The Holy Spirit Explored (Scripture & Photos Examined)

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I have revived this thread because I feel that I have something more of significance to contribute. I will proceed to demonstrate how these spiritual orbs are supernatural and divine. The photographs I will be presenting are of the Holy Spiit. These photographs and videos have been a mystery to mankind for decades. The Holy Spirit is highly misunderstood in the world. Many have seen Him, but few have recognized Him. He is erroneously known as paranormal orbs, spirit orbs, angel orbs, and ghost orbs. Some people who have not seen orbs with their naked eyes believe them to be photographic anomalies. To understand the Holy Spirit, we must consult scripture. I will be using both the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible.

Identifying the Holy Spirit

This is a photograph of the Holy Spirit descending like a dove as He did during the baptism of Jesus.

Here is a photograph of the Holy Spirit motionless.

Below is a painting of Saint Andrew with the Holy Spirit upon Him.

The Halo is found in scripture as the Holy Spirit alighting and remaining upon Jesus.

The Spirit of God and the Spirit are both one and the same Holy Spirit.

Mathew 3:16. When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.

John 1:32. John testified saying, "I have seen the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven, and He remained upon Him."
The center photograph above is of the Holy Spirit in His spirit body form.

Luke 3:22. And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, "You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased."

The Holy Spirit alighting and remaining upon Jesus appeared as a Halo.
Ephesians 3:16
that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man

2 Corinthians 4:16
But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

1 Samuel 16:7
The inner man is the place one finds the Holy Spirit. What you see outside you is connected to the outer man.

Images of the Holy Spirit are of the outer man, which is not how God sees. The spirit lives in the heart. The heart is not the organ that pumps blood that we see with the eyes if we open the chest cavity. The heart is connected to the feelings, we feel in the heart. These feelings stem from the core regions of the brain which are among the older parts of the brain.

The core of the brain has a region called the thalamus, which is the most wired part of the brain. The thalamus has two lobes and is the central hub of the brain where all parts of the brain converge and then diverge. This is the central switching station. The inner man or inner self dwells there. It is not normally conscious to us, but can be made so, via the Holy Spirit.
Please provide evidence that what is in those photos is actually what you have claimed it to be.
Please provide evidence that the painting is of an actual occurrence rather than an artists interpretation (based on belief).
Please provide evidence that the Bible verse quoted are factual.
which is not how God sees.
No one knows how "god sees".

The spirit lives in the heart.

The heart is connected to the feelings, we feel in the heart. These feelings stem from the core regions of the brain which are among the older parts of the brain ... thalamus...
The amygdala is the emotion center of the brain.

It is not normally conscious to us, but can be made so, via the Holy Spirit.
I have revived this thread because I feel that I have something more of significance to contribute.
Because it was soooooooooooo much fun the first time around?

I will proceed to demonstrate how these spiritual orbs are supernatural and divine. The photographs I will be presenting are of the Holy Spiit. These photographs and videos have been a mystery to mankind for decades. The Holy Spirit is highly misunderstood in the world. Many have seen Him, but few have recognized Him. He is erroneously known as paranormal orbs, spirit orbs, angel orbs, and ghost orbs. Some people who have not seen orbs with their naked eyes believe them to be photographic anomalies. To understand the Holy Spirit, we must consult scripture. I will be using both the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible.
Actually the images you provided are what 'ghost hunters' refer to as "ghost orbs". More often then not, they are dust particles caught in the flash, ash, snow falling, photo-shopped..

Pray tell, why are you now claiming they are the Holy Spirit?

What actual evidence do you have to support your claim that it is the Holy Spirit?
Which Holy Sprit? I'm going to assume that they're Kami from Japanese Shinto, unless you can prove they're something different?
No one knows how "god sees".


The amygdala is the emotion center of the brain.


You will need to generate your own data to be convinced. I agree with you, that third hand data is not good data, even though this is used in psychology. The result is, psychology is suffering from rational polytheism; subjective interpretation of third hand data.

I can show you how to generate your own first hand data, but it will take work to break down the barriers in the mind. If you wish to begin, the first step will be to record your dreams. This will help you develop the skill for making detail observations of unconscious phenomena. These skills will be needed, since much of the data you say does not exist, will be subtle, but it can be seen after your observational skills are honed.

The more you record your dreams the more you will dream, and the better the data your dream will contain. The reason is, this action of recording dreams, by a layman, will create damming in the unconscious mind. The potentials created will require action by the unconscious, leading to more dynamic output.

I believe that many people believe what they see and feel about the Holy Spirit. However, not all affects are directly connected to the Holy Spirit. There are many layers of the unconscious mind, and one needs to gets through the onion of layers, before you get to the inner self; inner child. Less you be as children is being natural like the inner self.

If you want evidence it is up to you. There is no way for me to mind meld, like Mr Spock, so you can skip steps. Third hand data will never work for the scientific mind unless one has a higher goal. The bible says the inner man is growing. Looking for a sensory based sign is of the outer man. You have to go inside, with dreams the portal to the deeper layers where the good data is.
You will need to generate your own data to be convinced.
Since I'm not the one making claims I shouldn't have to generate the "data".

