The God Who Is Boud By Emotion And Mistakes

Intentionality is relatively recent in the history of the universe. Even if you speculate about other planets with life, these were only possible after the universe had cooled and formed stars and planets. The vast majority of the past was controlled only by physical properties of matter and chemical interactions.
Hence another conclusion brought forth in the Quantum God thread.

Even God had to let the universe form according to quantum mechanics. That meant starting everything from a single point, expanding, superaccelerating, slowing down, accretion, planatoid creation which went through billions of years of volatile formation, till today...

With the materials He had, could he have done it any better?
Even God had to let the universe form according to quantum mechanics. That meant starting everything from a single point, expanding, superaccelerating, slowing down, accretion, planatoid creation which went through billions of years of volatile formation, till today...

With the materials He had, could he have done it any better?

But you making your judgement, your analysis, on ONLY your own limited knowledge. God knows a little bit more than you do.

Baron Max
If god is anything like anyone has ever describe him you cannot understand him. His thought processes are linear, yours are not.
My job is to understand the mind of God.

Well, that's just fine. But I would suggest that you learn and understand every single thing that any and all men know ...BEFORE... you attempt to understand God.

Or do you already know everything that's known? now you want to tackle what God knows?

Baron Max
God gave humans free will ...and humans have used it to fuck up the entire planet and kill off most of the other animals

I made a bunch of robots and gave them free will. I noticed over time that they all did nothing but bad. Some claimed this was the robots fault, but I knew better. It was a programming fault.

See Baron, it comes down to unchangeable nature, (such as trying to make a tiger vegetarian). When this god had to slaughter every living thing because every single human - from toddlers to grandmas - was being bad and evil, then you simply cannot say the fault lies with those beings, but with the creator of those beings. And it's not just humans, most of his angels were 'bad' as well. So who is really to blame?

I'm sorry, but the created cannot accept culpability for acting as their nature demands they act.

Furthermore, "fucking up the planet" is surely an inevitability when you have 6 billion people that need food and shelter etc?
Adding a bit of humanity to the idea of God(s) makes it more believable.


For instance:

Enki(Sumerian creator of man - god of water) - "warns" of an impending flood. He does not say he will cause the flood, but that it is coming. Much of the Sumerian Gods power comes from knowledge, not direct actions.
Ok I read up on this a bit more just now - i remembered it a bit wrong - Enki warns of his counterpart "earth god" Enlil's causing the flood(apparently through an oceanic quake->mesopotamian flood->middle east deluge.

However I did come upon this from "The Epic of Atrahasis"(physically predating the Epic of Gilgamesh by about 1000 years - Gilgamesh - ripoff- noah -ripoff, never get sick of saying that...):

"The Anunnaki (the senior gods -Enki, Enhil, Anu ) [were sitt]ing in thirst and hunger." was changed in Gilgamesh XI, 113 to "The gods feared the deluge."

Very "Human" things - Fear, hunger and thirst.
So I see that the Hebrew's Fused these 3 into one god. Thus the wrathful(Enhil), Loving(Enki), and all knowing(Anu), become one. Interesting.
very interesting.

But then just look at the Mayans... they too had the stories of the great flood.