That's your proof?

That over 600,000 people walked that far off course while heading to (when a straight line along the coast would have gotten them there so much quicker) Israel, not leaving a single trace anywhere?

Can you provide anything at all from a non-religious site? Any scientific journals to back up your claims? Because bible quotes aren't going to cut it.

And any archaeological proof?

Because thus far, all you and Seti have provided were invented by a known fraud. Do you have anything better and actually true and correct to support your claims?

The Site itself is the evidence, and I already know it is not enough to convice many and I already know it needs to be studied more by qualified people.

The Traditional location for Mt. Sinai is false and has always been false. If you think it is real then I guess you would agree that the Exodus was real on that very basis. If not, then it is a very poor argument. You are basically saying that the location of one thing, that doesn't exist, falsifies something that does.

Go look up the history of that site and you will see how bogus it is.

The Real Mt Sinai is located in Saudi Arabia and always has been.

The Site is self evident, regardless of Ron Wyatt or anyone else. Ron Wyatt did not create the mountain that exists in Saudi Arabia or any of the sites there. It was all there before any of us were ever born. Your arguments are very poor Bells.

I really think you need a time out!
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Just to remind everyone of the purpose of the thread:

Just in case you might be interested...

There is a Documentary film coming out very soon that will provide evidence
for the reality of the Exodus account in the Bible...

If you want to believe, based on the Bible account, do that.
The rest of us. Lets talk about the evidence.
This is the fundamental problem, as their existence and claims are the whole reason the thread exists. You will be happy to know that you'll be able to explain/address the why's behind that statement directly to Him at a later time. Until then, why even bother with the thread? Don't believe...continue to rest in your unbelief. If someone started a thread claiming Jesus never existed (maybe they have), I'd be happy to just leave it alone.

Satan quoting scripture does not change the nature of Scripture. That said, "ALL"and "invented" are your attempts at bringing clarification?

Not "all", and, the things presented have not been "invented". They exist.
It is actually quite simple..

People will ask for you to provide evidence of it. Archaeological evidence, for example. 600,000 men, plus women, children, the elderly and their livestock would have left a veritable mountain of evidence. They have left nothing at all. There is also no evidence of them in Egypt and no evidence they built the pyramids. Mention of the chariots, etc, as stated in the bible when chariots had not even been invited yet.

Providing images of rock carvings that a known fraud has apparently decided must represent the golden calf is not proof.
...over 600,000 people walked that far off course while heading to (when a straight line along the coast would have gotten them there so much quicker)...
Here is a Bible quote for you: "When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. For God said, “Lest the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt...Hence God led the people around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea..."
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Who isn't a well known fraud?

Attilla the Hun perhaps.

Other than him, I don't know.
Everyone wears masks.
People who try to prove the Bible account are often very duplicitous.

I prefer people who just say they believe.
That is more honest.
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It is actually quite simple..

People will ask for you to provide evidence of it. Archaeological evidence, for example. 600,000 men, plus women, children, the elderly and their livestock would have left a veritable mountain of evidence. They have left nothing at all. There is also no evidence of them in Egypt and no evidence they built the pyramids. Mention of the chariots, etc, as stated in the bible when chariots had not even been invited yet.

How many times have you been to a given place for which no evidence exists of your having been there?
People who try to prove the Bible account are often very duplicitous.
I prefer people who just say they believe.
That is more honest.

People who believe the bible account know they are duplicitous. It is what leads them to their Savior.
Which locations? What pottery? Dated to when? Can you please provide links to the reputable and non-religious sources for this so called "Hebrew pottery" proving the existence of the "exodus"?

Also, if your biblical story is to be believed, 70 or so descendants of Jacob become 600,000 in 4 generations. I should not have to point out the impossibility of this. Not to mention that there is no proof those 600,000 or so abled bodied persons managed to escape Egypt and no record was ever made of it by those they escaped from and no evidence exists that they were there and that they escaped and trekked so far.

There is absolutely no archaeological evidence to support your or the Biblical contention. Far from it.

Evidence exists of Egyptian labourers, paid labourer's who were paid well, and well housed and maintained, who built the pyramids. Which directly contradicts the bible version of Israelite slaves who were not even in Egypt at the time and there is no evidence that they were in Egypt during that period. Absolutely none. No hieroglyphics

Mount Sinai is in Egypt. You are claiming that the so called golden calf that you linked the google map to is located at Mount Sinai. To get to it from Mount Sinai, you need to cross a hell of a lot of sand and then swim across the Gulf of Aqaba.

While the cow rock art you posted is located in Saudi Arabia, Mount Sinai is not located anywhere near there. Far from it.

So your biblical story falls in the water then and there. And you are very very wrong to claim that it is located at Mount Sinai as you have done for each of the pictures of what you declared was the altar when you posted it.

Now, about the so called golden calf you have been trying to peddle in this thread.

It was discovered by a man called Ron Wyatt. A former nurse who also claimed to have discovered Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, the Tower of Babel, Noah's grave stone and a host of other stories as told in the bible. My favourite is when he declared he discovered a drop of Jesus' blood. In short, your so called altar of the golden calf was found by a deranged man who went around looking for things that looked exactly as they appeared in Christian books he'd read. The man was a known fraud.

Ron Wyatt referred to Jabal al-Lawz, where the bovine petroglyphs are located as being the biblical Mount Sinai. It is not. Saudi Arabia has some of the most diverse and numerous rock art and petroglyphs in the world. And it is extensive. Bovines, along with domestic and non-domestic animals feature strongly around many many sites in Saudi Arabia. Sadly, the site at Jabal al-Lawz, what you are claiming is the biblical Mount Sinai, had to be fenced off because of the likes of Ron Wyatt and his sons clomping all over it and endangering vital and important rock art that deserves to be protected.

Ron Wyatt was expelled numerous times from Saudi Arabia, after entering the country without permission to search for the fabled altar. He was denounced as a fraud from all quarters, even his own church saw him as a fraud.

Wow! I think these arguments are all really poor!
Wow! I think these arguments are all really poor!

Think about it.
Thousands of people setting up camps for 40 years.
But no evidence of it.
Why not?

Where are the places where they cooked?
Where are the shards of pottery?
Where are the places they dumped their waste?
Where are the remains of food?
There should be hundreds of encampment sites showing evidence of habitation.
Think about it.
Thousands of people setting up camps for 40 years.
But no evidence of it.
Why not?

Perhaps, because they are looking in the wrong place? Just an idea.

Of course there is no evidence at all at the Traditional location for Mt Sinai. Simply because it is not the real Site.