Would it be good if I promise you a fancy dinner knowing that I will never give it to you? Should be OK, right? It will make you happy to anticipate something.
Finding a chariots wheels in the Sea that Moses supposedly crossed is odd because:

A) The story might actually be historically correct.
B) A chariot happened to be in the sea.

What is more likely?
Neither. This is a coral formation. They form that way, much like the canopy of a tree -except the coral "canopy" is getting nutrients from the currents above the sea floor.

Here's a shorter version not even in the Red Sea. The formation in the video is probably a dead coral, but it's hard to tell due to the poor production quality of the video. Even still, it's relatively young compared to any period that humans relied on chariots. Moreover, you can tell this isn't a chariot axle because chariot axles were made of wood. Even if the wood were encrusted with coral, it wouldn't have endured centuries, let alone a millennium or more, in an aerobic environment. The video didn't indicated depth, size of the coral formation, or other metrics, but it appeared rather shallow. Regardless, if there's coral, it's an aerobic environment. The simplest explanation, therefore, is that this is a fairly common coral formation to which a conclusion was applied without evidence.

You'll notice the people pretending to be researchers did not recover the object. Or if they did, they omitted that part since it didn't contain a "chariot axle."

There is, however, one object common to modern ships that could find it's way to the bottom of a sea and will collect coral and actually has this form: Metal valve handles.
Beautiful Photo!!! Thank You for posting it here!!!

The Coral in your Photo looks very different than the Coral formations found at the proposed Exodus Red Sea Crossing Site in the Gulf of Aqaba. And I do not understand how you can really compare them, as if they are the same. It is plain and simple that they are not.

According to…

“Salinity: The Red Sea is one of the most saline water bodies in the world, due to the effects of the water circulation pattern, resulting from evaporation and wind stress. Salinity ranges between 3.6 and 3.8 percent.”

I have seen Salinity levels as high as 4 percent for the Northern Red Sea area. Apparently many Species of Coral cannot survive there.

According to one estimate, there are over 70,000 Species of Coral in the World.

And since, as far as I can tell, you are only “guessing” at the Species of Coral at the proposed Crossing Site, at present your odds of being correct are very low, at about 1 chance in over 70,000.

So, can you please answer a few basic questions about your Photo?
  1. What exact Species of Coral is in this photo?
  2. Where on the Globe was it taken?
  3. At what Depth?
  4. What Climate does it live in?
  5. What Salinity Range does this Species live in?
  6. How high can this Species grow?
  7. Does this Species live in the Gulf of Aqaba?
  8. Does this Species live specifically in the Nuweibaa Beach Area?
  9. Does this Species live along the Arabian Coastline of the Gulf of Aqaba?
Stands to reason.
You don't want to catch Aids, or cancer. Do you?



No it's just that I find lies, misrepresentations of science and attempts to hoodwink ignorant people very annoying, especially when there is no avenue by which I can lodge objections. (I am a regular churchgoer by the way.)
The Egyptians left numerous writings. They speak of other nations and other kings but do not mention the Hebrews. There are no Hebrew artifacts found inside Egypt. And yet there are Hebrew artifacts on Elephantine Island.

Have you considered that 200 or 300 years , the Hebrew were EGYPTIANS. citizen, They had the egyptian gods , the customs, if so why would they be mentioned in their writings. Artifacts , would you consider a menorah , or a star of David .
Have you considered that 200 or 300 years , the Hebrew were EGYPTIANS. citizen, They had the egyptian gods , the customs, if so why would they be mentioned in their writings. Artifacts , would you consider a menorah , or a star of David .
Those would be severely out of place for the time period. -_O
Have you considered that 200 or 300 years , the Hebrew were EGYPTIANS. citizen, They had the egyptian gods , the customs, if so why would they be mentioned in their writings. Artifacts , would you consider a menorah , or a star of David .
According to the Bible, who were the kings of Egypt during that 200-300 year period you are referring to? Using that information, can you determine the date of their entrance into and exodus from Egypt?
According to the Bible, who were the kings of Egypt during that 200-300 year period you are referring to? Using that information, can you determine the date of their entrance into and exodus from Egypt?

Why you are asking me . I am not coming with positive statement . I am just saying or questioning if those people who moved out at that time they were Jews or Hebrews .
According to the Bible, who were the kings of Egypt during that 200-300 year period you are referring to? Using that information, can you determine the date of their entrance into and exodus from Egypt?

In the film "Patterns of Evidence" an argument is presented that asserts that the Exodus occurred about 1450 BC based on both biblical and archeological sources, during the reign of Amenhotep II.