The Ego of the Atheist

I was chased last night, I didn't see who or what it was, but I assume it was a blue dandelion with three eyes.. :shrug:
And I thought it was just me that was being terrorized by woven mutated flora and
not exactly,
if you believe in it, then you are a theist, see below,
but if you do not believe in it, you can still believe in other kind of god and thus it does not establish your atheism.
How do I know if I believe 'it' or not if I don't know what 'it' is..? we are born atheist's (imo) we become theist's after 'it' has been accepted...
If I were to believe in my 'god' my 'it' then it would be the only way, the right way, so any other persons belief's would be atheism as It would be belief in nothing,a falsehood belief in myth rather than "claimed theist truth"(hmm i don't think i'm explaining myself right)..and belief in all deities regardless is just silly

for me god is consciousness and there is only one god, so one consciousness,
Every believer in 'god' believe's their 'god' or 'gods' are the one true 'god/s'..perhaps that it is why it is not the atheist that is egotistical it is the theist
it is beyond our perception, it is what makes them possible.
Pelicans living on pluto, can you percieve it.........:bugeye: no..? so that doesn't make it possible it just confirms the impossible

1) all self proclaimed atheist I met disagree with this view (I agree it is a weak reason based on induction)
Religious induction begins normaly at a more younger manipulative age.
2) Atheist contains the letter A signifing absence so because here there is a belief in a thing beyond yourself, the letter A is not appropriate
THEIST contains the letters T.H.E.I.S.T.if you take out the T Then it relates to a dyslexic belief in SHITE (being the original letter placings and the old Sumarian word for 'what falls out of male cow)'
3) This kind of god has been established a long time ago by people considering themselves believer in god
this is irrelavent..y/n
Is there any atheist who argues that perception is not reality? And yet, they constantly define perception as reality.

I have a perception of reality but it's only based on the parts of reality I know, your perception of reality will not equate to mine and visa versa so I can only percieve it for me and not you, so my perception may not be your reality....
The word I use for what you define as 'assumption' is lunacy.
Even assumptions have at least some credibility.

I assume you are challenged in your ability to comprehend fine distinctions in meaning.
How do I know if I believe 'it' or not if I don't know what 'it' is..? we are born atheist's (imo) we become theist's after 'it' has been accepted...
If I were to believe in my 'god' my 'it' then it would be the only way, the right way, so any other persons belief's would be atheism as It would be belief in nothing,a falsehood belief in myth rather than "claimed theist truth"(hmm i don't think i'm explaining myself right)..and belief in all deities regardless is just silly
I am not saying that theism should be my theism, on the contrary. you have many kind of theism, your idea is exactly the atheist view that they have the right view and all other are theist (meaning of course according to atheist that is it is a wrong view).

would you agree with the definition:
theist: belief in a conscious god?
atheist belief in a unconscious reality?

but the problem is there is probably some that believe in a unconscious god that consider themselves theist while there are people who do not belief in a unconscious reality who consider themselves atheist. And because of the a of atheist I would regard more this people as atheist if really they do not believe in any other god.

so maybe in accordance to the topic:
theist: believer in something beyond themsevles and other
atheist : non believer in something beyond themsevles and other

Would it be ok?

in this case phlogistician would be a theist because believeing in a reality beyond her perception

Pelicans living on pluto, can you percieve it.........:bugeye: no..? so that doesn't make it possible it just confirms the impossible
the point was: without consciousness you cannot perceived

Religious induction begins normaly at a more younger manipulative age.
atheist one also ;)

this is irrelavent..y/n
it is. you probably did not read them...
How is it egoistical ?
It seems more egoistical of the theist to expect believe in his/her deity from atheists.

What if I told you that the planet Mercury is actually entirely made of mercury ?
Would it be egoistical of you not to believe me ?

Not the best anology as I'm talking about an all powerful deity. My opinion of a planet would just be based on hard fact.

In the OP you bash Atheist's for thinking that possibly Jc was not what you percieve him to be

I didn't say anything about the way I perceive JC. Just comments made about JC by atheists.

then you state..

