The Holy Spirit Explored (Scripture & Photos Examined)

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Think me crazy, but Jesus Himself had revealed the Holy Spirit and Spirit of truth to me. I was undergoing "temporal punishment". I had evil spirits in my life as a consequence of my sin. I ask Him, who were these people who were doing such evil to me. He showed me through the Spirit of truth that they were the evil people of this world. I saw these people as lost souls and wanted them in heaven. I asked Jesus about this and He sent the Holy Spirit down pointing right at me. I believe that He was telling me that heaven was for me and not them. The truth about those photos, if one care to see it, can help lead a person to heaven to not be like one of those evil spirits that had tormented me for years. I started this thread out of love for people, that they may see the truth. These are my thoughts and what I feel is important. It is important for me to be like Christ and tell the truth and want people to be in heaven. I realize that not all people will agree, but this is what I believe. Please do not be offended by my beliefs.
Orbs are optical artifacts, the result of lenses, not supernatural beings. They are obviously made of photons since they are detected by a photon detector.
If I may pose a few questions:

1) You say "evil spirits" were punishing you - what lead you to conclude that spirits were punishing you? How do you know it wasn't a random assemblence of chance?

2) Was this a dream of some sort (waking or otherwise)? Dreams are... an interesting faucet of the human mind, and one that I believe needs to be studied in depth to fully understand.

3) With the translation and adaptation of the bible through the years, how do you feel it applies in todays society, given that some things that, back when it was written were considered "evil" or "wrong", are now commonplace?
2 Corinthians 4:18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

You look at things which are not seen?

That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. If you look for something but fail to see it, then isn't that evidence that it isn't there? And if you don't see whatever it is you are looking at, then what justifies all the talk about wheels, chariots, spirits, orbs and eyeballs?

I will be discussing the Spirit of God, Ezekiel's wheels, chariots of God, the Spirit of truth, supernatural orbs and how they are all one and the same Holy Spirit. I will be discussing some of His works here on earth and you can see for yourselves just how He is highly misunderstood in the world today.

But you believe that you understand, right?

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

What does "spiritually discerned" mean? How can 'spiritual discernment' be differentiated from psychotic delusion?
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If I may pose a few questions:

1) You say "evil spirits" were punishing you - what lead you to conclude that spirits were punishing you? How do you know it wasn't a random assemblence of chance?

2) Was this a dream of some sort (waking or otherwise)? Dreams are... an interesting faucet of the human mind, and one that I believe needs to be studied in depth to fully understand.

3) With the translation and adaptation of the bible through the years, how do you feel it applies in todays society, given that some things that, back when it was written were considered "evil" or "wrong", are now commonplace?
1) Evil spirits were "tormenting me. I could hear, see, and take pictures of them.

2) This was not a dream. Although not everyone will agree with me about this, but you experience the invisible spirit world through dreams. This can be seen with astral projection and remote viewing as well...those people are in the spirit world similar to the way we are in our dreams.

3) I believe that God in all His love for people gives us our own about some things and they become acceptable before Him. I believe that we need to use our better judgment in discerning what these things may be. I can not speak for God as to what these things are. I believe that we can search our hearts as to what is right or wrong concerning these things.
To me it sounds like you're either preaching or just plain crazy. I'm betting on both...
You look at things which are not seen?

That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. If you look for something but fail to see it, then isn't that evidence that it is isn't there? And if you don't see whatever it is you are looking at, then what justifies all the talk about wheels, chariots, spirits, orbs and eyeballs?

But you believe that you understand, right?

What does "spiritually discerned" mean? How can 'spiritual discernment' be differentiated from psychotic delusion?
Does it make sense that science studies the unseen such as the atom, electricity and the air?

We who are spiritually inclined extend our vision beyond this world and to the invisible spirit world for we will be there for all of eternity. This life is temporary. The ghost over a spirit can be seen for it is in this world. I have shown you real pictures of the Holy Ghost and He is beyond this world.

I do not believe that I understand. I know for I am not spiritual discerned.

Spiritually discernment is knowledge and wisdom of spiritual things.

I'm am not discussing psychotic delusions, nor your lack of understanding of them here.
Does it make sense that science studies the unseen such as the atom, electricity and the air?
Yeah, nice pedantry of the word "seen".

We who are spiritually inclined extend our vision beyond this world
What you should have written is "We who are spiritually inclined claim to extend our vision beyond this world, with zero evidence".

and to the invisible spirit world for we will be there for all of eternity.
And here you should have written "and to the, so far entirely fictional, invisible spirit world for we hope/ believe will be there for all of eternity."

