The Creator Loves You

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AB Jadon,

Simple logic but you really don't believe its as simple as that, do you???!!
I’ll believe you but please show this simple proof first so we can see how simple it is.

If you choose to believe in something ( or nothing) then at least be 100 % sure of the path you have chosen - otherwise, when people like me come along we will always plant seeds of doubt in your minds.
But it is better to believe in something that is 100% true rather than have a 100% belief in something that is false. Your certainty is no guarantee that what you believe is true.

Consider: Is it fair on yourself to adopt ideologies that you really dont believe in ?
Is it fair on you to believe something that seems likely to be 100% false. Why not have an open mind and listen to the more logical alternatives to your beliefs?

.. if I cannot convince you, then it is my failure - but I cannot force anyone to believe in what I do.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Remember you don’t have anything logical or factual on your side so you can only expect to convince the unwary and gullible people.

The Creator Loves You!!!
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AB Jadon,

Hi there.

I Will Be Busy For A Couple Of Days (really Busy), So I Wont Be Visiting This Site For A While.
Thanks for letting us know, but I’m pretty sure no one really cares.

If You Want, Continue To Discuss On This String ( Except For Those Disillusioned That I Have Barred ), I Will Try To Get Back To You All As Soon As Am Able To.
Don’t worry, there is no rush, we have managed for years quite happily without you. You won’t be missed.

Thank You!!
Indeed, thank you too for the break in your presence.

(we Christians Have Busy Lives Too You Know!! )
Really – I didn’t know that. But again I am pretty sure that no one here cares.
AB Jadon,

Everything at the right time my child!!!
If you don't know much about the concepts of sin then it is OK for you to accept you don't know. There is no need to be evasive. Now of course is the right time.
AB has a pretty long queue of postponed questions,
but it doesn't matter really. Who needs her/his answers anyways?
AB Jadon,

You have me confused with misguided individuals that think themselves Christians.
I thought you said you think you are a Christian, so from your statement aren’t you admitting that you are misguided?
<center>New! The "AB Jadon 2000"

Strengthen your AB's and your spirit by doing crunches and fellating Jesus at the same time! Just like "AB Jadon 2000" creator, Angelic Being

Yes my children, you can own your own "AB Jadon 2000" for less than the cost of a package of Jesus wafers!!! Get rock-hard AB's and please Jesus as you rock and suck you way to salvation!!! And when Jesus cums to raise the faithful and reap the wicked, you can know you're in the best shape to help with the killing!!!

And now, for a limited time only (with purchase of one or more"AB Jadon 2000's"):

<center>The "AB Jadon 2000-AF" Crunchifier and AutoFellator.

For when Jesus is busy saving the worthy and smiting the heathens!!!
superluminal said:
<center>New! The "AB Jadon 2000"

Strengthen your AB's and your spirit by doing crunches and fellating Jesus at the same time! Just like "AB Jadon 2000" creator, Angelic Being

Yes my children, you can own your own "AB Jadon 2000" for less than the cost of a package of Jesus wafers!!! Get rock-hard AB's and please Jesus as you rock and suck you way to salvation!!! And when Jesus cums to raise the faithful and reap the wicked, you can know you're in the best shape to help with the killing!!!

And now, for a limited time only (with purchase of one or more"AB Jadon 2000's"):

<center>The "AB Jadon 2000-AF" Crunchifier and AutoFellator.

For when Jesus is busy saving the worthy and smiting the heathens!!!

Trying to discover what it means to Sin Against The Holy Spirit?? Sorry, but you will have to do more then that!!!!


I encourage you to use language that your beautiful daughters will not find offensive - I doubt that you would even speak to them in such a way!!!
Cris said:
AB Jadon,

I thought you said you think you are a Christian, so from your statement aren’t you admitting that you are misguided?

You are getting more confused by the minute - I think your IQ will be between 70 to 90.

I mean - you keep on getting me wrong - didn't I ban you from my string? Oh sorry, that was hapsburgh ( with the h attached).

The Creator Loves You.!!!!
People, AB/Jadon has no interest in conversation outside its tiny little world. Continuing conversation with it only encourages it. It wants to convert you, and will doggedly assault you with its insulting dogma until you stop talking to it. I suggest leaving it to itself. There is no conversation on here on its part. It only preaches and evades.
Simple logic but you really don't believe its as simple as that, do you???!!
If you choose to believe in something ( or nothing) then at least be 100 % sure of the path you have chosen - otherwise, when people like me come along we will always plant seeds of doubt in your minds.
I keep having to hold your hand through this!

