The Bible - the book of evil

For a scientist, you are gravely sure of your assumptions.

In other words, you cannot come up with any other uses for the bible other than your own selfish needs? I am gravely sure of the contradictions and inconsistencies of the bible.

No, and you can understand it (spiritual health). Don't play stupid.

It is impossible to understand, spirits or the spiritual do not exist, that's why I'm asking you, what is spiritual health?

No, this doesn't follow. You have come to this conclusion because you believe that the subjective and the objective could never meet.

It does follow, you yourself have argued vehemently against other theists here, who have all argued against one another about the word of god. It is not my conclusion, it is a fact theists have demonstrated here. Not one of you, or only one of you have spiritual health and know the correct interpretation of the bible, is it you?


Thank you. That is exactly what I thought.

Now that you have honestly admitted to not knowing the correct interpretation of the bible, you must now question your own beliefs, as they may be quite wrong.

Do you go to church? If so, why are you not standing up in the middle of a sermon and questioning the one who is delivering the sermon, since you are listening to his interpretation of the bible. Do you think his interpretation is correct? You cannot, since you don't know the correct interpretation. Do you think anyone else listening to the sermon knows the correct interpretation? Again, probably not.

Therefore, your beliefs are based on incorrect interpretations of the bible, and so is everyone elses.

Stop with this self-victimization logic, Q.

What do you mean? YOU made the claims, I'm simply following through on your claims, which amounts to god treating everyone different, giving different imformation to each person. These are YOUR claims.

Perhaps you should try thinking through your arguments before posting.

Among other things, that sometimes, with some people, one cannot have a reasonable discussion.

That is the most important thing you've learned using spiritual intelligence? It is quite useless then, as that is a simply human condition anyone can understand.

Have you learned anything else?

BTW - what is spiritual intelligence?

Who is that and what authority do they have?

And most of all, why do you bother about them?

I'm not sure what you're asking. Authority of spiritual intelligence or authority of nature?

If authority of nature, the authority is the evidence provided by nature, in which gods play no part whatsoever due to no evidence of gods.

You'll have to answer the question of authority in regards to spiritual intelligence.

There is evidence for anything. It just depends on who is looking and for what.

Scientists study evidence. That's pretty much it.

Where is the evidence for gods? Who has found it?

If you do a google search, you'll find many sites on it (spiritual intelligence).

I did that, and found most sites are either religious or mystical. This site gives some indication of anatomical coordinates within the brain. It describes SQ, the "ultimate intelligence that serves as a necessary foundation for the effective functioning of both IQ and EQ" (emotional intelligence). It will take me some time to further research the claim below.

The Scientific Evidence for SQ deals with the anatomy and functioning of the brain. It summarizes present knowledge of the subject, including the studies in neural oscillations that point to a third kind of thinking of which the brain is capable - unitive thinking. A fulsome chapter is devoted to the significance of the brain's 40 Hz neural oscillations; what different brain wave patterns mean, and the more profound question of where does consciousness come from. The chapter dealing with the 'God spot' in the brain, identified by neurobiologists Persinger and Ramachandran, and the varieties of spiritual experiences emanating therefrom, lead the authors to make some intriguing connections with human behaviors.!spiritualintelligence.html

How do you know you are physically healthy?

Physical examinations.

It may seem relative, but we come equipped with a sense of what is physically healthy, and we can sharpen this sense.
Similar with spirituality.

One cannot simply know they are physically healthy by their own senses. If so, we would not need doctors to provide physical examinations. We may feel pain due to a physical problem, but at best we can only speculate its cause.

The soul.

Cris has answered that one. And I do hope you and he discuss the soul further as I know it is one of his favorite topics.

In fact, there is a wonderful post put together from a former member of sciforums which discusses the soul at great length.

Hey Cris, do you remember that post from boris?

You cannot say that majority rejected the idea.
Current world population is around 6+ billion, current estimates on Christian believers is around 2 billion. That leaves the majority, 4 billion, that have rejected Christianity and believe something else or simply don’t care or find Christianity unbelievable.

Christ Jesus has the sole authority to justify or to condemn a person (except those who have not even heard about the Bible).
That is indeed part of the Christian mythology. Showing that has any connection with reality is of course a real challenge for you.
Quote w:
“I don't see how your question relates to what I said.”

* Lets just say it’s a feeling.

Quote w:
“And I don't know what the "reading subtext of my posts" could possibly tell you about me -- why you would love me becaus eof what you read between the lines of what I write.”

* I have posted the reason before on this forum. ;)

Quote s:
“Doing my bit against cruel indoctrination, fanaticsm and the human ego. The more I poke, the more holes I find. And I love poking holes. Did you know that if you stirr milk enough it turns into froth?”

Quote w:
“I take you mean this for "both" of your lives, online and offline?”

* Yes. So how does this make me…

"You are much too cynical, not centred enough, too personally attached to the matters in question, and not enough determined to actually do a bit against cruel indoctrination, fanaticism and the human ego."

* I consider all addictions indoctrination. The ego manifests in denial. Fanaticism is the spawn of peer pressure, a result of societal conditioning and perceived norms. If I was cynical, I would not even bother applying band aid to the fallen soldiers. If I am not centred enough then what were the last 10 years of my life all about. Being personally attached to matters in question is a sure sign of focus. Determination has kept me doggedly doctoring for a good many years. Poking holes in beliefs offers alternate perspectives, which can chip away at denial. And froth… what can I say about froth? That things are never as they seem.

