The Holy Spirit Explored (Scripture & Photos Examined)

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So once again you're resorting to spouting empty claims.

And yet you manage to accuse a number of scientists here of being exactly that...

By definition (being a believer) you are superstitious (the fact that religious belief is institutionalised and widespread doesn't make it and less of a superstition).
You have also, persistently, shown yourself to be ignorant: of the need to actually support your argument, of the possibility that what you claim may be incorrect, of the fact that you cannot show that what you claim to be the truth is actually such.

This is, again, a claim "supported" by nothing other your own belief: superstition and ignorance.
I choose not to dignify this post with a comment. :)
I did not mean to be offensive.
And yet you manage to do so.

But it is the simple-mind that believes that they we are a body and that when we die, there is nothing more. This is a simple way of thinking.
And you know this is "simple-minded" because... why?
What evidence do you have?
Oh, wait, you believe that there is more.
And, on the basis of your belief - AND NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER - you accuse others of being simple-minded.
That is, at the very least, hypocrisy.

I have provided photographs, scripture and testimonials in representing my case.
You haven't shown that what you claim those photos to be is actually what they are.
Scripture isn't evidence? How do you know that what scripture states is factual?
Did you manage to not , or read but completely ignore what was written in post #33?
In other words, all you have presented so far are unsupported claims.

What do you have to represent your side?
The truth of the orbs can be found in the Holy Bible as I have described in this thread. What evidence do you have otherwise?

"One story tells of the cosmic creation and Huitzilopochtli’s role. According to this legend, he was the smallest son of four—his parents being the creator couple Tonacateuctli and Tonacacihuatl while his brothers were Quetzalcoatl and the two Tezcatlipocas. His mother and father instructed both him and Quetzalcoatl to bring order to the world. And so, together they made fire, the first male and female humans, created the Earth, and manufactured a sun" (wikipedia)

That's what orbs are, tiny suns created by Huitzilopochtli.
And yet you manage to do so.

And you know this is "simple-minded" because... why?
What evidence do you have?
Oh, wait, you believe that there is more.
And, on the basis of your belief - AND NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER - you accuse others of being simple-minded.
That is, at the very least, hypocrisy.

You haven't shown that what you claim those photos to be is actually what they are.
Scripture isn't evidence? How do you know that what scripture states is factual?
Did you manage to not , or read but completely ignore what was written in post #33?
In other words, all you have presented so far are unsupported claims.

It is simple for the person to think of themselves as a body and nothing more. Then, their thoughts can stay of this world and not have to go beyond it.

I have shown you a photograph of one of God's chariots...evidence to the truth of the Holy Bible.

I have build a case for my side. Yet you fail to show me a case for yours.

Your claim is rationality...hardly a case.
"One story tells of the cosmic creation and Huitzilopochtli’s role. According to this legend, he was the smallest son of four—his parents being the creator couple Tonacateuctli and Tonacacihuatl while his brothers were Quetzalcoatl and the two Tezcatlipocas. His mother and father instructed both him and Quetzalcoatl to bring order to the world. And so, together they made fire, the first male and female humans, created the Earth, and manufactured a sun" (wikipedia)

That's what orbs are, tiny suns created by Huitzilopochtli.
Finally, another view point as to what the orbs are.
@bot: And your claim is irrationality. Big surprise.

Go shout about Jesus in Islamabad or Dar-Es-Salaam and tell us how well your fantasies are accepted.
It is simple for the person to think of themselves as a body and nothing more.
In other words you have nothing to support your claim.
Is it any less "simple" to believe something for which there is no evidence?
Or would you prefer the words "ignorantly credulous"?

Then, their thoughts can stay of this world and not have to go beyond it.
This doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

I have shown you a photograph of one of God's chariots...evidence to the truth of the Holy Bible.
You've shown a photo (with zero evidence that it is what it purports to be) and claimed that a book (with zero evidence of the truthfulness of that book [sup]1[/sup]) is evidence that what is in the photo is what you say it is.

I have build a case for my side.
No, you haven't. As has been pointed out consistently throughout this thread.

Yet you fail to show me a case for yours.
My "side" is that you haven't given any evidence.
I don't need "show you a case for that".
All of your "evidence" is self-referential, and therefore does not constitute evidence.

Your claim is rationality...hardly a case.
And you're wrong again.
Rationality is not accepting empty claims.

1 And, in fact, a book that has been shown to be incorrect on numerous claims.
@bot: And your claim is irrationality. Big surprise.

Go shout about Jesus in Islamabad or Dar-Es-Salaam and tell us how well your fantasies are accepted.
What is your case against my claims?...other than calling it "irrationality"...a childish claim indeed.

