Hhhmmmm that's a big sandwich to bite...:scratchin:Pinocchio's Hoof,
In another thread I have put forward my idea and Ijustify why consciousness is only one.
check here
cogito ergo sum establish the existence of consciousness
your ego is a bundle of perception that you can always doubt,
on the other hand consciousness has to always be here, even when you see your ego,
consciousness perceive your ego as well as mine.
So in other word, ultimately we are all this consciousness, we are all god but as soon as we identify ouselves with the ego (the bunddle of perception) we are caught in the woriies, pleasure of life
I wonder how many different factions of faith would state their god was the one true god, I suppose it comes down to what depth of belief or non-belief,I'm an atheist as I believe in no 'God' yet I believe in a natural/spiritual relationship between Man and nature/this panet, belief in god may range from old man with grey beard to cosmic energy. Also it boils down to what you are defining as 'God'.....