The Definition of God


God does not exist because there is no proof sufficient enough to prove of God's existence
Argument from ignorance (illogical argument)

I wonder if its possible for atheists to argue without being 100% illogical, I guess not, I mean when you're an atheist you're just trapped in a delusional world
Consider the following then.

1. That there is proof for God that turns out to be suffice.

If there is, then it must be all around us.
Consider the following then.

1. That there is proof for God that turns out to be suffice.

If there is, then it must be all around us.
And the difference between this definition and the definition for "the Universe", or "everything"? What additional aspect does defining it as God provide?

Are you implying that anything that is not biblically spoken is ignorant? :bugeye:
No, I am not. But I am not ignorant of the meaning of the word "god/s" in the Bible. Anyone acan define God, but I do define that term biblically.
Are you implying that anything that is not biblically spoken is ignorant? :bugeye:

Anyone not knowledgeable* in the Judeo-Christian Scriptures is certainly ignorant...and that ignorance will cost them dearly.

* "thoroughly acquainted with and skilled in something through study or experience"
Argument from ignorance (illogical argument)

I wonder if its possible for atheists to argue without being 100% illogical, I guess not, I mean when you're an atheist you're just trapped in a delusional world

ignorance of what? Ignorance of everything...well everything summons up to nothing, no evidence of this God.
Its an illogicl argument, look it up :rolleyes:

illogical statement, says who/wrote who? the God believers. So yeah, illogical to them...because they believe in God, no proof of God, but they believe in God never the less. Or as they say proof of God is everywhere and evil is just lack of God. Well hear me, I don't need this God who reluctantly happens to lack in a lot of places.
"That which cannot be proven or disproven by means of logical reasoning."

If God cannot not be logically established by definition, then there is no way of knowing if he exists. It also would mean that he is unable to interact with us.
So, while it then cannot be known if God exists, it really doesn't matter whether he does or not because his existence would have no bearing on ours.
"That which cannot be proven or disproven by means of logical reasoning."

If God cannot not be logically established by definition, then there is no way of knowing if he exists. It also would mean that he is unable to interact with us.
So, while it then cannot be known if God exists, it really doesn't matter whether he does or not because his existence would have no bearing on ours.

that is also how would you know that God has not been silent all this time and used illusions on us for us to think there is no proof of God at all, when he/it is amongst us all.

You know whats the difference between me and VitalOne? I see God as us...consciousness of universe which includes us all. What does VitalOne see God as? something like a being with an image Christians gave him...the old shepherd of humans?... But than I never asked him/her...
illogical statement, says who/wrote who? the God believers. So yeah, illogical to them...because they believe in God, no proof of God, but they believe in God never the less. Or as they say proof of God is everywhere and evil is just lack of God. Well hear me, I don't need this God who reluctantly happens to lack in a lot of places.

Wtf is your problem, it has nothing to do with theism or atheism, just logic, look it up, oh wait, I'll do your work for you:

What a delusional atheist, these atheists will go at any length to preserve the atheistic faith and remain in delusion

Now whats your argument "oh I don't care if its illogical" right?
Wtf is your problem, it has nothing to do with theism or atheism, just logic, look it up, oh wait, I'll do your work for you:

What a delusional atheist, these atheists will go at any length to preserve the atheistic faith and remain in delusion

Now whats your argument "oh I don't care if its illogical" right?

WHAT IS MY IGNORANCE? IGNORANCE OF WHAT? your God presence everywhere? is you who are ignorant.
Being ignorant is not a bad thing, you guys are all ignorants, so what? Except for the moderator off course...

Assume that the definition of God is the following:

"That which cannot be proven or disproven by means of logical reasoning."

Two sides of the argument:
1) God exist
2) God does not exist

Pick a side.
Since the assumption implies that since logic cannot be used then the only alternative is that illogic or irrationality must be used. The only reasonable response is to respond with an equally irrational choice.

I choose both sides concurrently, which is impossible and appropriately irrational and suits the idiocy of the op.
Assume that the definition of God is the following:

"That which cannot be proven or disproven by means of logical reasoning."​

Two sides of the argument:
1) God exist
2) God does not exist

Pick a side.

Now... DEBATE! :D


God exists because He is everything, God does not exist because he is also absolute nothingness. God is love, but God is also hate; God is all that is matter, but he is also all that is inmaterial.
God is in each and every one of us, God is in the Sun, in the stars; and He is also in the air we breath, the water we drink, the animals, stones, mountains and rivers. God is all of that, and God is nothing of that, because each thing cannot contain the wholeness of it; at the same time, each thing is a micro-cosmos of the macro-cosmos.
God is reality, but also "maya"; God is mind, but also soul. God transcends duality, but that which transcends duality cannot exist by logic... Logic lives in duality and God doesn´t, but at the same time, he does because he works throught duality.

Illogical enough for you?
Assume that the definition of God is the following:

"That which cannot be proven or disproven by means of logical reasoning."​

Two sides of the argument:
1) God exist
2) God does not exist

Pick a side.

Now... DEBATE! :D


The assumption of yours is a false assumption. God can be proven by logical reasoning. The problem with many atheists is that devils are controlling their thinking, to a greater or lesser degree, and they cannot think logically about God or Jesus.
One definite sign of devil possession is the inability for someone to say that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. These atheists that keep on denying that Jesus Christ is a real historical figure are exhibiting one of the syptoms of devil possession and probably are not in control of their own minds. They cannot think logically about God or Jesus.

1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Logical reasoning:

The laws of probability will tell you that this universe with all of its ordered complexity, could not have come into being by chance. To have that much order and complexity, the universe had to be designed by an intelligent creator. There is enough coded information in one human chromosome to
fill a small library of books. This had to be designed by an
intelligent creator.
The probability against that happening by chance is very
very high. It's like giving a chimpanzee a typewriter and letting him hit the keys at
random. The probability against his being able to type a small library full of books by hitting keys at random is so high that for all
practical purposes you can consider it impossible.
Because of this, there are some scientists and mathematicians who are forced to
believe in the existence of God by logic alone.

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
the laws of probability, tell us that this universe complexity means it was made by someone else?

oh reallly? since when?

Well than lets examine the quantum world...its all chaotical, or has God not created the quantum world? Complexity comes from system organizations of quantum particles that create protons...neutrons...less chaos and more complex interactions...than atoms...less chaos and more complex interactions...than molecules....cells...organisms...

less chaos and more social complex interactions...and not because God made it so. It is a result of a growing interactions between chaos.
the laws of probability, tell us that this universe complexity means it was made by someone else?

oh reallly? since when?

Well than lets examine the quantum world...its all chaotical, or has God not created the quantum world? Complexity comes from system organizations of quantum particles that create protons...neutrons...less chaos and more complex interactions...than atoms...less chaos and more complex interactions...than molecules....cells...organisms...

less chaos and more social complex interactions...and not because God made it so. It is a result of a growing interactions between chaos.

Your reasoning violates the established law of entropy that disorder always increases in physical processes. The interactions you named will tend to disorder and not order. An intelligent designer deliberately manipulating it tends to order. God built that up, it did not happen by chance processes. Chance tends to disorder.