The God Who Is Boud By Emotion And Mistakes

Well holy shit, don't mind me masterbating in this thread - I just read that the "The Epic of Atrahasis", is frikin guess it copied from Ziusudra "life of long days", which i hope I am finally correct in calling it "Sumerian". Man, these handmedown religions are old.

Ok in "Ziusudra":

God Enki warns Ziusudra of Shuruppak to build a large boat , A terrible storm raged for seven days, "the huge boat had been tossed about on the great waters...king Ziusudra ... they caused to dwell in the land of the country of Dilmun, the place where the sun rises."

Dilmun was an island in the Persian Gulf which suggests that Ziusudra's boat floated down the Euphrates river into the Persian Gulf and not up onto a mountain

Anyone got a link to the last flood thread we had - I wouldn't mind cutting and pasting this stuff there.

I wonder what campfire story "Ziusudra" comes from...

For instance:

Enki(Sumerian creator of man - god of water) - "warns" of an impending flood. He does not say he will cause the flood, but that it is coming. Much of the Sumerian Gods power comes from knowledge, not direct actions.

That speaks to a very human fear, that some disaster is coming and we don't know about it. We want to be the ones with knowledge of such things.
There is plenty geological evidence to assume that the Earth did actually suffer a massive flood. They are more than myths i think.
No there isn't. There were many smaller floods to be sure, but that's hardly the same thing. Even the largest ones that we know of, the Missoula Floods, only affected North America.
Ok.. I just thought the was the consensus of geologists.

I thought so too. Apparently the current (prevailing) theory is fossils on mountains are millions of years old(when that mountain was a molehill(underwater) so to speak).
i am listening to a song called ........when a man loves a woman .....
you should listen to it kinda makes me feel more close to god knowing that man is his mirror image its very beautiful
its like a man has a purpose without him theres nothing and he has feeling always wanting to get close to his creator its his needs and its our needs to want this man as a woman
i am listening to a song called ... when a man loves a woman ...
you should listen to it kinda makes me feel more close to god knowing that man is his mirror image its very beautiful
its like a man has a purpose without him theres nothing and he has feeling always wanting to get close to his creator its his needs and its our needs to want this man as a woman
M*W: Thank the Righteous Brothers for that one. All artists write and perform out of from their sexual side. That's why it is passion-filled. I believe in the Righteous Brothers before I could ever believe in some god.
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Sure, perhaps God is emotional and has made mistakes. Maybe it is a developing universe. We are made in his image or her image. We are emotional. Why not God?
As above, so below.
And any pantheists would seem to have to admit God is emotional since emotions are a part of things.
The other monotheists also have emotional Gods.

If we are made in gods image, why is so very much of the universe hostile to our lifeform?