The Ego of the Atheist

If they understood the logic of it, they would be atheists too. So they must invent the next most plausable explanation, the one they could wrap their brains around.

OK here's my spin on why atheists continue to denounce God and will argue vehemently against the possibility and existance of God.
The first major fault in your post is the classic error of attempting to make generalizations about a widely diverse group whose attitudes, beliefs, lifestyles, etc, are largely not comparable, the only thing in common is a disbelief in one or more gods.

By denouncing something so superior to themselves they are inflating their ego, giving themselves a false sense of superiority.
Atheists don’t denounce gods. To denounce something the target object must exist. Atheists aren’t likely to denounce something they don’t believe exists.

What we do observe is the theist’s ego trip. Here the theist assumes that he and humans are so vastly important in the universe that an incredible powerful super-being capable of creating universes has favored him from the vastness of the universe and will grant him special favors, will answer prayers, and will bestow upon him eternal life. Whereas the more typical atheist view is that man is an insignificant spec in the universe and in the whole scheme of things is totally irrelevant. Hardly an ego trip.

Of course the atheist will never admit that they are egotistical and will most probably hide behind the 'prove to me there is a God' statement.
Hardly hiding, and it’s much simpler. Just a single tiny scrap of evidence that shows that a god might be possible would be helpful.

Instead of seeking spirituality they want proof handed to them on a plate.
Theists make the claims for gods so the onus is firmly on them to substantiate their wild fantasies. I don’t see anything unreasonable in that or egotistical.

Instead of investing in faith they choose to invest in themselves,
So the choice here is spending time convincing oneself that something is real in the total absence of any evidence, or actually pursuing activities that have a real foundation.

And you see value in believing in fantasies because………?

ask them about Jesus Christ and they will fob you off with comments like he was a con man or that he plainly didn't exist, some even saying he was just some poor deluded man.
And still no one can show he ever actually existed. Other atheists of course point out that some of the Christian sentiments, love your neighbor, for example, are good ideas.

Personally for all you believers out there I don't think think it's worth arguing with atheists about God because you will just hit the same brick wall with them and continue to inflate their ego.
I think many atheists have drawn identical conclusions about the closed minded nature of theists. To the theist there is only one answer to everything – God – they have closed their minds to any alternatives. That is definitely a brick wall.

It's simple to see they will not progress very far in the afterlife and IMO that's what counts.
If of course it existed, but that is just another theist fantasy.

After all forever is a very long time and if their dumb enough to think that the religions of the world just came about for no apparant reason let them believe that.
But your problem here is that most atheists who have examined the issues do see from history how religions began – they are all man made. Your problem would be to show that there is some supernatural cause and to date no one has come close.

If they want to believe that we came to life and are conscious by chance duh then let them remain deluded in their own little bubble of denial.
Chance? If you are referring to evolutionary theories then you should realize that evolution doesn’t occur by chance. You’ve been reading too much theistic misinformation and indoctrination leaflets.
The illusion is you, let go. (266 posts)
06-08-08, 10:27 AM #28

Well I look at life as a search for the truth. I don't ever remember not being conscious and as a result of this I have many lifetimes of memories to draw upon. To some extent I have been trying to understand the inner workings of my mind for I believe this is key in reaching a higher state of consciouness.

From what I've learnt so far I believe this universe to be a mistake born out of a paradoxical situation which created the big bang. As such we became disconected from the source and have been searching for the truth ever since.

With this in mind I have made a concerted effort not only to not bear children, (a selfish act in my opinion given the lack of what is on offer) but rather I prefer to concentrate on evolving so that I might be able to pave the way for others. I will not stop until I achieve a higher form of expression, be in harmony with my surroundings and control matter with my mind so that I can build and accomplish anything.
I think it is you that lives in a Egotistical pap
OK here's my spin on why atheists continue to denounce God and will argue vehemently against the possibility and existance of God.
Quite simply they are seeking to inflate their ego thereby making themselves the centre of their universe which inadvertantly is a blasphemous stance by default.
but I AM the center of my Universe...:p
or can you prove me wrong?
By denouncing something so superior to themselves they are inflating their ego, giving themselves a false sense of superiority.
non sequitor,that does not follow
first you have to prove that some dog exist and two, is superior!
can you do it?
Of course the atheist will never admit that they are egotistical and will most probably hide behind the 'prove to me there is a God' statement. Instead of seeking spirituality they want proof handed to them on a plate.
nice try but no cigar,its YOUR god you are pushing here you prove it!
SHOW me this SPIRITUALITY ,I dare you.
theres no such thing and you know it!
Instead of investing in faith they choose to invest in themselves, ask them about Jesus Christ and they will fob you off with comments like he was a con man or that he plainly didn't exist, some even saying he was just some poor deluded man.
faith is believing in something that doesnt exist,NOT a wise investment IMO
Jesus was most likely fictious figure plagiarized from other religious MYTHologies,most likely Krishna and Horus
many many historians have been investigating Jesus existence for very long time and still nothing
Personally for all you believers out there I don't think think it's worth arguing with atheists about God because you will just hit the same brick wall with them and continue to inflate their ego It's simple to see they will not progress very far in the afterlife and IMO that's what counts. After all forever is a very long time and if their dumb enough to think that the religions of the world just came about for no apparant reason let them believe that.
forever is just a wishfull thinking as no one really wants to die,
but pascals wager is a sucker bet
souls were thought to be air/breath by the primitive ancient peoples,now we know better
If they want to believe that we came to life and are conscious by chance duh then let them remain deluded in their own little bubble of denial.
we KNOW where we came from and it wasnt a pile of dirt like your buyBull says so,stop projecting...cause its you who is deluded.
Since when do atheists believe in other Gods isn't that streaching the interpretion of atheist?
I think you misunderstand.