The above quote is exactly why people are not wanting to debate with you. Quite simply you are saying here that you know you are 100% correct in your beliefs, without showing any proof. This is a very egotistical and very closed minded of you. It also shows as others have pointed out that you are dogmatic.

To give you an answer here I would say this. First of all no, I'm not sure I got the right "path". What I can tell you is this though. I've looked at all the evidence that has been presented to me and from the information I've recieved I believe that god does not exist. Could I be wrong? Sure and I'm willing to admit that, as I have not reviewed all the information out there, someone may have some proof that god exists that I haven't come across yet and it may cause me to change my point of view. This is what's called maintaining an open mind and being intellectually honest with myself. Concepts it seams you cannont understand or grasp.

Also you do attack my character when you say the founder of atheism are liars. Because either I know that god exists and I'm a liar as well or I really believe that he doesn't and I'm the victim of a lie. So either your calling me a liar or ignorant. I'm assuming you think I'm ignorant, but I'm beginning to think that you think I'm a liar. Could you please clairfy yourself here.

Anyways all the above is moot really. You haven't answered any of my questions yet. You can start by telling me why you believe atheism is a lie, when you are 99.99% an atheist yourself.
Angelic Being said:
Michael said:
Angelic Being said:
The Creator Loves You. :cool: :cool:
Jadon you know (and have said yourself) that God is all-knowing. This means that God can not "love" me. It also can't "hate" me. Hate and Love are Human emotions. They involve changing ones state of mind from one emotion to another - which God can not do as God can not change its mind because it’s obviously doesn't have one!!!

I don't understand how we go over this over and over this and over this and yet again you seem to hit reboot and revert back to Beta-Xian program0.1 after each discussion?
I prefer that you address me by my new name - Thanks.

Actually, I did not say that GOD was all knowing - you have me confused with someone else - but you have picked an interesting point, one which I was going to discuss later!!!

When I chose the word LOVE to describe The Creators' feelings for you, I was actually meaning this - THE CREATOR KNOWS YOU. - alot of people out there sincerely believe that The Creator really doesn't care about them, but I am saying that this totally untrue - The Creator does know you, does care for you and does love you.

I think I have to accept that my use of words is not entirely fitting because it causes too much confusion.

But I would expect that instead of drawing wrong conclusions, you guys would instead ask me what I really mean by giving your own suggestions, or better - would actually understand me without me having to clarify all the time that you have again misunderstood me.

But I will discuss the interesting point you have raised later - and believe me, you will be surprised with my interpretation.!!!!
Lets keep this simple - just a YES or No to begin:

(1) Does God know everything?
(2) Does God know the future in full (all information)?
(3) Can God do anything? [Bascially, if I say "God has the ability to _______" I can fill in the blank with absolutly anything I think up.
(4) Does God think?
(5) Does God feel all of the emotions humans feel?
(6) Do humans have abilities that God doesn't posses?

Remember: a YES or NO to begin THEN we can converse about the answers, OK?

Jadon said:
didn't I ban you from my string? Oh sorry, that was hapsburg
Wow, so now you think you're a mod? Fucking just don't get it do you?
You are wrong, what you believe in is a lie, and you are obviously too much of a coward to see it.
Michael said:
Lets keep this simple - just a YES or No to begin:

(1) Does God know everything?
(2) Does God know the future in full (all information)?
(3) Can God do anything? [Bascially, if I say "God has the ability to _______" I can fill in the blank with absolutly anything I think up.
(4) Does God think?
(5) Does God feel all of the emotions humans feel?
(6) Do humans have abilities that God doesn't posses?

Remember: a YES or NO to begin THEN we can converse about the answers, OK?


All those six questions can be summed up by the questions - Does GOD alter the future?, Can HE alter the future?, Has HE ever altered the future?, and will HE ever alter the future?

Like I said earlier, I am abit busy at the moment, but you have really made it easy for me by phrasing your questions in an easy to answer manner - Thanks.

As soon as I am free, I will certainly answer your questions - if you dont get this message today, then I will be posting the answers definitely by the end of this week.