The result is, psychology is suffering from rational polytheism; subjective interpretation of third hand data.

I can show you how to generate your own first hand data, but it will take work to break down the barriers in the mind. If you wish to begin, the first step will be to record your dreams. This will help you develop the skill for making detail observations of unconscious phenomena. These skills will be needed, since much of the data you say does not exist, will be subtle, but it can be seen after your observational skills are honed.
And recording my dreams will provide "data" how, exactly?

The more you record your dreams the more you will dream, and the better the data your dream will contain.
Please provide evidence that valid data results from dreams.

The reason is, this action of recording dreams, by a layman, will create damming in the unconscious mind. The potentials created will require action by the unconscious, leading to more dynamic output.
More drivel.

However, not all affects are directly connected to the Holy Spirit.
The slight problem here is that neither you nor anyone else show that ANY effects (note spelling) are connected (directly or indirectly) to the "Holy Spirit".

If you want evidence it is up to you.
Nope that's not how it works: if you make claims then you have two options (at least) - either support those claims or admit that you can't and that the claims therefore don't need to be taken seriously nor lent any credence whatsoever.
I have revived this thread because I feel that I have something more of significance to contribute. I will proceed to demonstrate how these spiritual orbs are supernatural and divine.
Ok. Please do. While we wait for your demonstration, I'll add my 2 cents on your photos.

I will be using both the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible.
They won't help explain any photographs. The bible doesn't mention photographs.

This is a photograph of the Holy Spirit descending like a dove as He did during the baptism of Jesus.
Sorry, but that's so tiny I can barely make out what it is.

Here is a photograph of the Holy Spirit motionless.
Looks just like dust particles reflecting a camera flash to me. How do you tell the difference?

Below is a painting of Saint Andrew with the Holy Spirit upon Him.
What does a painting of Saint Andrew have to do with spiritual orbs?

The Halo is found in scripture as the Holy Spirit alighting and remaining upon Jesus
Your bible quotes don't mention a halo. They say it was like a dove.
Acrylic painting inspired by God through a dream.


By: Child Prodigy Akiane Kramarik entitled, "Pyramid."

...In one of my dreams I saw the image of white pyramids
beaten by the ocean waves and surrounded by live bubbles.

Unlike most of my paintings, I had no idea what those symbols meant, but I painted them anyway.

Today the meaning still remains a riddle...

- Akiane Kramarick

God is inspiring a modern day artistic genius to paint, "live bubbles."

There's nothing to support this claim.
The artist claims to get some of her painting inspired by God. Considering that she is barely in her twenties and gets up to 3 million dollars for her paintings. I think that I will believe her over you.
My thoughts on the Holy Spirit's Memory & the Spiritual Power of Teleportation

The Holy Spirit has a living memory and it is absolutely perfect!

Imagine the painting below being a painting of the Holy Spirit's memory of a time when Jesus was in body and praying to the Father.


The memory would be a living spirit identical to Jesus at that time with all His thoughts, feelings, personality, and powers. It would be an exact copy of Him at that time.

One of the powers that God has brought into the spirit world is the power of teleportation. This is done through the Holy Spirit's memory. A spirit at point A goes into nothingness. And is recreated from memory at point B by the Holy Spirit.

This is merely a glimpse at how perfect the Holy Spirit is.
The artist claims to get some of her painting inspired by God. Considering that she is barely in her twenties and gets up to 3 million dollars for her paintings. I think that I will believe her over you.
So money is what makes your decisions for you.
(I wonder how you "know" how much I earn - or don't. Did "god" tell you?)
Could you post a link that confirms $3m?
I only ask because (in her own words): My paintings are sold for between $50,000 (Dh184,000) and $1,000,000 (Dh3.67 million).

My thoughts on the Holy Spirit's Memory & the Spiritual Power of Teleportation

The Holy Spirit has a living memory and it is absolutely perfect!

The memory would be a living spirit identical to Jesus at that time with all His thoughts, feelings, personality, and powers. It would be an exact copy of Him at that time.

One of the powers that God has brought into the spirit world is the power of teleportation. This is done through the Holy Spirit's memory. A spirit at point A goes into nothingness. And is recreated from memory at point B by the Holy Spirit.

This is merely a glimpse at how perfect the Holy Spirit is.
Not one shred of that has supporting evidence.
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I do not know which ones they are. I just know that they go up to 3 million dollars. She would be considered one the the greatest artists of today.
Out of interest, I looked at her web page and her catalogue of artworks she is selling. The catalogue doesn't seem to list anything at more than about $\$$4000. The web page itself quotes a range of asking prices, which does range up to $\$$3 million.

Looking at the art, I can't see anybody paying $\$$3 million. Since a lot of the art is religious in nature, a religious person might conceivably pay for some of the art there. I think the prices are over-inflated.
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