The conference hall debate!

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I have time on the internet, I do not need a course to show science a Paradox from discourse of information I do know.
You've admitted you need the courses; why not take them and gain understanding?
People are starting to understand me I feel, they are understanding the clear constant of light and why I suggest an equilibrium to sight.
That's your imagination. You have been saying it for months and it is no more true now than it was then.
A thesis statement for an essay. A premise to be argued with the essay.

Is pretty messed up.
Tell me about it, I know how bad it sounds, I know the reality of what I am saying, by explicate means , I could write a Thesis essay that has a premise for argument to expound the Thesis.

Are you asking if I could write an essay about the nature of ''light'' and expatiate my ideas giving a rational argument opposed to present theory creating an axiom starting point?
I'd like for you to make sense.
I understand that what I say is hard to make sense, explaining new is very hard when words already have meanings, to explain something without using present meanings is really hard, the linguistics are more complex in correct use than the actual idea.
I say transparent, every one automatic thinks windows, water etc. A physical bodied presence that allows light to pass through,

''(of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen''

I need-of a material or article or a passive space that allows energy to pass through so that objects can be distinctly seen through the material or article or space.

It is hard to do.
passive - ''accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.''

I need - accepting or allowing Em energy or particles and unseen forces to pass through a spacial dimension without active response or resistance.
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So your idea requires something of total permeability?

I don't think you have ever come close to saying anything to that effect.
So your idea requires something of total permeability?

I don't think you have ever come close to saying anything to that effect.
I do not think anything has a total permeability, when I say constant spectral colours through the constant invisible, what else do you think I was saying other than a constant exchange rate, meaning the passive rate is changed by an obstruction passive rate making light visible from the clear invisible constant.
If you can't explain it, how do I even know you can convince yourself!?

Some underlaying neurosis could be your motivation. Something you repress in yourself.
Your rhetoric is nonsensical enough to warrant such an accusation.
If you can't explain it, how do I even know you can convince yourself!?

Some underlaying neurosis could be your motivation. Something you repress in yourself.
Your rhetoric is nonsensical enough to warrant such an accusation.
''distress is an aversive state in which a person is unable to adapt completely to stressors and their resulting stress and shows maladaptive behaviors.[1] It can be evident in the presence of various phenomena, such as inappropriate social interaction''

''Neurosis is a class of functional mental disorders involving distress but neither delusions nor hallucinations. Neurotic behavior is typically within socially acceptable limits''

Interesting assumption and probably true, I do not fit into the social culture of science, I am convinced there is for sure a paradox.
Maybe I am a bit nuts, but it does not make my ideas any less valid if there is truths told in the idea.

I just need a purpose in life, I have children that are a purpose in life, but my purpose is to have their respect in life and do want to go out has a nobody father and another statistic, I suppose I am in fear of dying and leaving my children with the same future has my father left me, a bleak future and an upbringing on benefit street in an area that is hard to find employment that pays only enough to pay the bills unless you make your own luck, I am a chancer so I am chancing science, even if there is no job and no rewards just an idea with merit is good enough for me to be proud again, I am not proud of what I could of achieved and the years I have wasted.
What is your level of education, if I may ask.
I was in all the top classes at high school but sort of left early to be a mechanics helper, I have done an IT course after schooling was over in my 20's and past that with an IT lvl 2 NVQ, and then of cause self learning over the years from documentaries and quiz shows etc, I just know stuff , my general knowledge is not to bad.
If there were truths in your ideas we wouldn't all call it gibberish, tc.

Sorry to hear that you feel you lack a purpose in life, but science clearly isn't it.
I understand why you'd want your kids to be proud of you, but are they going to feel proud if what you do is completely misunderstand science and spend countless hours on a science board exposing your lack of knowledge?
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