The Holy Spirit Explored (Scripture & Photos Examined)

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Why would a spirit need a chariot? And what would pull the chariot?
A human spirit needs a chariot to fly. Nothing pulls the chariot. Here is one motionless with a spirit in it.

Unsupported (I'll go so far as to say entirely fabricated) claim.

No it's not.
Some of us know the spirit world better than others. I have seen Jesus when I was nine years old. I've heard the Father's voice. Seen the Holy Spirit many times. Seen and talked to angels. Witnessed powers. And been possessed by demons and talked to the dead.
Some of us know the spirit world better than others. I have seen Jesus when I was nine years old. I've heard the Father's voice. Seen the Holy Spirit many times. Seen and talked to angels. Witnessed powers. And been possessed by demons and talked to the dead.
You can't support a claim by making more unsupported (or, more likely, confabulated/ hallucinatory) claims.
My claims are supported by both photographs and a video.
You persist in this error.
In order for the videos and photos to support your claims you would have to prove that they do indeed show what you (and/ or the Australian loon) claim them to show.
This has not - even remotely - been done.
In other words the claim that the photos and videos show "spirits" is also unsupported.
You persist in this error.
In order for the videos and photos to support your claims you would have to prove that they do indeed show what you (and/ or the Australian loon) claim them to show.
This has not - even remotely - been done.
In other words the claim that the photos and videos show "spirits" is also unsupported.
You can stop blaming other people for your own lack of skill. The fact of the matter is that you do not no spirits nor spirit photography.
You can stop blaming other people for your own lack of skill.
Ah, back to the "it's someone else's fault" because you can't rationally support your claim.

The fact of the matter is that you do not no spirits nor spirit photography.
It's also a fact that you don't either.
Please provide evidence that the photos show what you claim them to show.
A human spirit needs a chariot to fly. Nothing pulls the chariot. Here is one motionless with a spirit in it.
So these chariots are always perfectly round, are they? And they look just like dust particles reflecting a camera flash. Ok.

Some of us know the spirit world better than others. I have seen Jesus when I was nine years old.
How did you know it was Jesus? Where was Jesus at the time?

I've heard the Father's voice.
Were you by yourself when that happened, or did other people also hear the Father's voice?

Seen the Holy Spirit many times.
How did you know it was the Holy Spirit?

Seen and talked to angels.
What did they tell you? Were you by yourself when this happened, or did other people see them too?

Witnessed powers.
I visited a hydroelectric station once.

And been possessed by demons and talked to the dead.
Please tell us your demon possession story. What did that feel like? What happened?

Which dead people did you talk to? Did they talk back to you? Where did this happen? Were you by yourself at the time, or did other people also chat to the dead guys?
Optical experts already know what causes orbs. You might as well claim dust bunnies are the souls the dead.
This is the type of garbage that you hear from someone who has never seen an orb with there own eyes. These reports are never from anyone with any genuine experience.
Moderator note:

Section I.26 of sciforums site rules discusses evangelising.

26. Evangelising is where the poster’s main aim is to spread the word about his or her beliefs, without being interested in real discussion or critical analysis.
Under the terms of our site rules, evangelising is a kind of propaganda. (The full rules are available in a sticky thread in the Site Feedback subforum.)

Here is bearer_of_truth's statement on his posts in this thread:

Some pictures of orbs from digital cameras are artifacts, but the pictures that I have presented on this thread are of the Holy Spirit. Actually, I am not open to any other explanations other than the Holy Spirit. It was just good to see you staying on topic with another side of the argument.

Archeologist's take photographs of their findings. So do I have photographs of my findings. And you call yourselves scientifically-minded.
The emphasis is mine.

It would seem, given that bearer_of_truth has stated that he is not interested in critical analysis or discussion of his beliefs, that this falls squarely under our definition of evangelising.

This thread is therefore closed.
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