20% of the population live in extreme poverty.
If they could scavenge stuff to sell they probably would.
Here is a link to the Menorah Petroglyph Photo.


Just another guy for you to call a Fraud. Science at work again?
Here is how a Christian site who buy into this whole thing describe Dr. Sung Hak Kim:

Dr. Sung Hak Kim was in Saudi Arabia for 20 years as the oriental medicine private physician for H.R.H Prince Majed Bin Abdul Aziz of Governor of Mecca (a leader of 1.7 Billion Muslims). As a Christian, Dr. Kim was interested in exploring the Exodus route of the Hebrews, and their encampment sites around the Saudi peninsula. He was allowed free access due to his priviledged position in the royal family, and was able to explore around Northern part of the Midian Wilderness near Jebal al Lawz, where he found very early Paleo-Hebrew rock inscriptions including an ancient menorah! He also found many pottery shards, grinding stones, and vases.


Because it sounds plausible to you that a Christian "oriental medicine private physician" would be treating the Governor of Mecca?

That says it all right there.

The site you link is a Ron Wyatt shill site.

And people wonder why it is fenced off when they look at this buffoon clambering over neolithic rock carvings and rock art with his shoes on like...

This thread doesn't even belong in the religion subsection. It belongs in the Fringe section to be honest. Because biblical scholars, as in actual biblical scholars have published numerous studies to prove just how and why Wyatt was a hack and a fraud.
See the Dissertation I posted...

WOW! You just keep saying, over and over again, that there is no evidence because there is no evidence and anyone who says there is evidence is a buffoon and a fraud. Have you ever met or talked to any of these people that you are destroying?

Very convincing indeed Bells!
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See the Dissertation I posted...

You just keep saying, over and over again, that there is no evidence because there is no evidence and anyone who says there is evidence is a buffoon and a fraud.

Very convincing indeed Bells!
I did read it.

And it is just parroting Wyatt's "discovery". Are you aware of Ron Wyatt's "discoveries" and how they were all deemed fake by the religious scholars?

I'll put it this way, this thread and the sites you are linking to are on par with those who are trying to find bigfoot.

Do you honestly think that if it was as you are claiming it is, that the Saudis and every single sect of Islam there is would not have been all over it and that it would not have been a place venerated by Muslims? Moses is a vital figure in the Quran and in Islam, especially in Sunni Islam (which is the predominant religion of Saudi Arabia). He is mentioned hundreds of times in the Quran. Some of their religious holidays revolve around Moses and the story of the exodus. Muslims even built a shrine and a mosque at where they believe Moses was buried and it has been expanded over time to be a massive complex.. And you think they would have ignored the place where you are claiming God spoke to Moses, etc? It is laughable. If there was any proof that Wyatt's claims were true, there would have been mosques and other shrines there.
Firstly, if there were chariots, they were made of wood. Not gold. And certainly not iron. Do you honestly think it would have survived that many thousands of years under water?

Secondly, after supposedly 3,000 under water, in the silt and sand, how are they not buried in the sand and silt at the bottom? And how are they still there and not moved far far away by the currents? Why are they not buried by the silt that would have naturally built up over time.

So ya, it's a hoax.
What's your point? Your reference mentions that in the ancient world the Arabs spread beyond what is present-day Saudi Arabia. Therefore, when Paul referred to "Arabia" he was referring to the area then occupied by Arabs, not the present-day state of Saudi Arabia. Galatians 4:25 does not in any way point to present-day Saudi Arabia.
Firstly, if there were chariots, they were made of wood. Not gold. And certainly not iron. Do you honestly think it would have survived that many thousands of years under water?

All the items found were covered in coral to make coral formations, this could of helped preserve the different objects found.

Secondly, after supposedly 3,000 under water, in the silt and sand, how are they not buried in the sand and silt at the bottom? And how are they still there and not moved far far away by the currents? Why are they not buried by the silt that would have naturally built up over time.

So ya, it's a hoax.

Because they became part of coral formations.

What annoys me is that if this was evidence for evolution for example, or some agenda you support, you would be saying they were legit.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't mind either way, true or false, but when i smell bullshit i like to check it out.
You can't escape feeling competent to judge all with/by your pitifully inadequate and meager abilities/standards can you...I told you the problem; your heart and mind producing an arrogance out of all proportion to reality. If you truly knew yourself, like Job, you would repent in dust and ashes.
What's your point? Your reference mentions that in the ancient world the Arabs spread beyond what is present-day Saudi Arabia. Therefore, when Paul referred to "Arabia" he was referring to the area then occupied by Arabs, not the present-day state of Saudi Arabia. Galatians 4:25 does not in any way point to present-day Saudi Arabia.

