The difference between Christian God and Allah


That is a political war, not a religious one.
In an Islamic state, politics and religion are one and the same thing.

But they are differrent and seperate.

So Jesus isn't part of a deity then, right?

they are simultaneously one and different.

just like the sunshine is simultaneously one and different from the sun (how do you propose to seperate the sun from the sunshine or the sunshine from the sun, except by semantics)

they are simultaneously one and different.

just like the sunshine is simultaneously one and different from the sun (how do you propose to seperate the sun from the sunshine or the sunshine from the sun, except by semantics)
I don't see your point. Is Jesus a deity or isn't he? If he isn;t then the Islamic view that he is merely a prphet makes the most sense and also fits with your notion of an ambassador.

I don't see your point. Is Jesus a deity or isn't he?
Is the sunshine part of the sun or isn't it?
The sanskrit word for this defintion is acintyabedabeda - inconceivable oneness and difference

If he isn;t then the Islamic view that he is merely a prphet makes the most sense and also fits with your notion of an ambassador.
To do god's work is not a mundane activity - in other word s they are operating out of the same potency as god, just like an ambassador is working out of the potency of the King - crimes against the ambassador are practically identical to crimes against the king

In an Islamic state, politics and religion are one and the same thing.

In Muslims, religion is involved in all parts of life.

However, even we can tell the difference between religious intolerance and political discord.

I could understand the Americans or British to get the translations wrong, but the Jews as well. Not sure I buy that. The sentiment here is much stronger than an apparent mere "desire" to see a regime change.

Didn't you read the article I linked? (btw, your link does not work)

Two other well-established translation sources confirm that Ahmadinejad was referring to time, not place. The version of the October 26 2005 speech put out by the Middle East Media Research Institute, based on the Farsi text released by the official Iranian Students News Agency, says: "This regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history." (NB: not "wiped". I accept that "eliminated" is almost the same, indeed some might argue it is more sinister than "wiped", though it is a bit more of a mouthful if you are trying to find four catchy and easily memorable words with which to incite anger against Iran.)

MEMRI (its text of the speech is available here) is headed by a former Isareli military intelligence officer and has sometimes been attacked for alleged distortion of Farsi and Arabic quotations for the benefit of Israeli foreign policy. On this occasion they supported the doveish view of what Ahmadinejad said.

It also had the original text of the speech attached in Farsi
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The link was your link, I didn't add a new one.

And the translation differences do not seem to be tremendously different.

But step back a bit - the context and vehemence (i.e. tone) of his speech echoed the hatred. That he didnt actually say "let's nuke Israel" doesn't seem to hide his underlying attitude that that is what he'd really like to do.

Now what I'd really like to understand is what proportion of the Iranian people support his views. Several years ago I saw an analysis that indicated that the young Iranians were largely pro-USA, wanted change, and wanted to embrace a more modern lifestyle.

Is the sunshine part of the sun or isn't it?
What’s your view?

To do god's work is not a mundane activity
That begs the question of why God couldn’t do the work himself since he is all-powerful. other word s they are operating out of the same potency as god,
So Jesus isn’t divine then, just a conduit for God’s power, right, and otherwise nothing special?

just like an ambassador is working out of the potency of the King - crimes against the ambassador are practically identical to crimes against the king
Well not really, if you kill the ambassador the king doesn’t die.

The link was your link, I didn't add a new one.

And the translation differences do not seem to be tremendously different.

They may not seem significant to an English speaker, but MEMRI apparently supported the doveish view.

"'Imam [Khomeini] said: 'This regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history.' This sentence is very wise. The issue of Palestine is not an issue on which we can compromise.

edit: have you ever seen the views expressed by Jews against Zionism?

Or Jews against Israel?

But step back a bit - the context and vehemence (i.e. tone) of his speech echoed the hatred. That he didnt actually say "let's nuke Israel" doesn't seem to hide his underlying attitude that that is what he'd really like to do.

I disagree. But you are free to opine.

Presidents make speeches all the time and their motives are usually political.

Now what I'd really like to understand is what proportion of the Iranian people support his views. Several years ago I saw an analysis that indicated that the young Iranians were largely pro-USA, wanted change, and wanted to embrace a more modern lifestyle.

I think that is true for most young people in the Middle East.
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How likely is it that they will soon be freed from the straightjacket of Islam and begin to think and explore for themselves?

Not as long as the media promotes militants and equates them with religion.

Not all Muslims are in straightjackets.

It would be an arbitrary choice of one fantasy over another, and that has no importance.

What seems more vital is how do we convince both groups to see the fundamental irrationality of their beliefs and adopt a peaceful, cooperative, and rational worldview that will help ensure the survival of the human race. With Islam about to deploy nuclear weapons and with their stated objectives to have their views dominate the world, it seems WW3 is inevitable.

Reasoned thought can be the only winner otherwise we are all likely to die because of the loving nature of religion.

