The Holy Quran

I perceive some elements of anger in your answers
Then you're projecting.

I have no need to put you down to talk about your postings in the forum
If you see it as "put down" then maybe you should make an effort to see it as me trying to enrich your posting and thinking styles.

I try to enrich your unilateral point of view
Unfortunately that's also a projection.

God says vote Republican or die.

Anyways, just because if has "facts" in the URL does not mean anything... ANYTHING... on that site is actually factual. Farcical maybe.

Ooooor.. Maybe it's because the Ten Commandments are what most reasonable people would consider the basic structure of civilization (Civilization predates the Bible, btw).... Don't kill your neighbor... Don't steal.. Don't boink your friend's girl.... You know.. The kind of shit the Flying Spaghetti Monster would really us rather didn't do. Trying to claim Christianity's responsibility for the laws of the US, when really, your book basically said (in some places) "Don't be a dick.", (in others, it advocated killing, political unrest, metaphorical cannibalism, and other atrocities, but we won't go into that.) is comical, at best. Most religions have a general "Don't be a dick" clause. That keeps the followers nice and complacent. Cud for the cattle to chew, as it were. So anyways. Please present FACTS when you're trying to establish your points, and not PROPOGANDA.

Have a nice day.
Disagree partially here with the above: clearly some of the direction of US law is derived from Judeo-Christian principles, else we wouldn't frown so strongly on murder and repress homosexuals. What's the other selection of sources here? Reciprocal societal altruism? Concept wasn't around when the US was born. Germanic tribal law? I'll have to save up some cash for a blood-payment in case I accidentally hack the head off your clan-mate. It's from a Judeo-Christian basis in large part, although clearly not every law is directly related.

You may speed in clear conscience. Go in the name of Andretti, my son.
Disagree partially here with the above: clearly some of the direction of US law is derived from Judeo-Christian principles, else we wouldn't frown so strongly on murder and repress homosexuals. What's the other selection of sources here? Reciprocal societal altruism? Concept wasn't around when the US was born. Germanic tribal law? I'll have to save up some cash for a blood-payment in case I accidentally hack the head off your clan-mate. It's from a Judeo-Christian basis in large part, although clearly not every law is directly related.

You may speed in clear conscience. Go in the name of Andretti, my son.

I'll argue that the laws weren't written to repress homosexuals. They're being interpreted as such now specifically to fight against homosexuals demanding equal rights as heterosexual couples. Which is an unfortunate side effect of allowing Christians to hold positions where they can impose their morals on others.

I always support what I post with info in the net for you to read but you ignore them

Then you're projecting.

If you see it as "put down" then maybe you should make an effort to see it as me trying to enrich your posting and thinking styles.

Unfortunately that's also a projection.
I'll argue that the laws weren't written to repress homosexuals.

I have to disagree, if I can equate homosexuality with homosexuals. The legal basis of such discrimination is of old date, from a time when the state and sociality was much more strongly linked with religion. I can't see what other historical basis might exist; certainly no one was behind equal rights for homosexual couples one or two hundred years ago.

They're being interpreted as such now specifically to fight against homosexuals demanding equal rights as heterosexual couples.

This is part and parcel of the same thing; the litigation comes from political and religious conservatives. Now, if you want to consider that a conservative interpretation of Christianity is really only a single (wrong) facet of the potential or actual distribution of belief, then I agree. But I don't think there's any question what the discrimination is based in. It's religious at its core.

Which is an unfortunate side effect of allowing Christians to hold positions where they can impose their morals on others.

Now, now: some Christians, all right? I appreciate that you're pissed about it.
I don't think it's religious at its core. I think it's "xenophobic" or paranoid at it's core. Xenophobic in the sense that our instincts tell us to fear and loathe what is different from us. Needless to say, it's easier for a lower intelligence uneducated brain to let itself control by the more primitive instincts.
just because you do not agree with that support, does not mean it does not exist.
Er, the "support" posted did not actually make its (or Greenboy's) point.
It did much the same as he had done: claim something and then rely on a particular interpretation to "support" that claim.

For example:
How is "creation not evolution" part of the law in the US? And is it not somewhat hypocritical to use the bible as "support" for creation anyway?
How does "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness" relate to the First Amendment which is about freedom of (or from) religion and free speech?
Why you wanted closed?

Because all of this talk has nothing to do with the thread topic (if there was even a topic to begin with)....

Usually mods would close the thread but it seems Dywyddyr (a mod?) is also engaged in off-topic discussions so I guess since a mod is involved it doesn't matter :eek:

Peace be unto you ;)
I don't think it's religious at its core. I think it's "xenophobic" or paranoid at it's core. Xenophobic in the sense that our instincts tell us to fear and loathe what is different from us. Needless to say, it's easier for a lower intelligence uneducated brain to let itself control by the more primitive instincts.

Well maybe, but the practical justification used is still largely religious, and promoted by religious Christians, Jews and Muslims.
When a person choose the homosexual life style, is a personal choice,and his/her relationship with God. I think to kill them is wrong. And I think we just should pray for them. I know a lot of homosexual change their life style. I know two in my church a he and a she both changed their life style, after they met Christ and asked Christ into their heart.
When a person choose the homosexual life style, is a personal choice,and his/her relationship with God. I think to kill them is wrong. And I think we just should pray for them. I know a lot of homosexual change their life style. I know two in my church a he and a she both changed their life style, after they met Christ and asked Christ into their heart.

Church Group Offers Homosexual New Life In Closet

LAGUNA HILLS, CA—It is a typical Sunday in this conservative Orange County suburb, as the parishioners of Holy Christ Almighty Baptist Church gather for morning worship. Organ music descends from the rafters as the wholesome-looking congregation files quietly into the building. Seated in orderly rows, the assembled families stand for the minister's blessing and open their hymnals to sing....

....Difficult as it may be to believe, just three years ago, this 44-year-old churchgoing family man was a construction worker, nightclub regular, and self-described "party slut" in Los Angeles' seamy homosexual underground. But now, thanks to the friends he has made through the Orange County-based Reclamation Ministries, all that has changed. Today, Lindeman is living a new life, one of devotion to his wife and children, piety before the Lord, and intense self-hatred and shame in the face of his entirely unchanged sexual orientation.,470/
When a person choose the homosexual life style, is a personal choice,and his/her relationship with God. I think to kill them is wrong. And I think we just should pray for them. I know a lot of homosexual change their life style. I know two in my church a he and a she both changed their life style, after they met Christ and asked Christ into their heart.

When did you choose to be a heterosexual, boy?