The Definition of God

That might sound feasible and like the right thing to do, but is impossible to do.

You seem to think that while using language and concepts, understanding can still be objective and neutral.

It is impossible to understand if there is no frame of reference.
A frame of reference is a set of conditions and stipulations.

Free of "conditions/stipulations" means free of mind means free of language means free of the ability to understand means free of the ability to discern what's it all about.

What remains, if anything at all, is a fuzzy feeling. But if we are to strictly go along with your "free of conditions/stipulations", then we can't even use the words "fuzzy feeling".

Granted, many people say "You know it in your heart". But in order to consider something as "knowing it in your heart", you need some conditions and stipulations.

IOW, what you say makes sense, but only if we take for granted that phenomena exist objectively and that we can know them objectively and speak of them objectively.
Well said......
Ever heard of Taoism?
To study the Person of Christ as indicated is not an impossible thing to do

It is impossible to study without conditions and stipulations.

So, set aside your existential/philosophical angst

People who do not have a formal education in philosophy would usually cave in at that.

One cannot simply deliberately "set aside" one's "existential/philosophical angst".
To deliberately "set it aside" one would have to fall on blind faith. Sure, people do it all the time, and trample whatever little integrity they have.

The frame of reference, like the kingdom of heaven, is within you by virtue of being created in the Image of God. This holds true for all human beings. Failure to accept this amounts to what can only be termed a twisted form of self denial.

You carry within yourself all that is necessary to recognise God's purposes for you in Jesus Christ.

I actually believe that.
But I refuse to consign myself to hold that this is the best there is in this Universe.