The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

If there could be one, there could be two or more. In fact, there has never been one of any life form, ever.
Dude- Jesus was not God Incarnate. Deal with it. He was a prophet like Mohammed, only he had "more magical powers" (heal the sick etc.).

Dude - Jesus was God. Deal with it. No one believes that Arian shit anyway.

Let me put it in more simplistic terms- if you ignored Jesus and only prayed to God, how pissed off would Jesus be? Not much because simply- there is no god but God.

Well, if Jesus is God, and not some alternate god like you're trying to straw-man here, then we're still praying to God. They do say that no one goes to God except through Jesus; not sure where I fall on that one.

And since it's true that there is not god but God, where does that leave you spiritually?


God is God... He is indivisible; He is absolute. As such, God cannot contradict God- it is an impossibility. Therefore, THERE IS NO GOD BUT GOD.

Not that He's divided, but why can't He be divided? Let's have an answer to this one instead of shilling, okay? Simple question: why can the omnipotent being not be divided? Is this something God can imagine, but not do, chief?

How hard is it for you to grasp a basic tenet of Islam?

Hehe. Why would I want to? :shrug:
Let's be fair, guys. There is no god but God- there is only one God. How can there be two or three- it makes no sense.

Reiterating here - why does it make no sense? Let's have a cogent answer to this one.

"Just cause" need not apply.
I think the problem is that Muslims stubbornly refuse to accept that Jesus is Lord. If they could just give up what they believe and believe what Christians believe, everything would be just fine.

You ass, the problem is that Christians stubbornly refuse to accept that Jesus wasn't the only or last prophet! If they did that, everyone would get along just fine.
I think that's the first time I've seen anyone respond/argue against their own quote.
You ass, the problem is that Christians stubbornly refuse to accept that Jesus wasn't the only or last prophet! If they did that, everyone would get along just fine.

A prophet is one who makes a prophesy and it comes true. If the prophesy is made with a specific time attached - it is an even greater prophet.


NOT A BRICK SHALL STAND - this genocidal, most improbable and false reporting of an alledged Jew - proved false for those who danced of it with a passion. There are 1000's of bricks on the wailing wall - and Rome is dead.

I SHALL SURELY RETURN YOU TO YOUR LAND. The greatest non-virtual resurrection the last 2000 years.

You cannot select your prophesies and disregard the real manifest prophesies. You must et the truth set you free.
I think the problem is that Muslims stubbornly refuse to accept that Jesus is Lord. If they could just give up what they believe and believe what Christians believe, everything would be just fine.

actually Islam has more in common with Judaism than Christianity
Reiterating here - why does it make no sense? Let's have a cogent answer to this one.

"Just cause" need not apply.

It only makes sense for half the sentence. If one continues on that path - it makes no sense. The buck stops at one - and there s no one in the universe.
actually Islam has more in common with Judaism than Christianity

No sir!

Christianity took on the Hebrew bible with no changes and without saying it is distorted. There is a universe of commonality in moral, ethical basis between these two belief systems - and zero with Islam.

I have no qualms in telling my Christian brotheren the following about one core dif:


Islam's provision to Christians is based on a dishonest agreement about Jesus: you have no say in this issue because you had no writings till 600 years later. IMHO, you do not align with Christianity or with Judaism.

Don't believe everything you believe.
It only makes sense for half the sentence. If one continues on that path - it makes no sense. The buck stops at one - and there s no one in the universe.

What makes no sense about it? Which Christian doctrine recognizes three distinct and separate gods? Ball's in your court.

Moses (pbuh) was neither Zionist nor Jewish, nor Christian he was a believer and prophet of God not that he was a muslim under the religion of prophet Muhammad (pbuh). :wave:
What makes no sense about it? Which Christian doctrine recognizes three distinct and separate gods? Ball's in your court.

THREE gods. And you are willing to accept that. You know, I also accepted that until I stopped reading comic books and realized there can only be one God. It's a very simple concept- there is only one God.
Let's not get carried away here, jpmet: this is just the same old attempt at the 'polytheism slander'.
the one that works so well because it's true.
all "real" religions come down monotheistic, the fact that present day christianity isn't says something load and clear.
Christianity isn't polytheistic and has never been intended as such.

One can pray for intercession via Jesus, but it's not as though He's considered to be a different God. Nor does anyone pray to the Holy Spirit as a separate God. So, done and done.
is jesus god?
is the father a god?
is the holy spirit a god?

end of story.

and notice that while one can have many names labeling different sides of him, having multiple names for one side means there are multiple persons.
i can be me the brother, me the student, and me scifes, doesn't mean i'm three, but if i'm scifes and geoffp, then i'm two.
BESIDES, how can god the one the father and son of both himselfs??????
and the word "father" when applied to humans requires a "mother", so why isn't mary a god too? and if the holy spirit is like the soul of god[i.e jesus and father] then why add it to the trinity to begin with? it's there in the first place? then comes the question of why a tri-nity? why not four-nity or five-ty? surly god has more aspects to him than 3? because in islam we say god has 99 names, as in "the all powerful" "the all seeing" etc etc, but those don't give birth to each other, nor they act independently, as in one makes a mistake and the other fixes it, man the whole trinity thing is soooooo weak and illogical and contradictory there's just NO way a sane person can make leeway for it. i don't know how you can.

As an aside, and although I don't subscribe to it myself, why would it even matter if there were two or three Gods? Or ten? So what?
as in why post about it?
what could be more relevant in a comparative religion section than putting up the differences between the two leading religions in the world?

There are lots of polytheistic religions across the world, and they aren't less serious or realistic because of it.
yes they are.
polytheisms are more philosophy than doctrine. i.e, seem more to be made up.

I mean, you realize we're talking about all-powerful beings and all that? It always makes me laugh when Muslims and others harp about Trinity being three gods, which they call impossible, and then go on to describe their version of God as omnipotent and fickle. Big Bang? No problem. The incredible complexity of existence? Child's play. Being outside our direct experience of identity? No, He's not powerful enough. He can do anything! Just not that.
who said god isn't powerful enough to be outside our direct experience of identity?

I mean, seriously now. It's all "logical theism"...until it passes the bounds of one's prejudices.
If there could be one, there could be two or more. In fact, there has never been one of any life form, ever.
perfect life form?
Odin, Loki, Thor and Freya would disagree.
made up gods by definition.
Reiterating here - why does it make no sense? Let's have a cogent answer to this one.
because three gods are not one god.
you have to fix your mind, three or one?
It's very simple. If you are a Catholic, and you reject Jesus in favor of God, how pissed off would Jesus be? Really- think about it.

Imagine yourself in Heaven having to answer for insulting Jesus. "I did this only because there is no god but God!"

Would Jesus forgive you? Of course. After all, HE worshipped God!

How hard is it for you to take that leap and accept monotheism?!!

And in all honesty and truthfulness- how can there be more than one God? Think about it!

And where are my brother Muslims to back me up here???