And can you do a favour for me ? Can you kindly ask 'hasbeen' or 'hasburgh' to stop visiting my string??? I think the world needs people like him but it would be preferable if they are placed in a far away place - one where they can be able to practise their language freely together - its just childish and boring!!!

Thanks Michael - I'll owe you one.
Horseman42 said:
I keep having to hold your hand through this!

The above quote is exactly why people are not wanting to debate with you. Quite simply you are saying here that you know you are 100% correct in your beliefs, without showing any proof. This is a very egotistical and very closed minded of you. It also shows as others have pointed out that you are dogmatic.

To give you an answer here I would say this. First of all no, I'm not sure I got the right "path". What I can tell you is this though. I've looked at all the evidence that has been presented to me and from the information I've recieved I believe that god does not exist. Could I be wrong? Sure and I'm willing to admit that, as I have not reviewed all the information out there, someone may have some proof that god exists that I haven't come across yet and it may cause me to change my point of view. This is what's called maintaining an open mind and being intellectually honest with myself. Concepts it seams you cannont understand or grasp.

Also you do attack my character when you say the founder of atheism are liars. Because either I know that god exists and I'm a liar as well or I really believe that he doesn't and I'm the victim of a lie. So either your calling me a liar or ignorant. I'm assuming you think I'm ignorant, but I'm beginning to think that you think I'm a liar. Could you please clairfy yourself here.

Anyways all the above is moot really. You haven't answered any of my questions yet. You can start by telling me why you believe atheism is a lie, when you are 99.99% an atheist yourself.

Neither am I calling you a liar nor an ignorant person - far from it!! I actually consider you an intelligent person - but your thoughts are wrong when you say that I think this of you..... and so on.

I am asking you - have you really done a thorough unbiased research? If you have then there is no point in my trying to convince you otherwise, because your mind is dead set - my respect for you as a human being will still be same - you are equal to me.

But stick around for the answers I will be giving to Michael sometime this week!!
Like I said earlier, I am abit busy at the moment

Without sounding too harsh I'd just like to mention that I have seen this ongoing trend whereby you tell anyone who asks a question that you're busy and then never manage to answer it, but do manage to find the time to preach some more.

I mean c'mon, the 2 minutes it took to write your "I'm busy" speech could have been spent just doing:

1) yes
2) yes..


Just a thought.
Well, it seems like no one is interested in the trinity topic. I have stated that it originates from demonic teachings and behavior as can be verified by any well known theologist, historian, archaeologist and the like.

So now that that lie is being removed, I hope you atheists will keep that in mind - The Scriptures does not describe The Creator as some mumbo-jumbo trinity mystery!!!

SO, I hope you will not be confused about my stand on this issue.!!!

My next topic will be Hell - what does The Scriptures actually say?? What do you as a human think about this teaching?? Is it a sensible teaching? Is it logical??? Is it a myth that somehow got mixed up with the Christian teachings?? Was it designed by demonic individuals to further push people away from The Creator?

Can such a place really exist??? Should you be unaffected? Should you be afraid?
Neither am I calling you a liar nor an ignorant person - far from it!! I actually consider you an intelligent person - but your thoughts are wrong when you say that I think this of you..... and so on.
Fine enough said about this.

I am asking you - have you really done a thorough unbiased research? If you have then there is no point in my trying to convince you otherwise, because your mind is dead set - my respect for you as a human being will still be same - you are equal to me.
Yes I have done some unbiased research, and it led me to atheism. You see I was once a Christain too, but after some serious research I realized that all the proofs that prove that god exists that I was clinging to were irrational, and illogical. I wonder what research you have done to prove that god exists. So please again present us with some evidence, or at least tell me how you came to this conclusion.

Well, it seems like no one is interested in the trinity topic. I have stated that it originates from demonic teachings and behavior as can be verified by any well known theologist, historian, archaeologist and the like
Again this is like asserting that Santa's Sleigh is green and not red. You see us atheists don't believe in god so it's a moot point.

My next topic will be Hell - what does The Scriptures actually say?? What do you as a human think about this teaching?? Is it a sensible teaching? Is it logical??? Is it a myth that somehow got mixed up with the Christian teachings?? Was it designed by demonic individuals to further push people away from The Creator?
Can such a place really exist??? Should you be unaffected? Should you be afraid?
Please don't leave us in suspense... Again don't expect us to take you seriously as you haven't proved that god exists yet!
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