The Holy Quran

but i also agree that laws were based on the bible,
thou shall not kill..etc..

humanity has taken those laws and added to them to the point that most ppl do not recognize them as being from the bible.

ridiculous. "humanity" recognizes that killing of others is generally wrong because they value their life as well. even animals do to some extent and they can't write.

if anything, this understanding is why it was written into the bible as with any understanding. it first starts out as a thought, forms into a concept, passed orally and then written down by some. but of course, not every concept or idea is legitimate or even worthy.

this is why both humans and animals usually do not predate on their own tribe members since they are dependent on them and vice versa or furthering their dna or species. that is also why the bible has many verses that condone the killing of others who are unlike another. as far as understanding the golden rule, that is an acknowledgement or greater awareness or understanding that all life values itself and is trying to survive and so therefore greater compassion. also, humans and some animals alike are capable of compassion or affection more or less.

the bible is not the true 'origin' of wisdom. it is just written down by someone just like there is erroneous stuff as well. also, understanding can occur independent of any written text by one's own experience.

this is just so obvious to be missed.

Equality among sexes and among races is a Christian principle,use in many constitutional government . You can not denied this.

of course not. again ignorantly taking credit again. it's that people eventually fought for their rights and the parts of the bible condoning such inequality was not used to justify it by law. it was for social and political reasons rather than religious because religion and most philosophies did not represent their rights.
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"humanity" recognizes that killing of others is generally wrong because they value their life as well.

if anything, this understanding is why it was written into the bible as with any understanding.

the bible is not the true 'origin' of wisdom. it is just written down by someone

understanding can occur independent of any written text by one's own experience.

this is just so obvious to be missed.

true that..
OF course

Paying a speeding ticket is giving to the Cesar what belongs to him, our Cesar-Obama fix the roads for all of us and place regulations in how to use the roads, we pay back with taxes and or course with speeding tickets, which pay also many other things like the policeman salary, the judge in the court and etc. If you dont want to see this, well sorry I can not help you. But next time around make sure you pay Mr. Obama what belongs to him...

Nonsense. Paying a speeding ticket is acceding to the law as it stands, but does NOT support your claim that:

One more time: which part of the bible refers to speeding tickets?

So from where the bible came from?, from where the bible was made so simple to reach the masses, because everybody in my country can purchase a bible for as little as $5.00 and understand what the bible is saying. the bible was made for the people for the people understand GOD. Since the Protestant reformation and the arrival of the press the bible (King James Bible) was made in the thousands and given to the people for the first time in history, the Peasants started getting an education just to be able to read the bible and later other books the churches in the Old England started preaching the Word of God in English and men and women started having an education. Other religions even today denied this basic concepts like educating woman to their population' and educating their population
And Educating people give them freedom to think and to follow God the way they understand.
God Bless

true that..

You need to read the ideas of Margaret Sanger. She Founded Planned Parenthood and hired Ernest Rudin as her advisor. In her book Pivot of Civilization (1922) She called for: The elimination of "human weeds" ...for the cessation of "charity" and the prolonged life of the unfit: for the segregation of morons misfits, and the maladjusted, and for the sterilization of "genetically
inferior races" and she founded the atheist society in USA. She was murdered and her body disappeared. She influenced Other people to destroy
Millions of "inferior race people". and right now we have Gaddafi in Libya killing his own people. And thanks to this woman, we had already killed 50 million of children in United Stated thanks to legalization of abortion.
so "humanity" recognizes that killing of others is generally wrong because they value their life as well. even animals do to some extent and they can't write" I found your statement on founded and false. And animals kill their young very often. If you want we explore this part of your statement later on. God Bless!

ridiculous. "humanity" recognizes that killing of others is generally wrong because they value their life as well. even animals do to some extent and they can't write.

if anything, this understanding is why it was written into the bible as with any understanding. it first starts out as a thought, forms into a concept, passed orally and then written down by some. but of course, nory concept or idea is legitimate or even worthy.

this is why both humans and animals usually do not predate on their own tribe members since they are dependent on them and vice versa or furthering their dna or species. that is also why the bible has many verses that condone the killing of others who are unlike another. as far as understanding the golden rule, that is an acknowledgement or greater awareness or understanding that all life values itself and is trying to survive and so therefore greater compassion. also, humans and some animals alike are capable of compassion or affection more or less.

the bible is not the true 'origin' of wisdom. it is just written down by someone just like there is erroneous stuff as well. also, understanding can occur independent of any written text by one's own experience.

this is just so obvious to be missed.

of course not. again ignorantly taking credit again. it's that people eventually fought for their rights and the parts of the bible condoning such inequality was not used to justify it by law. it was for social and political reasons rather than religious because religion and most philosophies did not represent their rights.
Paying a speeding ticket is giving to the Cesar what belongs to him
And again you're either refusing to answer or incapable of understanding.
I'll make it simpler: which part of the bible says that speeding is an offence?