You are accusing atheists of being egotistical because they are rejecting a belief in a higher power. As a theist you are denying the existence of thousands of gods. The atheist is only rejecting the existence of one more than you.

So by your logic, theists have an ego problem as well.

Perhaps I am cherry picking through your explanation a bit though.
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faith is believing in something that doesnt exist,NOT a wise investment IMO
Jesus was most likely fictious figure plagiarized from other religious MYTHologies,most likely Krishna and Horus

we KNOW where we came from and it wasnt a pile of dirt like your buyBull says so,stop projecting...cause its you who is deluded.

You must realise that he is totaly deluded and disillusioned, throw in a bit of ignorance and naivety combined with narcissistic personality disorder, and hey presto the recipie for a believer in something that can't be seen,heard,felt,touched,known or proved but thats just my opinion and i'm no shrink...add the frustrations at being unable to prove his paranormal abilities:splat:

P/moan "but rather I prefer to concentrate on evolving so that I might be able to pave the way for others. I will not stop until I achieve a higher form of expression, be in harmony with my surroundings and control matter with my mind so that I can build and accomplish anything."

DUDE its like you don't know shit from shinola,yet decided to have a pop at atheist's to vent your frustrations
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Only if the 'something' is a deity.

I do not believe in any deity, therefore I remain an atheist.

Stop trying to twist the word into some metaphysical bullshit.

Monotheists are theists.

please read Shankara, Vasithta Yoga, Tripura rahasya, as well as Measter Eckcart, all considered theist talk about god/consciousness.

But the point here is only about word and:

I BELIEVE in a one consciousness beyond my ego THEREFORE I am THEIST

if you believe also in that you are also a theist

but the atheist (my) stance is dis-belief in god ' as in come about by most religious text' (a judger,creator, maker), some like to term 'God' to a potential initial spark.
Perhaps where I see acts of nature, common weather extremes (and believe that we are and (prob)always will be at the mercy of nature) people all those millenia ago saw those same occurance's in nature but as an act of a superior race/being/deity/god as they didn't exactly have the same education or in-depth knwledge of what they were seeing.
The athiest has nothing to prove or define , unless the offered claim of 'God' be it any shape or form is accepted as a logical thoery leading to belief or becoming a believer in what definition was offered from yahweh to kali.
When people stop believing in gods they cease to exist/ are no longer heralded as the prime function of most religions is gaining/recruiting believers given the diverse def of 'God' you would have to define it for me to say if I believed it or was still atheist.

For many god has no shape, Allah for example
and for many other, god is beyond creation,
for some god is consciousness, the stance I take,
if you take this stance, you are a theist, period.
That is because the reply you gave, was only repeating the very same errors I had pointed out, you had originally made. Your post was in effect, a lot written but nothing said. It is all your doing in every thread your in.
You are yet to make an intelligent post.
It is just SPAG upon SPAG upon SPAG.(self perception as God)
Look at the replies you keep getting and then say to yourself "either every poster that replies is an imbecile, or I ronan am an imbecile."

You did not point out any errors, just attacking my post themselves, not the content of the arguments,

right there is not so much to being said, because that is so simple.
Ego is a process of complexification

First fo all, it is not SPAG, self perception as god?
what the fuck are you talking?

ego is perception, god is consciousness. SPAG is your bullshit

The only time I get upset was for some justified reason (often as an answer to insult like yours, you are the one using teh word imbecile),
most of the time here, I am dicussing with poeple while refinning my arguments and attacking arguments about the materialsim adovacted by many here, that is why there is long thread on atheist realism and if you do not like it, you have two choice: give arguments or leave.
The only real ego I see is that of the person who claims to understand the most basic fundamental forces of the universe, and expects others to buy into their belief system, yet gives no effective means of demonstrating this claim.
One of the basic tenants of Christianity is ego. Nobody ever says so, but everyone thinks it. It's the idea that Christians (or simply those who believe) are better than other people, destined for better things, or have a better understanding of the 'truth'.
The only real ego I see is that of the person who claims to understand the most basic fundamental forces of the universe, and expects others to buy into their belief system, yet gives no effective means of demonstrating this claim.

