The difference between Christian God and Allah


Registered Senior Member
I have always found it really strange that some Christians call Allah (of Islam, in case you didn't know) a false god and vice versa. Christianity and Islam have the same origins in Judaism... so is it just a difference in philosophy that makes one accuse the other of having a false god? I thought it was all the same God with just a different name.
Except that the C god is a trinity of gods, whereas Muslims believe no such thing. So while they might have the same Abrahamic origins the advent of Christianity pretty much destroyed any similarities.

OTOH The Jewish god does retain the original style and is pretty much the same as the Islamic version. Curious though that the Muslims and the Jews seem to hate each other so much.

Well so much for similarities in religion bringing peoples together I guess.
I have always found it really strange that some Christians call Allah (of Islam, in case you didn't know) a false god and vice versa. Christianity and Islam have the same origins in Judaism... so is it just a difference in philosophy that makes one accuse the other of having a false god? I thought it was all the same God with just a different name.

The important thing is not who is whom. The important thing is who is representing the true will of God.

If two people claim to be speaking on behalf of God and they are giving diametrically opposed views on the will of God then both cannot be true. So debating if this group believes in the God of Abraham or that group believes in the God of Abraham is irrelevant. The important question is who is a true messenger of the God of Abraham and who is spreading lies.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The important thing is who is representing the true will of God.

If two people claim to be speaking on behalf of God and they are giving diametrically opposed views on the will of God then both cannot be true.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Yes, I would say both are wrong and it's this type of thinking that makes religion leave a bad taste in many peoples' mouths.
Both groups of people 'claiming' to know the will of god without absolutely no proof other than a belief in man-made scripture.

It's always been a good recipe for war and conflict in human history.

A broad generalisation.
Isn't it true then? Perhaps at least one sided when we see the leader of an Islamic country state that Israel should be wiped off the map. Feels a lot like hate to me.

The important thing is not who is whom. The important thing is who is representing the true will of God.

If two people claim to be speaking on behalf of God and they are giving diametrically opposed views on the will of God then both cannot be true. So debating if this group believes in the God of Abraham or that group believes in the God of Abraham is irrelevant. The important question is who is a true messenger of the God of Abraham and who is spreading lies.
It would be an arbitrary choice of one fantasy over another, and that has no importance.

What seems more vital is how do we convince both groups to see the fundamental irrationality of their beliefs and adopt a peaceful, cooperative, and rational worldview that will help ensure the survival of the human race. With Islam about to deploy nuclear weapons and with their stated objectives to have their views dominate the world, it seems WW3 is inevitable.

Reasoned thought can be the only winner otherwise we are all likely to die because of the loving nature of religion.
Except that the C god is a trinity of gods, whereas Muslims believe no such thing. So while they might have the same Abrahamic origins the advent of Christianity pretty much destroyed any similarities.

OTOH The Jewish god does retain the original style and is pretty much the same as the Islamic version. Curious though that the Muslims and the Jews seem to hate each other so much.

Well so much for similarities in religion bringing peoples together I guess.

How can the advent of something destroy the similarities between two other things, one of which did not exist until around 600 years later? Some very strange logic here!

Actually a proper examination of the views of the Old Testament Jews in regard to their view of God and the christian view of God and an islamic view of Allah would show much more similarity between Judaism's and Christianity's view.

Consider the following:

The writings that the Jews accepted as revealed were accepted fully by christians 'as is' and became the Old Testament.

The New Testament has large numbers of direct quotes from the Old Testament and even more references back, whereas although the Quaran theoretically recognises both books as inspired, it conflicts with both of them in many aspects.

Jesus was a Jew!!!

All the first christians were Jews. Christians first met in Jewish synagogues. Christianity was originally regarded as a variant of Judaism, whereas the Jews of Mohammed's time would not recognise his new 'inspiration' in any way. This ultimately led to conflict and the mass murder of those Jews by Mohammed.

This and the fact that on the most sacred place to Judaism, the Temple site, was deliberately built a mosque may possibly have something to do with the conflict between the two religions. Even without going into the realm of the spiritual, there is also of course the inherited rivalry of the two half brothers Ishmael and Isaac, from whom the two races are descended.

The conflict between christianity and Judaism over the years has largely been as a result of appallingly anti-semitic feelings by some misguided christians who blamed the Jews for killing Jesus Christ, not because of a fundamentally different view of God.

There is a small but growing church of 'Messianic Jews' in Israel who are both Jewish by race and culture but have converted to christianity and other Jews have, and are converting to christianity (again in small numbers) elsewhere. Over many centuries there have never generally been (voluntary) conversions from Judaism to Islam.

Sadly both muslims and christians have treated Jews very badly over many centuries but that is with some christians acting against their own scripture which states that they should love all people and regard them as equals as God does. To repress people of other religions is totally in accordance with Islam as of course all muslims are by definition superior in the eyes of Allah to all other non muslims. This last part shows a major difference between the Islamic view of Allah and the Judeo-Christain view of God.