But next time around make sure you pay Mr. Obama what belongs to him...
Obama gets nothing from me. Never has. Never will. :rolleyes:
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Who is the family of Imran? That looks a lot like Iran? Why is he called Most Gracious? There always seems to be that same theme in most religions. Is that a name of God " Most Gracious" or is it an Attribute ? Like one of the holy Me's of heaven cast down ? Very good! I see nothing threatening in the writings thus far.

The Family of Imran is the family Mary (mother of Jesus, peace be upon him) born to.

"Most Gracious: Arabic - "Al Rahman" is a name of God. God has 99 names in Islam. Many of them are mentioned in the Holy Quran. Allah is the highest name. This name means "The God". It appears 2699 times in the whole Quran. This number is a prime number.

God asks us in the Holy Quran to ask things from Him by calling His names. Here are all the names:

Image of the 99 names in Arabic:
apparently you don't get it.
No, apparently Greenboy doesn't get it.
Where, in the Bible, is there anything about speeding? If the laws of the USA are based on the bible (per his claim) then which part of the bible leads to that law?

so quit asking..
And let his ridiculous claim go unchallenged?
Like I said, we've already had one member banned for making a similar claim.
Originally Posted by greenboy
because all the laws in USA are influenced by the bible

Nah...we see what we want to see. Early on, in human history, people needed to be shown that things were acceptable and some things were not. Hopefully by now they should be obvious though. Not accounting for mental illnesses.
No, apparently Greenboy doesn't get it.
Where, in the Bible, is there anything about speeding? If the laws of the USA are based on the bible (per his claim) then which part of the bible leads to that law?
well it says to respect your fellow man, by speeding you're not respecting your fellow men.
it also says to value life, both yours and others', speeding is the opposite of that.
well it says to respect your fellow man, by speeding you're not respecting your fellow men.
So going at 51 in a 50 zone is disrespectful?
I doubt it.

it also says to value life, both yours and others', speeding is the opposite of that.
You're going to have to substantiate that.

Why is speed limit not consistent over the entire US if the above are true?
So going at 51 in a 50 zone is disrespectful?
I doubt it.
yes, it's like smoking in a no smoking area, or wearing a hat where you're not supposed to.
anyway this is too simple, any violation of law is disrespectful to the people who putit.
they also put it to help everybody and keep them safe, the bible encourages both.
You're going to have to substantiate that.

Why is speed limit not consistent over the entire US if the above are true?
you should ask the ministry of transportation for that.
then again, i'm sure it's based on statistical data and processed with the scientific method, some places have more speeding drivers than others, some are more dangerous, some roads are worse than others, one state has more old unsafe cars than another, etc..
Oh well

I already told you but you refused to understand. You just have a none purpose discussion. Speeding tickets is to get money for the local government, What part of that you did not understand?, Local government are controlled and organized by local governors our Cesars. What part of that you don't understand?

And again you're either refusing to answer or incapable of understanding.
I'll make it simpler: which part of the bible says that speeding is an offence?

Obama gets nothing from me. Never has. Never will. :rolleyes:
I already told you but you refused to understand. You just have a none purpose discussion. Speeding tickets is to get money for the local government, What part of that you did not understand?, Local government are controlled and organized by local governors our Cesars. What part of that you don't understand?
Because this in no way supports your claim that the law is based on the bible.
I realise you have comprehension problems, but I hadn't realised quite how severe this problem is.
If the laws of the USA are based on the bible (per his claim) then which part of the bible leads to that law?

you are being apples and oranges...

speeding tickets is attempt to save someones life,
i think 'thou shall not kill' is directly relevant..
So American law is based on the bible. That's really interesting.
Where did you find this information?