I am not saying that you have ego and me no,

Many religious teachings have for goal to help us in life by helping us to give up ego. It does not mean of course that theist have no ego. It means that usually they try to supress it (I agree that many have a strong ego and even do not try to supress it)

Personnaly, I have ego, a strong one in fact, but these teachings taught me that by reducing it I could feel happier.

This last months I experienced it: more you feel detached about what happen in your life, more you feel happy about it.
but I could not yet suppress it completely, sometimes I wonder if it is ever possible without dying.

These teaching by saying that finnaly the world is only perception, they say that you should not worrie to much, you should act while keeping a distance with all the worries and desires of your life.
Hey man, you were asking for it. Your thread is an insult to atheists.
Anyhow.. don't take it too seriously. If I don't like your thread, it doesn't mean I don't like you :p

Don't wish people bad luck..

OK I won't but I just wanted to thrash this issue out becasue from my perspective it does seem egotistical to deny (noticed I changed it from denounce) a deity.

Fair enough - I've spent too long around people who equate not being a christian with being an atheist.

How can you be afraid of something that you don't believe in?

Although there are of course plenty of exceptions, I would say that in general the opposite is true - it's most theists who seem to hold beliefs out of fear. Specifically, they fear the idea that they will cease to exist when they die, or the idea that they don't have a magical protector watching over them.

I hope I don't contradict myself too much here but although I am spritual I am not a devout Christian I agree that what I have acused atheists of holds true to both sides of the coin. Many Christians are locked into their religion out of fear. But just because an atheist doesn't believe in God doesn't mean there will be no repercusions in the afterlife assuming there is an afterlife and a God. Or because they don't beleive in something it suddenly doesn't exist. It's like saying I don't believe in the Law, if you go and and commit a crime you will still be punished.

Well ego is probably an effect of theists generaly being stupid and atheists not so. Theists don't like to be on the lower rung of the intellectual ladder, so they use the ego thing against the atheists.

It's hard not to develop an ego when those around you are 9/11 truthers, Jesus freaks, and taking photographs of 'orbs'.

Yeah I can see that this happens. Many Chrisitans no doubt do push religion to also boost their ego and think they will be directly rewarded my God this is IMO is a deluded thought as logically for me God would be far removed from any contact with humans purely because they are predictable and somewhat still primative.

If they understood the logic of it, they would be atheists too. So they must invent the next most plausable explanation, the one they could wrap their brains around.
I agree that if one has not had any spritual experiences than logically one might sway towards atheism. I'm lucky however in that I have had many spiritual experiences that point to a higher organised inteligence so I've used logic to accept not deny a greater power. One of the things I often try to get accross is that to deny a greater power is to close oneself off from having any spiritual experiences.


The first major fault in your post is the classic error of attempting to make generalizations about a widely diverse group whose attitudes, beliefs, lifestyles, etc, are largely not comparable, the only thing in common is a disbelief in one or more gods.

Atheists don’t denounce gods. To denounce something the target object must exist. Atheists aren’t likely to denounce something they don’t believe exists.
Thanks for clarifying

What we do observe is the theist’s ego trip. Here the theist assumes that he and humans are so vastly important in the universe that an incredible powerful super-being capable of creating universes has favored him from the vastness of the universe and will grant him special favors, will answer prayers, and will bestow upon him eternal life. Whereas the more typical atheist view is that man is an insignificant spec in the universe and in the whole scheme of things is totally irrelevant. Hardly an ego trip.
Yes thiests are at it as well but for different reasons.

Hardly hiding, and it’s much simpler. Just a single tiny scrap of evidence that shows that a god might be possible would be helpful.

Perhaps it's just Gods humour in play and he won't give us any evidence just to test us!

Theists make the claims for gods so the onus is firmly on them to substantiate their wild fantasies. I don’t see anything unreasonable in that or egotistical.

If that's your stance than fine but remember I know the afterlife exists I've had ample proof of it so don't refer to them as fantasies please.

So the choice here is spending time convincing oneself that something is real in the total absence of any evidence, or actually pursuing activities that have a real foundation.

Yes it called a quest for spirituality. Even practicing something like martial arts is a quest that brings you nearer to God by understanding the movement of Chi.

And you see value in believing in fantasies because………?
Because I get energy feedback that confirms my beliefs.

