The Bible - the book of evil


* Through your words. I have a good understanding of subtext. But trust me on the love.

You love me through MY words? Your love for me depends on what I say?

* Doing my bit against cruel indoctrination, fanaticsm and the human ego. The more I poke, the more holes I find. And I love poking holes. Did you know that if you stirr milk enough it turns into froth?

Doing your bit against cruel indoctrination, fanaticism and the human ego -- doing this bit of yours is froth, at least here on this forum. Not butter.

You are much too cynical, not centred enough, too personally attached to the matters in question, and not enough determined to actually do a bit against cruel indoctrination, fanaticism and the human ego.

You lack the professionalism and the detachment necessary to accomplish something with people.

Before you ask: My motives in these discussions here are entirely selfish, I only seek my own betterment. For this, I sometimes peruse other people's minds to help me think. I fight against my own cruel indoctrination (from whatever source, including myself), my own fanaticism and my own ego, and some other things.

Quote w:
"You love me through MY words? Your love for me depends on what I say?"

* Do you love your god? (assuming you now have one)

Quote w:
"You are much too cynical, not centred enough, too personally attached to the matters in question, and not enough determined to actually do a bit against cruel indoctrination, fanaticism and the human ego."

* How do you know what I achieve in my non-cyber life? Or does that not count?

Quote w:
“You lack the professionalism and the detachment necessary to accomplish something with people.”

* But closer to home I work wonders. Once again you do not know, you are assuming, but I understand why.

Quote w:
“Before you ask: My motives in these discussions here are entirely selfish, I only seek my own betterment. For this, I sometimes peruse other people's minds to help me think. I fight against my own cruel indoctrination (from whatever source, including myself), my own fanaticism and my own ego, and some other things.’

* Now how can I not love somebody who says it like THAT? :)
The Bible is not useless at all, those who know how to use it, use it well. As with everything else.

If you mean by useful, people use it for their own selfish desires to justify their fantasies, I agree. You do exactly that, as to all other theists here. Aside from that, it has little more use.

Misunderstandings happen and persist largely because of people's poor spiritual health.

Ah yes, another knee-jerk reaction. Is 'spiritual health' another term you just made up?

As per YOUR words again, no person on earth has the 'spiritual health,' to know god, since each individual has their own interpretation and understanding of the bible. Everyone misunderstands the bible, including you.

Unless of coures, you're going to take a stand and claim you alone know the correct interpretation of the bible, do you?

God set the standards, and God gives everyone according to their share -- according to their will and ability.

Oh, so god doles out 'shares.' That would mean he does not treat everyone the same and decides who will have more of a share and who won't. I suppose my share was nil? I thought god treats everyone equal, which contradicts your claim.

So, does god dole out the same information in those shares? That must not be, as everyone has a different perception from their view. By creating a 'share' system, god is purposely trying to confuse everyone, and is not revealing his word correctly or accurately. Again, that is of no use to anyone if no one can agree.

It is, among other things, about understanding the true nature of things.

That's what science achieves. What does spiritual intelligence have to say about the nature of things? What have you learned from it?

If one keeps resorting to the so-called common sense, to some popularily accepted notions of what is reasonable, one thereby demonstrates a desire to not use his own spiritual intelligence, to refrain from it.

"Popularily accepted notions," as you term it, provides the answers to the nature of things from the evidence provided by... you guessed it; nature. Yet, no one agrees on the nature of things using spritual intelligence, why is that?

Why would god create a world with mountains of evidence NOT in favor of creation, but in favor of what you've termed, "popularily accepted notions?" Curious...

And, you still have not answered the question, 'What is spiritual intelligence?" And now you've created another question, "What is spiritual health?"

Please define these terms accurately and show us what part of human anatomy makes up, controls and communicates with god?
stretched said:
Quote w:
"You love me through MY words? Your love for me depends on what I say?"

