The Creator Loves You

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So, AB,

How does one sin against the holy spirit? You don't really know, do you? You made it up.
Jadon said:
The Creator Loves You. :cool: :cool:
Jadon, you know (and have said yourself) that God is all-knowing. This means that God can not "love" me. It also can't "hate" me. Hate and Love are Human emotions. They involve changing ones state of mind from one emotion to another - which God can not do as God can not change its mind because it’s obviously doesn't have one!!!

I don't understand how we go over this over and over this and over this and yet again you seem to hit reboot and revert back to Beta-Xian program0.1 after each discussion?
Beta-Xian program0.1 after each discussion?

Ha! Excellent. It behaves as if it has nested or self referential interrupts and it blows the stack after just a few iterations! Ka BOOM! Reboot!
Again you get me wrong!! - I was referring to the those that created the idea of atheism - not you certainly.
But I believe atheism to be true. You say it's a lie prove that it is. Without any theistic belief I am an atheist.

Please show some evidence for these claims. You say that atheism came from the devil. Prove it, or stop rambling.
To Spidergoat:
Continuing our discussion, I'd like to give a quote from Joseph's Cambell book "Hero with a thousand faces" (pg. 144).

Totem, tribal, racial, and aggressively missionizing cults represent only partial solutions of the psychological problem of subduing hate by love; they only partially initiate. Ego is not annihilated in them; rather, it is enlarged; instead of thinking only of himself, the individual becomes dedicated to the whole of his society. The rest of the world meanwhile (that is to say, by far the greater portion of mankind) is left outside the sphere of his sympathy and protection because outside the sphere of the protection of his god. And there takes place, then, that dramatic divorce of the two principles of love and hate which the pages of history so bountifully illustrate. Instead of clearing his own heart the zealot tries to clear the world.
The laws of the City of God are applied only to his in-group (tribe, church, nation, class, or what not) while the fire of a perpetual holy war is hurled (with good conscience, and indeed a sense of pious service) against whatever uncircumcised, barbarian, heathen, "native", or alien people happens to occupy the position of neighbour*.

*"For hatered does not cease by hatered at any time: hatered ceases by love, this is an old rule" (from the Buddhist Dhammapada, 1:5; "Sacred books of the East," Vol. X, Part I, p.5; translation by Max uller).
superluminal said:
I'm sure you've noticed the look of mad glee that overcomes a fundie when he/she talks about the end times. They can't wait for the destruction! Shit, they need drool buckets.

What's dumbfounding to me is that I used to be one of them; for almost 3 decades. Only seriously one of them for about 2 decades though. The last 10 or so were the years of questioning. From 30 to 35 now, I've leaned the other way. Towards atheism. I think it is good to know where most of them are coming from, though. I feel like my life still has a purpose, but now I am happy that I may finally be getting it. :)

"Don't stop, get it get it!". Gorillaz, 'Feel Good, Inc'.
Michael said:
Jadon, you know (and have said yourself) that God is all-knowing. This means that God can not "love" me. It also can't "hate" me. Hate and Love are Human emotions. They involve changing ones state of mind from one emotion to another - which God can not do as God can not change its mind because it’s obviously doesn't have one!!!

I don't understand how we go over this over and over this and over this and yet again you seem to hit reboot and revert back to Beta-Xian program0.1 after each discussion?

I prefer that you address me by my new name - Thanks.

Actually, I did not say that GOD was all knowing - you have me confused with someone else - but you have picked an interesting point, one which I was going to discuss later!!!

When I chose the word LOVE to describe The Creators' feelings for you, I was actually meaning this - THE CREATOR KNOWS YOU. - alot of people out there sincerely believe that The Creator really doesn't care about them, but I am saying that this totally untrue - The Creator does know you, does care for you and does love you.

I think I have to accept that my use of words is not entirely fitting because it causes too much confusion.

But I would expect that instead of drawing wrong conclusions, you guys would instead ask me what I really mean by giving your own suggestions, or better - would actually understand me without me having to clarify all the time that you have again misunderstood me.

But I will discuss the interesting point you have raised later - and believe me, you will be surprised with my interpretation.!!!!
Cottontop3000 said:
What's dumbfounding to me is that I used to be one of them; for almost 3 decades. Only seriously one of them for about 2 decades though. The last 10 or so were the years of questioning. From 30 to 35 now, I've leaned the other way. Towards atheism. I think it is good to know where most of them are coming from, though. I feel like my life still has a purpose, but now I am happy that I may finally be getting it. :)

"Don't stop, get it get it!". Gorillaz, 'Feel Good, Inc'.

You are right - one of them ( you were misguided from the beginning )

Also, "you are not one of me" - (You never were) - I assume you will know who said that?
Horseman42 said:
But I believe atheism to be true. You say it's a lie prove that it is. Without any theistic belief I am an atheist.

Please show some evidence for these claims. You say that atheism came from the devil. Prove it, or stop rambling.

Simple logic but you really don't believe its as simple as that, do you???!!

If you choose to believe in something ( or nothing) then at least be 100 % sure of the path you have chosen - otherwise, when people like me come along we will always plant seeds of doubt in your minds.

Consider: Is it fair on yourself to adopt ideologies that you really dont believe in ?

Well, if your answer is yes, then go right ahead and believe in what you will - if I cannot convince you, then it is my failure - but I cannot force anyone to believe in what I do.

The Creator Loves You!!!
If there is a creator, does he love his creations as someone may love thier children, pets (we are referred to as sheep too much for my liking), something interesting like a landscape, or the way an artist loves a piece of art? Does he just love all the attention we give him, explaining his need for constand adoration and worship?

I Will Be Busy For A Couple Of Days (really Busy), So I Wont Be Visiting This Site For A While.

If You Want, Continue To Discuss On This String ( Except For Those Disillusioned That I Have Barred ), I Will Try To Get Back To You All As Soon As Am Able To.

Thank You!!

(we Christians Have Busy Lives Too You Know!! )
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