL!!

Just saying something, or making such accusations, does NOT make them true, Tiassa, even if you type up long, involved, bullshit explanations.

Baron Max
..., the thing is that Max has been around long enough, and participated in enough related discussions, to know that I fuck men from time to time.

Yeah, and in doing so, YOU are the one whose in fear of the gays ....fearful that you'll end up with AIDS and die in a wasted shell of a body ...all for one night of misguided pleasure.

Yeah, I can certainly see where you're afraid of gays. And I can certainly see why you'd want to project that fear onto all others in some misguided idea of diluting your own fear of gays.

Baron Max
Mod Hat - Speaking of demands

Speaking of demands, I demand an end to trolling in this discussion. (Well, okay, like that is going to work, but still ....)
Not high enough, Gustav. I promise.

Ask me later, though.
gotta give it to you max, at least your consistently pro segregation... Yeah, Female Battalions and male battalions do exist, Females are not allowed to be Artillerywomen, I think none are in spec ops. (not sure though). But yeah. GO THE BOUDICCA BATTALION.

Females aren't allowed into combat arms because, quite simply, they have vaginas. Such roles can and do often require you to spend weeks at a time without showering, or the retention of urine for hours at a time. The concern is that the incidence of infection will compromise the female soldier and as a result degrade the entire unit's mission readiness.

Also, the quoted assertion in the beginning of this thread is false. Nobody is seriously worried about gay servicemembers sexually assaulting their coworkers, except maybe the hapless targets of Tiassa's vitriol. The official reason is that homosexual service members would pose a risk to unit integrity and morale as a result of their deviant personal lifestyle choice, in the same manner that adultery and fraternization in mixed gender units can. When the DADT law was passed in 1994 there were some Congressmen that were seriously worried about this, for whatever reason, so as a political concession, the law was written as it stands today.

As I pointed out in the thread that spawned this one, there are a good many servicemembers who are more or less openly gay and I have never seen, or heard of, their homosexuality becoming an issue. I would like to see DADT thrown out the window (as would most who work in this organization) and am optimistic that it will happen within the next decade or so.
I didn't hate gays until I read this thread(GROSS)...well maybe not gays, just bi people that can't fuckin make up their mind.
Something like that

Chewing Gum said:

Well, if hatred isn't based on fear, then it's just a detour from it.

Ignorance begets fear begets hatred. The homophobe is afraid of what s/he doesn't understand about the homosexual. Some, like our righteous American neighbor ... um ... whatshisname from Colorado and now somewhere else and associated with a potential mail fraud scandal ... you know, the dude with the meth and the gay hooker. I mean, come on. At some point, there is something about homosexuals that the homophobe in question did not understand. A few things, actually. But it's from that festering well of fear that such a self-loathing paradox arises. This is what the closet breeds, people. Ted Haggard. (That's his name!) And, yeah. You can bet there were, and probably still are a few things he doesn't understand about homosexuals.

Prayer or hatred ... sometimes I can't tell the two apart.

Oh yeah. The mail fraud thing. I was wrong. It's a tax thing. And it's ... sordid. Have fun:

Savage, Dan. "Ted Haggard: Tax Cheat?" Slog. August 24, 2007. See

Savage, Dan. "Ted Haggard and the Man Behind 'Families With a Mission'". Slog. August 24, 2007. See

Sordid, I tells ya.

Well, if hatred isn't based on fear, then it's just a detour from it.

So you think that just saying something like that makes it true? I mean, what are the reasons for it? Where is the scientific research? Where's the statistical data?

Baron Max
As relates to the lie that is homophobia, Deep Thought, I would ask you to start with a realistic, applicable reason why not. Because whether it's an aesthetic or biological-utility rejection, homophobia still pertains to the purpose of males in the human species.


I'm not sure I agree with your projection of sexual aggression theory - perhaps I don't understand it correctly.

I was always led to believe that latent homosexuals were terrified of being exposed and as a consequence they bully gay people thinking that others will see this as a validation of their masculine credentials. It's simply the terror of being persecuted which drives them.

They then spend the rest of their lives in a loveless marriage with a woman.