The ghost over a spirit can be seen for it is in this world. I have shown you real pictures of the Holy Ghost and He is beyond this world.
You've shown a photograph with an anomalous image.
You haven't shown at all that that anomaly is what you claim it to be.

I do not believe that I understand.
That's highly evident.

Spiritually discernment is knowledge
No it's not.

and wisdom of spiritual things.
How can one have "wisdom" of something which is, so far as can be discerned, not real?
Yeah, nice pedantry of the word "seen".

What you should have written is "We who are spiritually inclined claim to extend our vision beyond this world, with zero evidence".

And here you should have written "and to the, so far entirely fictional, invisible spirit world for we hope/ believe will be there for all of eternity."

You've shown a photograph with an anomalous image.
You haven't shown at all that that anomaly is what you claim it to be.

That's highly evident.

No it's not.

How can one have "wisdom" of something which is, so far as can be discerned, not real?
Your thoughts are neither wisdom nor knowledge, but merely the opinion of a simpleton.
Your work is neither wisdom nor knowledge, but merely the opinion of a simpleton.
Funny how your best response to a "simpleton" is to insult him rather than provide any evidence.
I wonder why that would be... [sup]1[/sup]

If all you have are empty claims then you're essentially preaching again: expecting us to simply take your word for things.

1 In truth I don't wonder at all: it's because you're relying - almost entirely - on belief rather than demonstrable facts. And, when asked for facts/ evidence, insults (or ignoring the question altogether) are your only possible response. Still, I suppose it lets you maintain your blind ignorance; that must be comforting for you.
Here is a link to many people who bear witness and give testimony to having seen the orb with their naked eyes:
You have yet to prove it's supernatural in origin. There are physical phenomenon like ball lightning that could be a possible explanation, but more to the point, I don't have to accept any eyewitness testimony as truth. People lie, they hallucinate, they interpret things within their own framework of belief, this does not count as reliable evidence.
Your thoughts are neither wisdom nor knowledge, but merely the opinion of a simpleton.

@BOT: As are yours. The mantle of divine authority you freaking nutjobs wear gives you the right to ignore anything but your 'belief', but only in your tiny little minds.

I am not crazy, for I show you photos of what I have seen and speak the truth about them.

Yes you are, for you have nothing but ignorance and superstition to light your way in a world that is dark to you because of your ignorance and superstition.
@BOT: As are yours. The mantle of divine authority you freaking nutjobs wear gives you the right to ignore anything but your 'belief', but only in your tiny little minds.

Yes you are, for you have nothing but ignorance and superstition to light your way in a world that is dark to you because of your ignorance and superstition.
It is the simple mind that refuses to grasp the unseen.

Hence, the scientist is not simple-minded either.

I am neither superstitious nor ignorant. This is a dark world full of lies. The photographs and work that I have presented in this thread can shine a light to the truth for those who are able to see it.
Put it this way, how do you know that ORBS aren't sent from the Aztec God Huitzilopochtli?
It is the simple mind that refuses to grasp the unseen.
So once again you're resorting to spouting empty claims.

Hence, the scientist is not simple-minded either.
And yet you manage to accuse a number of scientists here of being exactly that...

I am neither superstitious nor ignorant.
By definition (being a believer) you are superstitious (the fact that religious belief is institutionalised and widespread doesn't make it and less of a superstition).
You have also, persistently, shown yourself to be ignorant: of the need to actually support your argument, of the possibility that what you claim may be incorrect, of the fact that you cannot show that what you claim to be the truth is actually such.

The photographs and work that I have presented in this thread can shine a light to the truth for those who are able to see it.
This is, again, a claim "supported" by nothing other your own belief: superstition and ignorance.
Funny how your best response to a "simpleton" is to insult him rather than provide any evidence.
I wonder why that would be... [sup]1[/sup]

If all you have are empty claims then you're essentially preaching again: expecting us to simply take your word for things.

1 In truth I don't wonder at all: it's because you're relying - almost entirely - on belief rather than demonstrable facts. And, when asked for facts/ evidence, insults (or ignoring the question altogether) are your only possible response. Still, I suppose it lets you maintain your blind ignorance; that must be comforting for you.
I did not mean to be offensive. But it is the simple-mind that believes that they we are a body and that when we die, there is nothing more. This is a simple way of thinking.

I have provided photographs, scripture and testimonials in representing my case. What do you have to represent your side?
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