I think many atheists have drawn identical conclusions about the closed minded nature of theists. To the theist there is only one answer to everything – God – they have closed their minds to any alternatives. That is definitely a brick wall.
No I'm not closed minded it's just that the evidence for me points to God existing. It's not just based on faith alone. You can still talk about sprituality.

But your problem here is that most atheists who have examined the issues do see from history how religions began – they are all man made. Your problem would be to show that there is some supernatural cause and to date no one has come close.

Yes there are shortcomings but it's the underlying message that counts otherwise why all the effort!?
Monotheists are theists.

They are also atheists if they don't believe in the entire pantheon.

Seems you don't grasp this. There are as many 'gods' as people claim to exist, one nore more valid than another (FSM included). You don't believe in all of them. Usually the cop out here is that there is one god and polytheists worship facets of that one god, but that is just a cop out.
but I AM the center of my Universe...:p
or can you prove me wrong?

Sorry to burst your bubble but your not, your just a fragment of what used to be whole, the GOD mind/collective consciousness.

nice try but no cigar,its YOUR god you are pushing here you prove it!
SHOW me this SPIRITUALITY ,I dare you.
theres no such thing and you know it!

Find it yourself, it's not something you can push onto someone or 'show' them. Except if I removed your Chi.

faith is believing in something that doesnt exist,NOT a wise investment IMO
Jesus was most likely fictious figure plagiarized from other religious MYTHologies,most likely Krishna and Horus

People have faith in their partners trust and love!

I think you misunderstand.

You are accusing atheists of being egotistical because they are rejecting a belief in a higher power. As a theist you are denying the existence of thousands of gods. The atheist is only rejecting the existence of one more than you.

So by your logic, theists have an ego problem as well.

Perhaps I am cherry picking through your explanation a bit though.

Good arguement. :bawl:

One of the basic tenants of Christianity is ego. Nobody ever says so, but everyone thinks it. It's the idea that Christians (or simply those who believe) are better than other people, destined for better things, or have a better understanding of the 'truth'.
Yes I would agree with some aspects of that, however they will be better prepared for the afterlife which will come as more of a shock to atheists.
Yes I would agree with some aspects of that, however they will be better prepared for the afterlife which will come as more of a shock to atheists.
So you will agree this thread is hipocrytical, and that theists are just as much controlled by ego as atheists.

That's of course a very general statement. There are atheists and theists who aren't nearly as egotistical as others.
They are also atheists if they don't believe in the entire pantheon.

Seems you don't grasp this.
I am no believer in god "machin", ok I am atheist to "machin" (but it is a relative atheism), that is it. I can not say I am atheist (in general) if I believe in god "truc".
atheist is a non belief in any god!
if you believe in at least one god, you are a theist, period.

There are as many 'gods' as people claim to exist, one nore more valid than another (FSM included).
If you say that no gods are valid then you are an atheist.
but phlogistician, you said that you believe in a reality behind your perception. That is your god (there are no objective fact about what can be said to be god or not) so you are a theist.

You don't believe in all of them. Usually the cop out here is that there is one god and polytheists worship facets of that one god, but that is just a cop out.

I do not need to believe in all of them, I believe in one god, it suffice to make me a theist.

atheist is "no believe in any god".
or "believe in no god"
So you will agree this thread is hipocrytical, and that theists are just as much controlled by ego as atheists.

That's of course a very general statement. There are atheists and theists who aren't nearly as egotistical as others.

Unfortunatly many are ruled by their ego and it is a common trait to bash someone in authority to feel better about oneself. I have taken it to the extreme by saying that denying a God exists, is a similar attribute.

In all fairness though I would be more worried about the ego of the theist compared to the atheist. Ramming religion down someones throat when they may not need religion (ie they have surpassed the need for someone or something to hold their hand ) is not productive and can 'fix' a persons outlook on life and keep them from making concerted opinions of their own bassed on experimentation, trial and error or simply the accumulation of knowledge. Science needs this freedom to declare many of its findings without prejudice and thats a good thing. But science has not finished its quest yet and I believe that soon it will begin to see a higher conscious organisation at work and underlying all, in fact I say soon, isn;t string theory already pointing to such supositions?
As you pointed out, ego is the oposite of god.
Religion, at least the one from the original mystic in the past is a teaching to forgot our ego and live with others with humility and love.

Unfortunately most God believers that tend to get in athiests faces are the ones from the Abrahamic faiths who do not subscribe to the as you mentioned above "one from the original mystic in the past" version of God.They consider this version New Age'ish or false,evil,whatever,too sweet and it is not confrontational enough like Abrahamism (for the most part,a very black and white in between). So, even as a believer in god I can see where many athiests come from when people with nothing more than a set of scriptures and varying idealogies about God and their personal feelings agressively attempt to convert someone.