Quote w:
“The only thing I assumed is that you are acting on the same principles offline as well as online.”

* Metaphor, pure metaphor.
Cris said:

Current world population is around 6+ billion, current estimates on Christian believers is around 2 billion. That leaves the majority, 4 billion, that have rejected Christianity and believe something else or simply don’t care or find Christianity unbelievable.

That is indeed part of the Christian mythology. Showing that has any connection with reality is of course a real challenge for you.
One breathing human cannot come to the christian reality unless he is called by the God of peace. In short, you'll remain blind unless Christ Jesus will let you see :bugeye: .
enton said:
One breathing human cannot come to the christian reality unless he is called by the God of peace. In short, you'll remain blind unless Christ Jesus will let you see.
or you can come to the christian reality, if you have an accident and lose 99.9% of your brain, or just hav'nt got one.
and you will remain blind to reality, if you continue to hallucinate, sky daddys and sky sons.
it's a wonder you have enough brain cells to walk.
In short, you'll remain blind unless Christ Jesus will let you see

The bible does indeed attest to this, and thus it would seem pertinent to ask why you're even here trying to convert people and why any christian would try to convert people?

It also leaves us with the inescapable conclusion that the overwhelming majority of mankind is doomed to hell because that's what god wants.
Clockwood said:
Gotta wonder: If enough good people go to hell, is it still hell anymore?
Why ask a topsy-turvy question? Hell is the place of trash, nonrecyclable and nonbiodegradable mist. :eek:
SnakeLord said:
The bible does indeed attest to this, and thus it would seem pertinent to ask why you're even here trying to convert people and why any christian would try to convert people?

It also leaves us with the inescapable conclusion that the overwhelming majority of mankind is doomed to hell because that's what god wants.
What a poor blamer!
enton said:
Why ask a topsy-turvy question? Hell is the place of trash, nonrecyclable and nonbiodegradable mist. :eek:
You mean Los Angeles? Ironic given the name. :D
In short, you'll remain blind unless Christ Jesus will let you see...

Does that mean Christ is selective on who he allows to remain blind and who will see? I thought the Christ was supposedly in favor of allowing everyone to see, no?
What a poor blamer!

What the fuck? Enton.. You fucking said it.. lol.

I just agreed with you that the bible does indeed attest to the statement you made.

Don't even dare try and pass the buck pal, because it is weak and cowardly - and I detest cowards. You said, and I quote:

"In short, you'll remain blind unless Christ Jesus will let you see".

What this means is that unless jesus let's us see, we wont see and thus will be doomed to hell for not being able to see because jesus did not let us see. You can't argue that, and you certainly can't try and blame me for it.

I agreed that the bible does indeed attest to this, as seen in 2 Corinthians:

'The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.'

Now, would you please kindly grow the fuck up and not try to blame me for something you said, and something your bible said.
Originally Posted by audible
but you do take heed to evil characters like god Gen 6,7: And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
Gen 7,4: For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
Gen 19,24: Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven.
just a small few scriptures, there are thousands more.

The reason for the flood was because a hybrid was 'created' between the genes of man and that of angels - it was a union of two totally different species, obviously the angels used some kind of technology to allow the union - it is abit similar to the bizarre experiments that geneticists are today doing.

I have often wondered what would happen if we could get a usable preserved part of one of the hybrids - imagine the genetic information we could acquire. Anyway this was exactly the reason why there was to be a wholesale destruction - to remove and destroy any evidence of the hybrids, their descendants if any and the 'information' that would have been acquired from the fallen angels ( information that was before its time).

The Creator does not destroy anything without purpose. When HE destroys in such a way as that of the great flood, there has to be a very very good reason. What i have mentioned above is only the tip of the ice-berg.
The reason for the flood was because a hybrid was 'created' between the genes of man and that of angels - it was a union of two totally different species, obviously the angels used some kind of technology to allow the union

Angelic Being said:
Anyway this was exactly the reason why there was to be a wholesale destruction - to remove and destroy any evidence of the hybrids, their descendants if any and the 'information' that would have been acquired from the fallen angels ( information that was before its time).

You know, we are actually the "hybrids". A long time ago there was a race of giant humans, who were "like angels", who had children with another very primitive race of humans. Our human race was born from the mixture. Of course, the descendants inherited various parts from the "angels" (sons of God) and the human side (maybe this explains the stories about cyclop mutants) Then there were those who inherited the "magical" powers from the sons of God plus the egoistic mind from the "human" side. They used these powers in a wrong way (black magic - ability used in wrong place and time) and caused the flood.

Even in modern times, there have been people with many "gifts", great scientists and philosophers... they are the former "sons of God", reborn into human bodies (but they no longer possess ALL the knowledge). We no longer inherit the original physical size of the sons of God (with few exceptions) because the two sizes have reached equilibrium, but they are still easy to see among us, through their mental powers, their great unselfish love and wisdom.

If the Anak hadn't married the humans and had children with them, "we" would still be living in the woods, as primitive humans. They sacrificed themselves for our sake, and were crucified in material desires, so that we would also, after a long time, learn to know God.

We're all fallen angels, once pure spirits...
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enton said:
Why is "ANAK" included? Anak is a Filipino term for "OFFSPRING".

When I look it up in the dictionary it says: long-necked, the son of Arba, father of the Anakim (our human race).... I think they're the same as "the sons of god". There's lots of misunderstanding in this subject.