I believe WW3 is inevitable and it will go nuclear very quickly when Israel and Iran open preceding. Just as prophecy predicted this world is doomed either by war or by ecological disaster and probably a combination of both. As for peaceful that’s what Jesus taught me to be. :)

But i know only too well that most people do not listen to Jesus. This world is doomed no matter how much people fantasize about world peace and co-existence. People are people, that’s one thing you can rely on. People will never achieve peaceful co-existence because it is not in their nature to do so.

You can disagree if it makes you feel better. But your arguments are all in vain. The future will demonstrate reality to you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

“ Is the sunshine part of the sun or isn't it? ”

What’s your view?
Inconceivable oneness and difference - why do you think I brought it up?

“ To do god's work is not a mundane activity ”

That begs the question of why God couldn’t do the work himself since he is all-powerful.
God acts either directly or through his potencies - makes no difference to him

“ other word s they are operating out of the same potency as god, ”

So Jesus isn’t divine then, just a conduit for God’s power, right, and otherwise nothing special?
But is the sunshine really a seperate entity from the sun? After all where is the question of the sun without sunshine?
(nb - thats why it is called inconceivable oneness and difference - we could literally spend an eternity playing this game of semantics trying to determine whether the sunshine is seperate from the sun or the same as the sun)

“ just like an ambassador is working out of the potency of the King - crimes against the ambassador are practically identical to crimes against the king ”

Well not really, if you kill the ambassador the king doesn’t die.
Therefore a mundane analogy for a transcendental phenomena has obvious limitations

Who then is a true messenger of the God of Abraham and who is spreading lies?

That’s up to you to seek out and decide. God has made it that way. That people are free to embrace the truth if they love it or the lie if that love that. It's a very good way of doing it if you think about it.

And how does anyone determine this?

Seek. If you like what you find accept it. If your motivation is bad then your doomed, If your motivations are good then you are saved. If you have the right motivation then you will seek guidance from God as you are seeking Him.

If you are such a person then why should anyone believe that you are?

People can form whatever opinion of me they wish. The existence of God does not depend on me.

Are you personally able to perform miracles like you are supposed to be able to do as a Christian? You are supposed to be able to survive being bitten by a poisonous snake, for example, and perform other miracles. Do you have enough faith? Are you able to do these things?

As far as i know I have never performed a miracle. But then again i have never been in a situation where i have tried. And a correction, there was never a time where a Christian was able to perform all the signs each Christian was given a gift all different, no one received all the gifts.

1 Corinthians 12
4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

So you are wrong to believe that all Christians must be able to do all these things. It was never so, even in the beginning.

As for the snake point, I have had 4 close encounters with deadly snakes, Once when i was a little kid a snake (red belly black snake) crawled over my bare feet while i was sitting with my brother in a class house. I was too young to understand how dangerous it was. I have jumped over two deadly snakes and stepped on the tail of a king brown snake that quickly went away. All these snakes could have killed me and they did not. But no i have never been bitten by a snake and i do not intend to go out to get bitten. Its got nothing to do with lack of faith its about not putting the Lord my God to the test.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days


Inconceivable oneness and difference
I don’t see the inconceivable aspect. Sunshine is an effect caused by the sun. They are not the same thing.

God acts either directly or through his potencies - makes no difference to him
The analogy with the sun somewhat breaks down here. While sunshine is an effect, people are not effects in the same way, but instead are meant to be individuals with independent free wills. Jesus is portrayed as an individual and as someone who freely sacrificed himself to save mankind. If he was merely an appendage of God and was just following his instructions then the essential nature of Christianity is lost. His separateness is essential.

This means that Jesus must have been a separate entity with his own free will. Now was he just a man or a god? He could not have been a man since he led a perfect sinless life and that is impossible for any real man because man inherited a sinful nature from Adam. That pretty much means he is a powerful individual in his own right. We can see he is not a man, so what is he?

Therefore a mundane analogy for a transcendental phenomena has obvious limitations
You probably had a point but who knows. What’s a “transcendental phenomena”?
1 Corinthians 12
4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

So you are wrong to believe that all Christians must be able to do all these things. It was never so, even in the beginning.

I had this verse in mind, as well as a number of others, while I was writing my last post. Where is the other passage that describes those things that will accompany those who believe? I will have to look for it. Anyway, even this scripture promises that their will be some, at least, that have the gift of "working miracles".

So then, where are these miracle workers today, Adstar. I have never seen any of them anywhere, at anytime. Instead I really find only pretenders, fakers, magicians, deceivers, and outright liers in the Christian community. Sorry!

As for the snake point, I have had 4 close encounters with deadly snakes, Once when i was a little kid a snake (red belly black snake) crawled over my bare feet while i was sitting with my brother in a class house. I was too young to understand how dangerous it was. I have jumped over two deadly snakes and stepped on the tail of a king brown snake that quickly went away. All these snakes could have killed me and they did not. But no i have never been bitten by a snake and i do not intend to go out to get bitten. Its got nothing to do with lack of faith its about not putting the Lord my God to the test.

I am glad you were not hurt by any of them! It does indeed seem to have everything to do with faith in the Bible, does it not? If you have faith, the size of a mustard seed you will say to this mountain...
