The Definition of God


Ok, but that implies a significant level of complexity, correct?

Not relevant, the issue of entropy was not something I raised. Neither does it address your assertion that complexity requires a designer.

Please explain then that when neurosurgeons probe the brain or examine brain damaged patients that they discover a direct correlation between mental abilities (mind and emotions) and the physical brain? The conclusion is inescapable that the mind and emotions are entirely dependent on normal physical brain function.

So if your brain is removed you’d still be able to think and have emotions, right? Clearly your point is nonsense.

Total fantasy. But still doesn’t address your assertion that complexity requires a designer.

Entropy is not an issue here as far as I am concerned, it is irrelevant to your claim.

Whether such a designer is in the physical world or not it still represents a significant level of complexity. Your assertion is that anything complex needs a designer. So I repeat who designed the designer? And who designed the designer of the designer, etc?

You should be able to see that your assertion that complexity needs a designer leads to an impossible infinite series requiring an increasingly more complex designer at each stage. Once you accept this then you should also be able to comprehend that at some point complexity must have arisen naturally from simpler components before intelligence could have occurred.

The people declared clinically dead with no brain function, who see themselves floating over the bed where their body is lying, in what is called the near death experience [it really is death-temporarily] show that the mind of man does not depend entirely on brain function. Then they move swiftly through a dark tunnel toward a light. The light is described as a loving person. They feel themselves fall back into their body. The body comes back to life, etc. They tell the doctors detailed descriptions of what they saw and heard spoken while they were dead with no brain function. These cases are documented. The mind and the soul continues after death. It's the body that dies.
No, it is YOU who are not acquainted with logic, you're using logical fallcies to show you know that you're acquainted with logic

Also you don't have to disprove God you just have to show evidnece of absence and make it unlikely
Oh Jesus.... as I said before, that's a fallacy. There's no such thing as evidence of abscence. You cannot prove a negative! :rolleyes:

FOR THE LAST F***IN TIME THIS IS A LOGICAL FALLACY (look it up) WHY THE F*** DO YOU KEEP POSTING IT? You can't say proof = silence based on those things, its illogical...

You can't use a logical fallacy to pretend you know what logic is

1. All A are C
2. All B are C
3. All A are B

Maybe I oversimplified too much for you... :rolleyes:

What I mean is that silence is the only way you can prove or disprove God. Anything logical or illogical won't work. :rolleyes:
Oh Jesus.... as I said before, that's a fallacy. There's no such thing as evidence of abscence. You cannot prove a negative! :rolleyes:

Yes there is :rolleyes:

Man I'm not even going to explain this, its too funny

TruthSeeker said:
Maybe I oversimplified too much for you...

What I mean is that silence is the only way you can prove or disprove God. Anything logical or illogical won't work. :rolleyes:
WTF? How is silence the only way to prove or disprove God?

All you did was take a logical fallacy and say it's logical...
Well... look around. I don't see God anywhere..:shrug:

ROFL...what a deluded atheist

"I don't see anything, and even though nothing should be visibly there, it indicates non-existence, because whatever exists we can directly see"
Hmm... I don't see any evidence that a god thingy did anything. Therefore I will dismiss the god thingy idea as silly and completely without explanatory power until someone clearly demonstrates otherwise.

Sounds like a good approach to anything that some yahoo claims without evidence.

So you are saying you can see radio waves.... :rolleyes:

Just look within you... You will be surprised of the "inner depth" that your eyes have.

Well, than how do you suppose I should get evidence of absence, hm ? :rolleyes:
Last time I checked the one that makes the claim has to come up with the evidence.

ROFL...what a deluded atheist

"I don't see anything, and even though nothing should be visibly there, it indicates non-existence, because whatever exists we can directly see"

So, even though God is everywhere he cannot be seen.. is that about right for you ?
Tell me then how a sentient being can be invisible please.
Give me some tangible evidence of his presence.