The Gay Fray

I am . . . .

  • Homosexual

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 201 73.6%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 31 11.4%
  • Other (I would have complained if there wasn't an "other" option)

    Votes: 16 5.9%

  • Total voters
Sorry i was responding to both you and dragon (might have been a little harsh on you because i was irritated at the post below yours)

It irritates me that because im currently with a women its ok but when i was dating a guy its wrong. There was nothing wrong with it (except that the guy was a dickhead)

Homosexuality is an unordinary practice and irregular lifestyle that has no position in society. You're entitled to your opinions, as am I to mine. You may find no distinct difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality, but I do.
your right, there have been gays as long as there have been multigender oganisiums. Its the same rate in the animal kindom. Therefor its a HELL of a lot more natural than the delusion of the existance of god for example
This world is overpopulated, gays will bring it down.

down to were a nuke will bring everything down...down and the world will be painted with gay Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities post-Apocalyptic ruins of civilization. Buildings intact...cities in sleep of dying AIDS' victims and childless 'families'. And guess what if gays won't finish us.... the genetic engineering ( ) will.

Oh no, you say the population is so large that the genetic engineering triple parent families with gay childless "families" wan't finish us...than the nukes, terrorism, environmental catastrophies surely will.
What place does God have in an argument over homosexuality? You may call homosexuality "natural" because some animals have been said to exhibit the behaviour, but that argument certainly doesn't sit well with me (mostly because animals do all sorts of things that we may describe as unethical or "disgusting"). Homosexuality is not only a fruitless practice, but it is also counterproductive.
why do you think its unethical? or discusting?

Ignoring religion compleatly (i really dont care WHICH religion you subscribe to) give me an ethical post focusing on the formal principles of ethics that shows that homesexuality is unethical
I never said homosexuality was "unethical" in my post. I said that animals do things that we consider unethical (like cannibalism, for example), which is why you cannot justify homosexuality as being natural just because animals do it. Why? Quite simply, because animals do a lot of things. Picking and choosing which ones are fine or not is unfair.
Homosexuality is an unordinary practice and irregular lifestyle that has no position in society. You're entitled to your opinions, as am I to mine. You may find no distinct difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality, but I do.

now back up this statement
so if a couple is infertile there is no benifit to sociaty in it?
If only a small percentage of people like red heads its wrong because its not the majority?

What about the benifts to the enviroment from 2 people living together and sharing resorces?
what about the benifts that come with having a loving partner surporting you?
Infertile people do not choose to be infertile.

Those two people don't need to have sex/get married to live together and share resources. If a guy wants to do those things so badly, then he should find a woman.
Kadark said:

Seriously: who is scared of gay people?

Well, Norsefire for starters. A fairly controversial topic on the lie of homophobia ran because I wanted to explore his fantasy fears: "I don't want to be asleep in my barracks," he noted, "and getting violated by some homo at the same time."

And then there's you:

I believe we should have more sexual reorientation therapies to help eradicate the problem.

I mean, really.
Well, Norsefire for starters. A fairly controversial topic on the lie of homophobia ran because I wanted to explore his fantasy fears: "I don't want to be asleep in my barracks," he noted, "and getting violated by some homo at the same time."

And then there's you:

I mean, really.

My post was intended to show that I want to help homosexuals - not display a fear of them. Aren't I such a nice guy?
no actually all your showing is that your a biggot. Infact i would go as far as to say your as big a biggot as people like sandy who think all muslims are "evil terrioust"
Just because I consider homosexuality a subhuman lifestyle, doesn't mean I'm a bigot. It simply means I disagree with you.

Get over yourself.
My post was intended to show that I want to help homosexuals - not display a fear of them. Aren't I such a nice guy?

But why do you want to help them? What makes you think homosexuality can be 'helped'. There was a time when homosexuality was deemed to be a mental illness and shock treatments and stays in mental institutions was meant to cure them. When that did not work, the scientific community finally realised that a homosexual is not sick, but is simpy a homosexual just as you are a heterosexual. Just as you cannot be cured of being straight, a homosexual cannot be cured of being gay.