The point is the location of Mt. Sinai, not areas occupied by Arabs. My quote of the Galatians passage did not mean I was referring to Saudi Arabia as your statement seemed to indicate. I posted that link to point out the history of Saudi Arabia, not to support your assumption of what you thought I meant in the first place. Towards the end of yesterday, I indicated that what we are discussing here is not as important as believing that the text is revealing the fact the events took place. This is the urgent need, made all the more urgent given our short life span and the time it takes for 'evidence' to appear in many cases. The case is made for the wisdom of believing the revealed events of the text by virtue of the cases/assertions made pointing to the current lack of evidence...Where is the evidence? We don't know. We can't know the future either, so dismissing the Exodus out of hand is irrational and arrogant. We know from experience, that evidence does in fact surface later after things had been written off previously. How much more important, crucial even, is the attitude (humility and trust) toward this particular text that lays out (REVEALS what an otherwise lack of evidence would keep hidden) the early events of the nation of Israel and their role in the Divine plan of Redemption for humanity; all culminating in the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and His message of repentance and faith in Him.
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My quote of the Galatians passage did not mean I was referring to Saudi Arabia as your statement seemed to indicate.
You linked to a page titled, "Paul said Mt. Sinai was in Saudi Arabia: Gal 4:25". I'm just pointing out that that's false. Paul said no such thing. He said nothing that refers to the site under discussion.

The case is made for the wisdom of believing the revealed events of the text by virtue of the cases/assertions made pointing to the current lack of evidence...
So you're saying that we should believe the text whether there is any evidence for its authenticity or not.
You linked to a page titled, "Paul said Mt. Sinai was in Saudi Arabia: Gal 4:25". I'm just pointing out that that's false. Paul said no such thing. He said nothing that refers to the site under discussion.

Fair enough...I should have posted a disclaimer. Those were not my thoughts.

So you're saying that we should believe the text whether there is any evidence for its authenticity or not.

Yes... and of course that assumes particular things concerning the text itself that no human can convey to another.
Yes... and of course that assumes particular things concerning the text itself that no human can convey to another.
And yet you're here trying to convey them on the Internet, of all places. I think the attempts to "prove the Bible true" have more of a negative effect than a positive one. They tend to accentuate the fact that it isn't true.
So if I found a menorah in, say Brooklyn, would that be evidence that Mt. Sinai was in Brooklyn?

No. I agree with you.

But finding an anchient Menorah Petroglyph at the Real Mt. Sinai, in a place where the Hebrews supposedly have never been? That is evidence, but it will mean nothing to you. You will just dismiss it because it "cannot" be true. Right?

There is also plenty of indirect evidence for the Exodus all over history.
The Historicity of the Menorah is known far and wide. I could post all day on the history of it.
It was first made in the Biblical Exodus Account.
You know, that annoying little Legend that you all keep saying never happened.

There is a tiny bit of info about it on wikipedia...

That should be enough, but I am sure it will not be.

It is Sunny here, hope you are having a nice day where you are!

God is so AWESOME!
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I did read it.

And it is just parroting Wyatt's "discovery". Are you aware of Ron Wyatt's "discoveries" and how they were all deemed fake by the religious scholars?

I'll put it this way, this thread and the sites you are linking to are on par with those who are trying to find bigfoot.

Do you honestly think that if it was as you are claiming it is, that the Saudis and every single sect of Islam there is would not have been all over it and that it would not have been a place venerated by Muslims? Moses is a vital figure in the Quran and in Islam, especially in Sunni Islam (which is the predominant religion of Saudi Arabia). He is mentioned hundreds of times in the Quran. Some of their religious holidays revolve around Moses and the story of the exodus. Muslims even built a shrine and a mosque at where they believe Moses was buried and it has been expanded over time to be a massive complex.. And you think they would have ignored the place where you are claiming God spoke to Moses, etc? It is laughable. If there was any proof that Wyatt's claims were true, there would have been mosques and other shrines there.

Ron Wyatt may or may not have made some mistakes, and people have maligned him just like you have. And like them, you will malign anyone you disagree with. That is very immature.

All of the sites he pointed to were all there on the ground before he was ever born. And all of them need more verification.

But you are making false claims about him and false claims about his theories and you are ignoring all evidence no matter who it comes from.

The Real Mt Sinai site is self-evident to anyone who will give it a chance. But you will not.

Your approach remains... There is no evidence because there can't be any evidence.

What the Saudis think about the site is probably much more complicated than you are making it out to be.
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No. I agree with you.

But finding an anchient Menorah Petroglyph at the Real Mt. Sinai, in a place where the Hebrews supposedly have never been? That is evidence, but it will mean nothing to you. You will just dismiss it because it "cannot" be true. Right?

There is also plenty of indirect evidence for the Exodus all over history.
The Historicity of the Menorah is known far and wide. I could post all day on the history of it.
It was first made in the Biblical Exodus Account.
You know, that annoying little Legend that you all keep saying never happened.

There is a tiny bit of info about it on wikipedia...

That should be enough, but I am sure it will not be.

How do you date a petroglyph?