The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

Uhh yeah. So by your logic, this "God" creates EVERYTHING is that correct?

Because if so, he created every plague known to man.

Or is it, he only creates the good stuff, and we create the bad?

He is the one who creates everything, we cannot create something from nothing.
He does everything perfectly the creation is exactly the way He wants it to be what's contrary to that? :shrug:

There is no God... Hence I don't fear this made up entity, nor feel a reason to escape it.
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Your muslim brothers are mainly working their backs off building bridges with their christian and jew brothers. A few are blowing up stuff (along with their poor selves). This is an energy draining exercise, we'll rather drink and dance. Life is too short to it it too seriously.
Your muslim brothers are mainly working their backs off building bridges with their christian and jew brothers. A few are blowing up stuff (along with their poor selves). This is an energy draining exercise, we'll rather drink and dance. Life is too short to it it too seriously.