You skeptics haven't shown me a legitimate case against my claim. Prove me wrong if you believe you are right!
In other words you have nothing to support your claim.
Is it any less "simple" to believe something for which there is no evidence?
Or would you prefer the words "ignorantly credulous"?

This doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

You've shown a photo (with zero evidence that it is what it purports to be) and claimed that a book (with zero evidence of the truthfulness of that book [sup]1[/sup]) is evidence that what is in the photo is what you say it is.

No, you haven't. As has been pointed out consistently throughout this thread.

My "side" is that you haven't given any evidence.
I don't need "show you a case for that".
All of your "evidence" is self-referential, and therefore does not constitute evidence.

And you're wrong again.
Rationality is not accepting empty claims.

1 And, in fact, a book that has been shown to be incorrect on numerous claims.
Is this what you do?..come on to a religion forum to say religion is wrong? That people who believe in religious ideas are wrong? Do you believe that you are right in doing so? Are you making the claim of righteousness and saying we are not? Are you saying that we are wrong in having faith in and believing in God? Are you the all knowing, wise man of the world, here to say that we are all wrong? lol :)
@bot: And your claim is irrationality. Big surprise.

Go shout about Jesus in Islamabad or Dar-Es-Salaam and tell us how well your fantasies are accepted.
Islam believes in the Holy Spirit. Only they believe that the Holy Spirit is the angel Gabriel. They may be interested in my findings.
Is this what you do?..come on to a religion forum to say religion is wrong?
Is this what you do?
Come onto a SCIENCE forum that just happens to have a "religion subsection"?
A subsection that is CLEARLY "filed" under "Philosophy" (philosophy being a fairly strictly discipline that does not accept unsupported claims as in any way valid).

That people who believe in religious ideas are wrong?
And you're either not understanding what is being said or deliberately an purposely misrepresenting what's happening.
We're not saying you are wrong: we're saying that you have so far failed entirely to provide any evidence that you are correct.
And, until you manage to do so (if at all) we have no reason whatsoever to believe your claims.

Do you believe that you are right in doing so?
If you wish someone to subscribe to your claims (you know, the superstitious ignorant ones) then it's up to YOU to show that you are correct.

Are you making the claim of righteousness and saying we are not?
No, that's what you're doing: all the way through this thread.
All we're saying is "Show us that you are right".

Are you saying that we are wrong in having faith in and believing in God? Are you the all knowing, wise man of the world, here to say that we are all wrong? lol :)
See previous.
Unless and until you provide evidence there is no need whatsoever for us to take your claims seriously.

(And, again, your entire response has been, rather than even attempt to support your claim, to divert, accuse, insinuate and play the victim).
Is this what you do?..come on to a religion forum to say religion is wrong? That people who believe in religious ideas are wrong? Do you believe that you are right in doing so? Are you making the claim of righteousness and saying we are not? Are you saying that we are wrong in having faith in and believing in God? Are you the all knowing, wise man of the world, here to say that we are all wrong? lol :)

Or vice versa, how about the religiously inclined that sneak into the science forums, all doing there level best to invalidate accepted mainstream science, casting doubts on Abiogenesis and Evolution, asking inane questions after inane questions, and insidiously trying to elevate the notion of God/s of whatever creed or colour to the ranks of scientific possibilities.
Finally, another view point as to what the orbs are.
It seems like you will accept any mythological explanation as a possibility. So why not a naturalistic one? I mean, nothing supernatural has yet been shown to exist through the reliable methods of science...
Is this what you do?..come on to a religion forum to say religion is wrong? That people who believe in religious ideas are wrong? Do you believe that you are right in doing so? Are you making the claim of righteousness and saying we are not? Are you saying that we are wrong in having faith in and believing in God? Are you the all knowing, wise man of the world, here to say that we are all wrong? lol :)

Yes, they are wrong. You don't have to be all knowing or wise to see that.
Or vice versa, how about the religiously inclined that sneak into the science forums, all doing there level best to invalidate accepted mainstream science, casting doubts on Abiogenesis and Evolution, asking inane questions after inane questions, and insidiously trying to elevate the notion of God/s of whatever creed or colour to the ranks of scientific possibilities.
I bring with me digital (scientific) proof to God's existence and you do nothing but whine about it. I wary of your childishness.
bot said:
They may be interested in my findings.

Let us know. If you can...

bot said:
I bring with me digital (scientific) proof to God's existence and you do nothing but whine about it.

No, you bring complete BS that you somehow equate with the existence of someone greater than you. Maybe Edwin Land?
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