The Holy Quran

American law is based on English Common law and philosophies/treaties developed during the European Enlightenment.
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you are being apples and oranges...
No. He stated that the law is based on the bible. I asked where in the bible there is any reference to speeding.

speeding tickets is attempt to save someones life,
I wonder why that's not so in the UK (for motorways at least).
greenboy said:
You need to read the ideas of Margaret Sanger. She Founded Planned Parenthood and hired Ernest Rudin as her advisor. In her book Pivot of Civilization (1922) She called for: The elimination of "human weeds" ...for the cessation of "charity" - - - she founded the atheist society in USA She was murdered and her body disappeared. She influenced Other people to destroy Millions of "inferior race people". and right now we have Gaddafi in Libya killing his own people. And thanks to this woman, we had already killed 50 million of children in United Stated thanks to legalization of abortionShe was murdered and her body disappeared. She influenced Other people to destroy Millions of "inferior race people". and right now we have Gaddafi in Libya killing his own people. And thanks to this woman, we had already killed 50 million of children in United Stated thanks to legalization of abortion

Sanger was Episcopalian, a theistic Christian sect into which she baptized her sons as infants. Here is an interview with her reaffirming her religious status in old age: . She founded no atheist societies, and specifically rejected the "elimination" of anyone in pursuit of her favored eugenics programs. She opposed abortion, and thought its great prevalence in the US a disgrace. She died of congestive heart failure in a nursing home, long before Khaddaffi rose to power and far from having any influence on the Middle East.

And the Holy Bible appears to be every bit as suspect an influence as the Holy Quran, if its advocates around here are taken in evidence.
so why do you think there are speeding tickets?
an attempt to generate revenue?
or an attempt to save lives?
I'm asking.
Apparently it stems from the bible. Still waiting for evidence.
In the UK none of the above were the case (as alluded to above)...
I'm asking.
Apparently it stems from the bible. Still waiting for evidence.
In the UK none of the above were the case (as alluded to above)...

yes but in order to be productive and not just being sarcastically argumentive, you have to understand why that law is there..

if you don't acknowledge why the law was originally formed, you won't accept any answer..
yes but in order to be productive and not just being sarcastically argumentive, you have to understand why that law is there..

if you don't acknowledge why the law was originally formed, you won't accept any answer..
And I'm still waiting for someone to show why (and where) that law was formed. In the bible.
And I'm still waiting for someone to show why (and where) that law was formed. In the bible.

but you will not accept that law was made to prevent death.
you want the bible to specificly mention speeding tickets and will not accept any argument that does not spell out 'speeding ticket' from the bible..
you will not accept arguements for an evolution of the law from 'thou shall not kill' to don't speed to save lives.

it would be like me asking why is that part in your contraption and not accepting the reasons why it is there.

you argue for evolution but do not consider any for laws..
but you will not accept that law was made to prevent death.
Then the "law" apparently doesn't since it varies from state to state as far as I know.
And there's this:
To help reduce consumption, in 1974 a national maximum speed limit of 55 mph (about 88 km/h) was imposed through the Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act.
Nothing about "death".

you want the bible to specificly mention speeding tickets and will not accept any argument that does not spell out 'speeding ticket' from the bible..
you will not accept arguements for an evolution of the law from 'thou shall not kill' to don't speed to save lives.
Because that's an assumption (or maybe just a claim) on your part. You have not shown this to be the case, simply that that is what you believe is the reason.
Because that's an assumption (or maybe just a claim) on your part. You have not shown this to be the case, simply that that is what you believe is the reason.
as per wiki

Speed limits are usually set to attempt to cap road traffic speed; there are several reasons for wanting to do this. It is often done with an intention to improve road traffic safety and reduce the number of road traffic casualties from traffic collisions. In their World report on road traffic injury prevention report, the World Health Organization (WHO) identify speed control as one of various interventions likely to contribute to a reduction in road casualties. (The WHO estimated that some 1.2 million people were killed and 50 million injured on the roads around the world in 2004.)
as per wiki

Speed limits are usually set to attempt to cap road traffic speed; there are several reasons for wanting to do this
You still haven't addressed the variation in speed limits. Nor established that it's based on "Thou shalt not kill". Is a concern for human life exclusively biblical? I doubt it.
If you like we could go into other US laws too.
I'll remind you, once again, that IAmJoseph ended up being banned for pushing much the same myth, despite failing to provide evidence (and being given evidence to the contrary).
You still haven't addressed the variation in speed limits.
now who is moving the goal posts?
first it was 'find me speeding tickets' now its 'find me statutes'
my point is your argument is not to promote just like the 'show me proof' question, why ask it if you know you will not accept any answers?

Nor established that it's based on "Thou shalt not kill". Is a concern for human life exclusively biblical? I doubt it.
now there is a certain point ..IE is the bible the SOLE reason we have laws? or would laws still exist without religion?(adam and eve were the first example of law in religion)

If you like we could go into other US laws too.
I'll remind you, once again, that IAmJoseph ended up being banned for pushing much the same myth, despite failing to provide evidence (and being given evidence to the contrary).

laws can be broken down into catagories..(i have seen this but forget the details)
starts like; crimes against:
Property, Person,..(forgot the rest)
what do you think the first law was?

<gotta go pick up grand daughter..>
now who is moving the goal posts?
first it was 'find me speeding tickets' now its 'find me statutes'
Then I suggest you go back and read what I asked: what is the biblical justification for a speeding ticket? And I also pointed out that IF the bible were the source then the speed limit (and hence the reason for getting a ticket) should be the same throughout the states.

now there is a certain point ..IE is the bible the SOLE reason we have laws?
Exactly. Greenboy appears to think that the answer is yes.

what do you think the first law was?
Do as you're told! ;)
Then I suggest you go back and read what I asked: what is the biblical justification for a speeding ticket? And I also pointed out that IF the bible were the source then the speed limit (and hence the reason for getting a ticket) should be the same throughout the states.
the justification is not in the letter of the bible/law (literalist view)
and since susceptible to interpretation,would not be the same everywhere..

Do as you're told! ;)

so you are arguing the ten commandments originated from man?
(prexisting common law?)
the justification is not in the letter of the bible/law (literalist view)
and since susceptible to interpretation,would not be the same everywhere.
In other words Greenboy is likely wrong.

so you are arguing the ten commandments originated from man?
(prexisting common law?)
I suggest it's highly possible that they are a codification of pre-existing "laws". I don't know enough history but I find it hard to believe* that at least some of them weren't in existence beforehand.

* Which is not, of course, valid as an argument. ;)
The point here is. women have not rights or respect in Islamic Countries and in other No Christian countries. Islamic Countries are under dictatorships and imposed monarchist system,(the majority of them) where they don't even allow to travelers to these countries to bring their own personal bible,(Saudies) let me type that again, they don't allow travelers to bring their personal bible and is punishable by law to possess and or read the bible or part of the bible. And is not brainer woman have more rights,and the same rights as a men in countries with strong Christian influence, like it or not. Even Obamacare is influenced by Christian way of thinking. Probably is not perfect because is created by a man . Remember how our constitution starts "we the people" wow WE THE PEOPLE!... Very strong words, coming from a bunch of revolted farmers against an earthly Empire like the British Empire.
Equality among sexes and among races is a Christian principle,use in many constitutional government . You can not denied this.

Your lies about our secular government are also an example of creeping theocracy on the part of Christians. I'm just as resistant to them as I am to Islam. Equality among the sexes and races is not a Christian principle.