The God Who Is Boud By Emotion And Mistakes

Helping someone understand is exactly what God (assuming he exists) is NOT doing.

Geez, Mikenostic, why don't He just send down all the food and drink we want and need, too? And when we're horny, He could send down some young, willing virgins for us, too.

God gave humans free will ...and humans have used it to fuck up the entire planet and kill off most of the other animals, and pollute the rivers and streams and lakes and oceans. Now tell me .....just why do you think God should do anything for animals like that?

Baron Max
A God would have to be at least as complex as the universe itself, probably more in order to make predictions. So actually, instead of one universe, there is two. I find this duplication unnecessary in the spirit of occam. Instead, I see the universe as a single thing with mysterious origins that became complex through a process of growth.
A God would have to be at least as complex as the universe itself, probably more in order to make predictions. So actually, instead of one universe, there is two.

Spider, you don't know enough to know any of that, so why make a decision at all about something that you know you don't have the knowledge to judge?

Why make a decisision until you've gathered all of the necessary information? Occam's Shaver or not. And why pretend to know if you don't?

Baron Max
Awww!!! I feel loved! I'm glad someone here actually listens to what I have to say lol. Love ya Reiku!!! Muah!

:D Anything for you...

AND FOR THE REST OF YA...:mad: I kinda agree with a lot of what is being said here. How come this has been troll free so far?:confused:
:D Anything for you...

AND FOR THE REST OF YA...:mad: I kinda agree with a lot of what is being said here. How come this has been troll free so far?:confused:

Don't start complaining about it or it won't last. lol Enjoy the troll free environment while we can.
Its just a matter of time before they start wondering this way. If you build it, they will come lol!!!!! I know, Im a dork.

I hate trolls...


Ok sorry, back to the conversation. :rolleyes:
Heres a theory... what if God created the universe and life and then stepped back, so to speak. (Meaning he doesn't take a roll in the Earth and doesn't have a plan or anything like that. He just creates the Earth and says "Ok, yall have fun now, Im going on vacation for a few trillion years. I'll check in on yall when I get back.")

Is it not plausable?
Very plausible. Indeed, the idea has been speculated for quite a while. What is really interesting about this proposal however, is the God, in doing this seems to be showing that He feels he has provided the necessery equipment and resources for us to fend on our own; and this ''fend for your own'' analogy is not very motherly or fatherly.

Very plausible. Indeed, the idea has been speculated for quite a while. What is really interesting about this proposal however, is the God, in doing this seems to be showing that He feels he has provided the necessery equipment and resources for us to fend on our own; and this ''fend for your own'' analogy is not very motherly or fatherly.


And only man-made religion has posed God as a fatherly figure.
Why would a 'God' have emotions to begin with? It makes sense for humans to have emotions that motivate them to keep alive, keep ahead, and reproduce; however, unless 'God' is in some kind of competative environment for resources and reproduction, I can't imagine why it would have any kind of emotion whatsoever.

Perhaps emotions are an integral part of any life form past a certain point of complexity. I see no reason to assume that God would not have emotions.
A God would have to be at least as complex as the universe itself, probably more in order to make predictions. So actually, instead of one universe, there is two. I find this duplication unnecessary in the spirit of occam. Instead, I see the universe as a single thing with mysterious origins that became complex through a process of growth.

God could be the same as the universe, but aware. Just as we can be aware of things inside us: urges, attitudes, even sub personalities, so God is aware of his own complicated internal ecosystem. We do not need to posit a second complicated thing.
It's more likely that the nature of our awareness as living beings with a nervous system is being projected onto the nature of the universe. Are crystals aware when they reproduce themselves? No. Even at the level of the genes which make us, it's only a mechanical process. Using people as a model of the universe is arbitrary and inaccurate.
Very plausible. Indeed, the idea has been speculated for quite a while. What is really interesting about this proposal however, is the God, in doing this seems to be showing that He feels he has provided the necessery equipment and resources for us to fend on our own; and this ''fend for your own'' analogy is not very motherly or fatherly.


do you really thints us to fend for our own? what makes you think that? why can't our dstiny be to burn out our planet and then ourselves? rather than assume god wants the best for us.
do you really thints us to fend for our own? what makes you think that? why can't our dstiny be to burn out our planet and then ourselves? rather than assume god wants the best for us.

Well, look at it this way ...our parents usually want whats best for their children, but would you think it would be wise of them to constantly interfere and force their children to do things their way all the time?

Baron Max
Geez, Mikenostic, why don't He just send down all the food and drink we want and need, too? And when we're horny, He could send down some young, willing virgins for us, too.
Supposedly God made man in his own image, right?
And we're supposed to be God's children and he our father, right?
Well, by that logic, HELL YEAH he needs to send down all the food and drink we need. Isn't that the fuckin job of a parent? Do you have kids, Baron?
Would you not give your kids all the food and drink they need? If not, then you'd be a pretty piss poor parent.

Any retard can see that given the current state of the world, if God is indeed up there, he's not doing his job. And if there was some sort of universal Department of Child Services, they would be paying Mr. God a visit for being a shitty parent, and would probably confiscate all of us and take us out of His custody.

God gave humans free will ...and humans have used it to fuck up the entire planet and kill off most of the other animals, and pollute the rivers and streams and lakes and oceans. Now tell me .....just why do you think God should do anything for animals like that?

Baron Max

If God is all-knowing, then he would have seen all this shit before it happened, yet he created us and let it happen anyway.
And as far as free will goes, the 'free will' you speak of is nothing but a simple choice between accepting Him or spending an eternity in hell.
What good parent do you know that would send their children to hell?
Or that you are all mising the point.

God, if He cares like a father, or mother, isn't displaying asuch. In fact, it seems as though He has wiped His hands clean of us, left us here, to our own devices, or free-will. But even that shows a new paradox. Because free-will is a very loosely used term today. If God interferred, which we are informed He did onn many occasions, then we don't have absolute free-will. We have a level of free-will that can at any time be probed by God. More to the point, is that this doesn't seem to happen anymore.