I would have thought taking a stance like in the OP and criticising other people's belief or non-belief in what you may believe in you would keep some consistancy....
To bring up Jc (imo) automaticaly means reference to the bible be it christian/catholic/evangelical/protestant or church of zion and the seven angels, so you after bringing this character that is refered to in 'The Bible' (and whose faith some religions are based on),you say the message is enough to believe but you don't know the bible .....if you don't know the bible how can you know the 'message' or enough about Jc to say what he was.............?

Well the simple message is be good to one another and believe in an all powerful God maker of heaven and earth. I don;t need to know the bible inside out to know that much.
I didn't say anything about the way I perceive JC. Just comments made about JC by atheists.
What you claim in the OP about JC is that atheists are belittling him by saying this and that and you are belittling them for having an opinion different to you, so you say plenty about your perception of JC.
you've already contradicted your OP anyway as I said before.

Well the simple message is be good to one another and believe in an all powerful God maker of heaven and earth. I don;t need to know the bible inside out to know that much.
You've gone full hypocritical circle.......You don't know enough about atheism to judge ego.. mr time-travelling pyramid stargate superman
I assume you are challenged in your ability to comprehend fine distinctions in meaning.

Let me just say that your definition (or the dictionary's) is unworkable, hence I reject it.

What term does exist for "a thought or a statement about something based
on high probability but without sufficient evidence to be completely certain" ?
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Not the best anology as I'm talking about an all powerful deity. My opinion of a planet would just be based on hard fact.

And why should that be any different for an all powerful deity, which you haven't proven to be all-powerful by the way... or even to be in existence for that matter.
You believe in a reality behind your perception, that was the point at issue, not the belief in the existence of a banana, don't hide your belief

Bananas are as real as anything else. Don't try to make something out of that, that it is not. You are spouting metaphysical BS. Please stop.

Many gods, imply many meaning to the word god!

Not at all. Many gods, implying many instances of the exact definition.
OK, I'm way late on this thread, but I can't help myself.

I don't believe any atheist admits to being one in order to ridicule or shame theists. At least, that's not what they should be doing. If an atheist is discussing the matter, it's because the matter needs to be discussed.

We need to start having these conversations in public forums. It's one thing to have faith in your own personal savior, but we need to start having open and honest discussions about the terrible things that can, and inevitably do, come from organized religion. From the countless, never-ending, genocidal wars in the Middle East, to the evangelicals trying to put Creationism in our schools in the US, we need to start making it clear that religion, at most, should be a personal venture not fit for any public forum.

You can be a good person without religion, and so saying a person "is of faith" needs to stop being talked about as a virtue. George W. Bush's faith is why stem cell research isn't funded on a federal level, so faith can really screw things up when its values are forced upon a society.

You can have your God, but don't tell me that my kids have to learn about it in a public school, and don't tell me that we're not trying to cure diseases because your faith says life begins at conception. Enough with the BS.
And why should that be any different for an all powerful deity, which you haven't proven to be all-powerful by the way... or even to be in existence for that matter.

As mentioned in my OP the atheist resorts to his mantra 'prove it'! I'm here that's proof enough for me.

How do you prove you love someone or that you are in love?

Why because it's a feeling. Well so is the feedback I get from having faith.
That's a pure emotional response of satisfaction. You can achieve the same when you think you have found the solution to a difficult problem. The issue with religious emotionally inspired fantasies is that you never get feedback to tell you are wrong.

That nice warm fuzzy feeling you have in the belief that when you die you will exist forever in a utopian paradise - is all you have - a warm fuzzy feeling.

You can achieve the same with the right drugs - guess why so many recreational drugs are so popular, as is religious faith?

The problem with truth is that it is not necessarily pleasant.
But just because an atheist doesn't believe in God doesn't mean there will be no repercusions in the afterlife assuming there is an afterlife and a God. Or because they don't beleive in something it suddenly doesn't exist. It's like saying I don't believe in the Law, if you go and and commit a crime you will still be punished.
Yes, obviously what we believe to be true doesn't necessarily have anything to do with what actually is true. But most theists don't seem to understand that what is true isn't influenced in any way by our preferences about what is true. I suspect that the vast majority of atheists would love to be able to live forever in heavenly bliss - we just don't see any reason to believe that such a thing is possible. Theists, on the other hand, often seem to believe in things simply because they find them appealing without any particular regard for how plausible they are. And yes, of course there are plenty of exceptions on both sides.