The C god is considered to have three personalities - father, son, spirit, all with difference tasks to perform. This scheme was created by Cs around 300CE in an attempt to overcome the apparent paradox that there can be only one god yet Jesus is also meant to be god.

This perspective of a one god is a fundamental departure to the OT god that is shared by Judaism and Islam.
The important thing is not who is whom. The important thing is who is representing the true will of God.

If two people claim to be speaking on behalf of God and they are giving diametrically opposed views on the will of God then both cannot be true. So debating if this group believes in the God of Abraham or that group believes in the God of Abraham is irrelevant. The important question is who is a true messenger of the God of Abraham and who is spreading lies.


Who then is a true messenger of the God of Abraham and who is spreading lies? And how does anyone determine this? If you are such a person then why should anyone believe that you are? Are you personally able to perform miracles like you are supposed to be able to do as a Christian? You are supposed to be able to survive being bitten by a poisonous snake, for example, and perform other miracles. Do you have enough faith? Are you able to do these things?

I have always found it really strange that some Christians call Allah (of Islam, in case you didn't know) a false god and vice versa. Christianity and Islam have the same origins in Judaism... so is it just a difference in philosophy that makes one accuse the other of having a false god? I thought it was all the same God with just a different name.

christian God and Allah is the same supreme being, same as judaisim, originated since Adam, to be followed by David, Lut, Solomon, Moses, Jesus and Muhammed (pbud all)
however around 390 AD Christianity invented trinity, and Jesus became divine being, along with holy spirit, obvious contrast to the 1st commandment
( calm down folks!)
So since Christians believe Jesus is God and Muslims do not then the Islamic god and the Christian god cannot refer to the same god, right?
So since Christians believe Jesus is God and Muslims do not then the Islamic god and the Christian god cannot refer to the same god, right?

if a person thinks God in human form, yes then Christian God can not be muslim God
but in fact originally Christian God and muslim God is the same being
only christians went against the first commandment, and invented trinity

if a person thinks God in human form, yes then Christian God can not be muslim God
Which is what Christians believe.

but in fact originally Christian God and muslim God is the same being
I'm not sure how. Christians have always claimed that Jesus was God which even before the Trinity rationalization would have made the Christian god differnt to the Islam god.

only christians went against the first commandment, and invented trinity
The triniy construct was an attempt to overcome the already broken 1st commandment.

Jesus was always considered God and Islam has never considered Jesus God. In which case the two god definitions have never been the same in the lifetime of Christianity.

Isn't it true then? Perhaps at least one sided when we see the leader of an Islamic country state that Israel should be wiped off the map. Feels a lot like hate to me.

That is a political war, not a religious one. And I have heard that he was misquoted?

Historically Jews have migrated to Arabia when they were ostracised elsewhere; it was the creation of Israel which made them unpopular in the Middle East.

And there have always been Jews in Iran, still are, in fact

“ if a person thinks God in human form, yes then Christian God can not be muslim God ”

Which is what Christians believe.

Personal, impersonal, or all pervasive and localized, god can be understood to fulfill all such criteria -

SB 1.2.11: Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramātmā or Bhagavān.

The C god is considered to have three personalities - father, son, spirit, all with difference tasks to perform. This scheme was created by Cs around 300CE in an attempt to overcome the apparent paradox that there can be only one god yet Jesus is also meant to be god.

God's representative is seen to be non-different from god, much like the ambassador in some foreign country is seen to be non-different from the king - thus they are shown the same respect - the difference lies in a philosophical distinction between who is a potency and who is the source of the potency

..much like the ambassador in some foreign country is seen to be non-different from the king ..
But they are differrent and seperate.

So Jesus isn't part of a deity then, right?
The important thing is not who is whom. The important thing is who is representing the true will of God.

If two people claim to be speaking on behalf of God and they are giving diametrically opposed views on the will of God then both cannot be true. So debating if this group believes in the God of Abraham or that group believes in the God of Abraham is irrelevant. The important question is who is a true messenger of the God of Abraham and who is spreading lies.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The best manner in which to determine who is a true messenger of the God and who is spreading lies is to measure the outcome of practicing the religion.

In Christianity we see a religion hell-bent on destroying almost all cultures and all other belief systems in the world. Using their military might, the legacy of Rome, and with the good luck of Europe geographic composition and location they pretty much did that. The America’s were destroyed, the Africans sold, the Middle East carved up like a pie and all but the farthest reaches of the East bowed under the weight of their assault. Untold 100s of millions were slaughtered in the name of Jesus.

As for Islam it’s the same (only on a scale far more minute) – Initially Muslims conquered foreign lands, sold human slaves and tried to irradiate other forms of religion (ex: Arab polytheism). After they controlled the silk and spice trades they got rich, got fat, settled down and acted much as the Xians act today.

Both are false.
