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Is the site being held as a prisoner?

Whatever the history behind it, it is clearly of great importance archaeologically.
Have archaeologists got access to it, or has it merely been caged?
Thanks for opening this thread, it is very interesting.
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There is no proof that they were in Egypt in any capacity as described in religious text, which places the whole premise of the "exodus" in the realm of fantasy.

It is hard to believe that 600,000 families (which would mean about two million people) crossed the entire Sinai without leaving one shard of pottery (the archeologist's best friend) with Hebrew writing on it. It is remarkable that Egyptian records make no mention of the sudden migration of what would have been nearly a quarter of their population, nor has any evidence been found for any of the expected effects of such an exodus; such as economic downturn or labor shortages. Furthermore, there is no evidence in Israel that shows a sudden influx of people from another culture at that time. No rapid departure from traditional pottery has been seen, no record or story of a surge in population.

There is no archaeological evidence that the Israelite slaves even built the pyramids.

The Israelites did not enter Egypt until well after the pyramids were even built.

"This bit of accepted wisdom, that "...the Pyramids [were] built by slaves who were Jews.." (as stated in your message of 1 September), is a canard that does not deserve repetition. First, it is anachronistic and illogical. The "Pyramids" -- presumably the three great pyramids of Gizah and perhaps the earlier pyramids to the south, including the Step Pyramid of Sakkara -- were built in the Third and Fourth Dynasties, 2650-2575 BC and 2575-2467 BC. The Jews did not exist at that time. The ancestors of the Jews, the Hebrews or "Children of Israel" -- Bene Yisra'el -- did not enter Egypt until centuries later. If one looks at the biblical narrative, Joseph, son of Jacob aka Israel, who brought the people of Israel into Egypt to settle in the land of Goshen, was driven in a chariot just behind Pharaoh's. The Egyptians did not have the wheel when the great pyramids were built. By the time the Egyptians had wheels, and horses and chariots, the great pyramids were ancient. Even if one were to determine that the migration of the Sumerian/Chaldean Abraham from the Sumerian city of Ur to the land of the Canaanites took place around the predynastic or early dynastic periods of ancient Egypt, there would still have been no Jews in Egypt at the time -- or anywhere else for that matter.

But hey, it makes for great movies and stories...

Thank You for posting this! Yes these are the current mainstream views on the subject and they are most likely correct for the time period they are looking for. Again, they are likely correct. But, the standard fare line for the masses is that science loves for their theories to be overturned. So perhaps other theories should be at least considered in the spirit of investigating truth and following the evidence where it leads, that is the science I know and love.

What appears to be Hebrew pottery has indeed been found at these locations, but it needs to be more carefully studied by qualified people before it can be confirmed.

By the way, none of the locations I will show you are movie sets.

More will be coming this week.
Is the site being held as a prisoner?

Whatever the history behind it, it is clearly of great importance archaeologically.
Have archaeologists got access to it, or has it merely been caged?
Thanks for opening this thread, it is very interesting.

Yes. It is indeed "caged" and under armed guard, you can see the white guard house in the satelite imagery, just inside the main fence. As far as I know, so far, only Saudi Archeologists have had access to the site. And so, as far as I know, their interpretations have not been "peer reviewed" at this point in time.

We need to have a team, or better yet, multiple separate teams of archeologists that are from outside the country of Saudi Arabia to go in and study the site.

The leadership of Saudi Arabia just changed hands... who knows, perhaps that will be possible soon?
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Let's hope that they judge it as a site important to Islam.
Then they might take good care of it.
It doesn't really matter what they say about it.
Their account will fit in with their view of the world and its history.

So long as it doesn't go the way of the Buddahs of Baniyan,
destroyed by Barbarians.
The Saudi leaders are not averse to bulldozing even their own heritage, so it wouldn't be beyond them.

The destruction of sites associated with early Islam is an ongoing phenomenon that has occurred mainly in the Hejazregion of western Saudi Arabia, particularly around the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The demolition has focused on mosques, burial sites, homes and historical locations associated with the Islamic prophet Muhammad and many of the founding personalities of early Islamic history.[1] In Saudi Arabia, many of the demolitions have officially been part of the continued expansion of the Masjid al-Haram at Mecca and the Prophet's Mosque in Medina and their auxiliary service facilities in order to accommodate the ever-increasing number of people performing the pilgrimage

They do it to spite the Shias.

