The Ego of the Atheist

Pinocchio's Hoof,

In another thread I have put forward my idea and Ijustify why consciousness is only one.
check here
cogito ergo sum establish the existence of consciousness
your ego is a bundle of perception that you can always doubt,
on the other hand consciousness has to always be here, even when you see your ego,
consciousness perceive your ego as well as mine.

So in other word, ultimately we are all this consciousness, we are all god but as soon as we identify ouselves with the ego (the bunddle of perception) we are caught in the woriies, pleasure of life
Hhhmmmm that's a big sandwich to bite...:scratchin:

I wonder how many different factions of faith would state their god was the one true god, I suppose it comes down to what depth of belief or non-belief,I'm an atheist as I believe in no 'God' yet I believe in a natural/spiritual relationship between Man and nature/this panet, belief in god may range from old man with grey beard to cosmic energy. Also it boils down to what you are defining as 'God'.....
Hhhmmmm that's a big sandwich to bite...:scratchin:

I wonder how many different factions of faith would state their god was the one true god, I suppose it comes down to what depth of belief or non-belief,I'm an atheist as I believe in no 'God' yet I believe in a natural/spiritual relationship between Man and nature/this panet, belief in god may range from old man with grey beard to cosmic energy. Also it boils down to what you are defining as 'God'.....

then it is only about justifying your definition.
then it is only about justifying your definition.

but the atheist (my) stance is dis-belief in god ' as in come about by most religious text' (a judger,creator, maker), some like to term 'God' to a potential initial spark.
Perhaps where I see acts of nature, common weather extremes (and believe that we are and (prob)always will be at the mercy of nature) people all those millenia ago saw those same occurance's in nature but as an act of a superior race/being/deity/god as they didn't exactly have the same education or in-depth knwledge of what they were seeing.
The athiest has nothing to prove or define , unless the offered claim of 'God' be it any shape or form is accepted as a logical thoery leading to belief or becoming a believer in what definition was offered from yahweh to kali.
When people stop believing in gods they cease to exist/ are no longer heralded as the prime function of most religions is gaining/recruiting believers given the diverse def of 'God' you would have to define it for me to say if I believed it or was still atheist.
Atheist contains the letter 'A' which means absence
so I would say the reverse to you:
a believer in something beyond our selves is a theist

Only if the 'something' is a deity.

For the reason cited above, you are a theist because you believe in something beyond your perception. you have not an absence of belief so you are not an Atheist

I do not believe in any deity, therefore I remain an atheist.

Stop trying to twist the word into some metaphysical bullshit.
Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion puts man at the center of the universe. Atheism seems to imply that we are but a rare configuration of elements in a vast, indifferent expanse of space, the end process of 3-4 billion years of evolution where we are neither the first or the last lifeforms.

Explain again how atheism is egotistical?

You are also jumping the gun to say that atheism cannot be the outcome of a spiritual quest. It was for me. Atheism is just an attribute of many spiritual practices, such as Zen and Taoism.
So following that logic theists are also are also inflating their egos as they are rejecting all the same gods that the atheist does minus 1. (Assuming we are talking about monotheists)

Egomaniac theists.

Since when do atheists believe in other Gods isn't that streaching the interpretion of atheist?

QUOTE pharaohmoan......."I'm generally of the opinion that the singularity surrounding the big bang was akin to a school fish all swimming and thinking together as one to form a single mind GOD.

What religious belief in god is this........and where is the logic,fact or proof

The logic is by piling studying systems vary carefully, the fact is in the feed back and the proof is on it's way!

Sounds to me like you're stroking your ego pretty well right now... :rolleyes:
That's such a atheist type twisty turvey reply.

That certainly is a spin, 'cos that's not the definition of atheist you're describing there bub.

Simply, we don't believe in your god, just like you don't believe in Pan, Zeus, Thor, Shiva or Ganesh.

You are an atheist too, but just don't want to admit that our reasons for not believing in your god are the same reasons why you don't believe in the entire pantheon.

Excuse me are you somehow saying you have a God that is better than mine?!
Cos if you are Miss?? %%$$$&&###***!!!!
Yes, clearly there's only reason why someone would doubt the accuracy of a 2000+ year old book full of stories of talking plants and animals, a guy living in the stomach of a whale, and people magically conjuring things from thin air; inflating their ego.

And where did I say you have to accept the bible. Just the message is enough. I don't know the bible yet I believe in God based on my own study of the mind. The out come from a scientic come spiritual standpoint is afirmative yes there is a God why the aguement just accept it or you shall all regret it. Simple as really. Simply put the revised opinion is athiests refuse to move on as they are fearful of something i suspect, probably devine retribution. They in my opinion are holding back evolution.
Maybe the Atheist appears egotistic, aloof as they know something the believer doesn't and visa versa......

Originally Posted by Pinocchio's Hoof
QUOTE pharaohmoan......."I'm generally of the opinion that the singularity surrounding the big bang was akin to a school fish all swimming and thinking together as one to form a single mind GOD.

P/H What religious belief in god is this........and where is the logic,fact or proof

P/Moan..The logic is by piling studying systems vary carefully, the fact is in the feed back and the proof is on it's way!
Thats no answer...
for what reason this kind of post?
you did not even answer the post I wrote in answer to yours,

Give arguments if you think my view does not stand.
That is because the reply you gave, was only repeating the very same errors I had pointed out, you had originally made. Your post was in effect, a lot written but nothing said. It is all your doing in every thread your in.
You are yet to make an intelligent post.
It is just SPAG upon SPAG upon SPAG.(self perception as God)
Look at the replies you keep getting and then say to yourself "either every poster that replies is an imbecile, or I ronan am an imbecile."
And where did I say you have to accept the bible.
Fair enough - I've spent too long around people who equate not being a christian with being an atheist.
Simply put the revised opinion is athiests refuse to move on as they are fearful of something i suspect, probably devine retribution.
How can you be afraid of something that you don't believe in?

Although there are of course plenty of exceptions, I would say that in general the opposite is true - it's most theists who seem to hold beliefs out of fear. Specifically, they fear the idea that they will cease to exist when they die, or the idea that they don't have a magical protector watching over them.
OK here's my spin on why atheists continue to denounce God and will argue vehemently against the possibility and existance of God.

Quite simply they are seeking to inflate their ego thereby making themselves the centre of their universe which inadvertantly is a blasphemous stance by default. By denouncing something so superior to themselves they are inflating their ego, giving themselves a false sense of superiority.

Of course the atheist will never admit that they are egotistical and will most probably hide behind the 'prove to me there is a God' statement. Instead of seeking spirituality they want proof handed to them on a plate. Instead of investing in faith they choose to invest in themselves, ask them about Jesus Christ and they will fob you off with comments like he was a con man or that he plainly didn't exist, some even saying he was just some poor deluded man.

Personally for all you believers out there I don't think think it's worth arguing with atheists about God because you will just hit the same brick wall with them and continue to inflate their ego. It's simple to see they will not progress very far in the afterlife and IMO that's what counts. After all forever is a very long time and if their dumb enough to think that the religions of the world just came about for no apparant reason let them believe that.

If they want to believe that we came to life and are conscious by chance duh then let them remain deluded in their own little bubble of denial.

The ego has left the building.
M*W: So why are you here?
Well ego is probably an effect of theists generaly being stupid and atheists not so. Theists don't like to be on the lower rung of the intellectual ladder, so they use the ego thing against the atheists.

It's hard not to develop an ego when those around you are 9/11 truthers, Jesus freaks, and taking photographs of 'orbs'.