Regarding the hope that the new King will be less despotic.
That's what they said last time, and the time before.
Each one outdoes the last in tyranny.
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Thank You for posting this! Yes these are the current mainstream views on the subject and they are most likely correct for the time period they are looking for. Again, they are likely correct. But, the standard fare line for the masses is that science loves for their theories to be overturned. So perhaps other theories should be at least considered in the spirit of investigating truth and following the evidence where it leads, that is the science I know and love.

What appears to be Hebrew pottery has indeed been found at these locations, but it needs to be more carefully studied by qualified people before it can be confirmed.

By the way, none of the locations I will show you are movie sets.

More will be coming this week.
Which locations? What pottery? Dated to when? Can you please provide links to the reputable and non-religious sources for this so called "Hebrew pottery" proving the existence of the "exodus"?

Also, if your biblical story is to be believed, 70 or so descendants of Jacob become 600,000 in 4 generations. I should not have to point out the impossibility of this. Not to mention that there is no proof those 600,000 or so abled bodied persons managed to escape Egypt and no record was ever made of it by those they escaped from and no evidence exists that they were there and that they escaped and trekked so far.

There is absolutely no archaeological evidence to support your or the Biblical contention. Far from it.

Evidence exists of Egyptian labourers, paid labourer's who were paid well, and well housed and maintained, who built the pyramids. Which directly contradicts the bible version of Israelite slaves who were not even in Egypt at the time and there is no evidence that they were in Egypt during that period. Absolutely none. No hieroglyphics

Yes that is correct, NW Saudi Arabia. I think possibly, Tabuk Province, but I will have to find a way to check the boundary on that Province to make sure.

If you wish, you can either click on the internet link below, which will take you to Google Maps, or copy and paste the coordinates below into the search box of Google Earth. Either will take you to the proposed site and then you can just zoom out and see where you are in Saudi Arabia. Google Earth is more 3D friendly.

Mount Sinai is in Egypt. You are claiming that the so called golden calf that you linked the google map to is located at Mount Sinai. To get to it from Mount Sinai, you need to cross a hell of a lot of sand and then swim across the Gulf of Aqaba.

While the cow rock art you posted is located in Saudi Arabia, Mount Sinai is not located anywhere near there. Far from it.

So your biblical story falls in the water then and there. And you are very very wrong to claim that it is located at Mount Sinai as you have done for each of the pictures of what you declared was the altar when you posted it.

Now, about the so called golden calf you have been trying to peddle in this thread.

It was discovered by a man called Ron Wyatt. A former nurse who also claimed to have discovered Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, the Tower of Babel, Noah's grave stone and a host of other stories as told in the bible. My favourite is when he declared he discovered a drop of Jesus' blood. In short, your so called altar of the golden calf was found by a deranged man who went around looking for things that looked exactly as they appeared in Christian books he'd read. The man was a known fraud.

Ron Wyatt referred to Jabal al-Lawz, where the bovine petroglyphs are located as being the biblical Mount Sinai. It is not. Saudi Arabia has some of the most diverse and numerous rock art and petroglyphs in the world. And it is extensive. Bovines, along with domestic and non-domestic animals feature strongly around many many sites in Saudi Arabia. Sadly, the site at Jabal al-Lawz, what you are claiming is the biblical Mount Sinai, had to be fenced off because of the likes of Ron Wyatt and his sons clomping all over it and endangering vital and important rock art that deserves to be protected.

Ron Wyatt was expelled numerous times from Saudi Arabia, after entering the country without permission to search for the fabled altar. He was denounced as a fraud from all quarters, even his own church saw him as a fraud.
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Yes. It is indeed "caged" and under armed guard, you can see the white guard house in the satelite imagery, just inside the main fence. As far as I know, so far, only Saudi Archeologists have had access to the site. And so, as far as I know, their interpretations have not been "peer reviewed" at this point in time.

We need to have a team, or better yet, multiple separate teams of archeologists that are from outside the country of Saudi Arabia to go in and study the site.

The leadership of Saudi Arabia just changed hands... who knows, perhaps that will be possible soon?
There are many international archaeologists who work in Saudi Arabia to study their rock art, because it is so numerous and vital and date back to so long.

And it is peer reviewed.
Yes that is correct, NW Saudi Arabia.
That site seems pretty unlikely. It's WAAAAY off any sensible route from Egypt to Palestine. And it would require crossing the Gulf of Suez AND the Gulf of Aqaba.

What reason do you have to connect that site with the Exodus?
That site seems pretty unlikely. It's WAAAAY off any sensible route from Egypt to Palestine. And it would require crossing the Gulf of Suez AND the Gulf of Aqaba.

What reason do you have to connect that site with the Exodus?

It is a strange kind of logic.
Anything that doesn't fit the Bible narrative is false. It has to be, because the Bible is true.
Anything that does fit the narrative may well be true, even if there is little or no evidence to support it.

They do exactly the same with evolution.

Here's a different possible route, from, with Mount Sinai in Egypt, not Saudi Arabia.


Whichever route they took, we are expected to believe that thousands of people spent 40 years travelling a few hundred miles, and left hardly a trace of their passage.
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Regarding the three videos Photizo posted in post #58...

Video 1 is very good -
It is from Jim and Penny Caldwell, and if any one on Earth deserves the lions share of credit for these finds it is the both of them.

Video 2 is not as good (IMO) -
It "Stars" to late comer guys who snuck into Saudi Arabia illegally (character flaw?) after finding out about the site from others who had already been there. Then they basically act like they discovered everything themselves. Personally, they strike me as two people who are after fame and fortune at the expense of others. They actually really bother me and I do not trust them. If I am wrong about them, I am sorry.

Video 3 is very good -
It is of Dr. Lennart Moller who has been to the site and studied it extensively. Dang, I just wish he was an archeologist.

But watch all three if you wish.
Paul said "Arabia", not Saudi Arabia.

Yes indeed, would you please look up where the boundaries for "Arabia" would have been, at the time Paul was living?

I have not had the time to do that yet and that would help check his claim out.

Regarding the three videos Photizo posted in post #58...

Video 1 is very good -
It is from Jim and Penny Caldwell, and if any one on Earth deserves the lions share of credit for these finds it is the both of them.

Video 2 is not as good (IMO) -
It "Stars" to late comer guys who snuck into Saudi Arabia illegally (character flaw?) after finding out about the site from others who had already been there. Then they basically act like they discovered everything themselves. Personally, they strike me as two people who are after fame and fortune at the expense of others. They actually really bother me and I do not trust them. If I am wrong about them, I am sorry.

Video 3 is very good -
It is of Dr. Lennart Moller who has been to the site and studied it extensively. Dang, I just wish he was an archeologist.

But watch all three if you wish.

I agree with you about the second video, but, information is information despite their motives.
Paul says some "...preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."

Here is another video to consider:

That's your proof?

That over 600,000 people walked that far off course while heading to (when a straight line along the coast would have gotten them there so much quicker) Israel, not leaving a single trace anywhere?

Can you provide anything at all from a non-religious site? Any scientific journals to back up your claims? Because bible quotes aren't going to cut it.

And any archaeological proof?

Because thus far, all you and Seti have provided were invented by a known fraud. Do you have anything better and actually true and correct to support your claims?
bible quotes aren't going to cut it.

This is the fundamental problem, as their existence and claims are the whole reason the thread exists. You will be happy to know that you'll be able to explain/address the why's behind that statement directly to Him at a later time. Until then, why even bother with the thread? Don't believe...continue to rest in your unbelief. If someone started a thread claiming Jesus never existed (maybe they have), I'd be happy to just leave it alone.

Because thus far, all you and Seti have provided were invented by a known fraud.

Satan quoting scripture does not change the nature of Scripture. That said, "ALL"and "invented" are your attempts at bringing clarification?

Not "all"*, and, the things presented have not been "invented". They exist.

see: Commentaries on Gal 4:25: Mt. Sinai in Arabia at the bottom of link
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