* Do you love your god? (assuming you now have one)

I don't see how your question relates to what I said.

And I don't know what the "reading subtext of my posts" could possibly tell you about me -- why you would love me becaus eof what you read between the lines of what I write.

Quote w:
"You are much too cynical, not centred enough, too personally attached to the matters in question, and not enough determined to actually do a bit against cruel indoctrination, fanaticism and the human ego."

* How do you know what I achieve in my non-cyber life? Or does that not count?

You said:

Doing my bit against cruel indoctrination, fanaticsm and the human ego. The more I poke, the more holes I find. And I love poking holes. Did you know that if you stirr milk enough it turns into froth?

I take you mean this for "both" of your lives, online and offline?

* But closer to home I work wonders. Once again you do not know, you are assuming, but I understand why.

The only thing I assumed is that you are acting on the same principles offline as well as online.

* Now how can I not love somebody who says it like THAT? :)

(Q) said:
The Bible is not useless at all, those who know how to use it, use it well. As with everything else.

If you mean by useful, people use it for their own selfish desires to justify their fantasies, I agree. You do exactly that, as to all other theists here. Aside from that, it has little more use.

For a scientist, you are gravely sure of your assumptions.

Ah yes, another knee-jerk reaction. Is 'spiritual health' another term you just made up?

No, and you can understand it. Don't play stupid.

As per YOUR words again, no person on earth has the 'spiritual health,' to know god, since each individual has their own interpretation and understanding of the bible. Everyone misunderstands the bible, including you.

No, this doesn't follow. You have come to this conclusion because you believe that the subjective and the objective could never meet.

Unless of coures, you're going to take a stand and claim you alone know the correct interpretation of the bible, do you?


God set the standards, and God gives everyone according to their share -- according to their will and ability.

Oh, so god doles out 'shares.' That would mean he does not treat everyone the same and decides who will have more of a share and who won't. I suppose my share was nil? I thought god treats everyone equal, which contradicts your claim.

So, does god dole out the same information in those shares? That must not be, as everyone has a different perception from their view. By creating a 'share' system, god is purposely trying to confuse everyone, and is not revealing his word correctly or accurately. Again, that is of no use to anyone if no one can agree.

Stop with this self-victimization logic, Q.

There are some other things you need to deal with first.

A religion is not psychotherapy, and psychoterapy doesn't make up for one's spiritual life.

It is, among other things, about understanding the true nature of things.

That's what science achieves. What does spiritual intelligence have to say about the nature of things? What have you learned from it?

Among other things, that sometimes, with some people, one cannot have a reasonable discussion.

If one keeps resorting to the so-called common sense, to some popularily accepted notions of what is reasonable, one thereby demonstrates a desire to not use his own spiritual intelligence, to refrain from it.

"Popularily accepted notions," as you term it, provides the answers to the nature of things from the evidence provided by... you guessed it; nature.

Yet, no one agrees on the nature of things using spritual intelligence, why is that?

Who is that and what authority do they have?

And most of all, why do you bother about them?

Why would god create a world with mountains of evidence NOT in favor of creation, but in favor of what you've termed, "popularily accepted notions?" Curious...

There is evidence for anything. It just depends on who is looking and for what.

And, you still have not answered the question, 'What is spiritual intelligence?"

Knowledge of spiritual matters, and the ability to come to this knowledge in the first place.

If you do a google search, you'll find many sites on it. There seems to be no unified understanding of SI, but this actually doesn't bother -- as it is essential that one finds one's own path, already existing philosophies are only skipping stones.

And now you've created another question, "What is spiritual health?"

How do you know you are physically healthy? It may seem relative, but we come equipped with a sense of what is physically healthy, and we can sharpen this sense.
Similar with spirituality.

Please define these terms accurately and show us what part of human anatomy makes up, controls and communicates with god?

The soul.
enton, is all about God, proof of His existence and the Bible.
I couldn't find any scientific references that prove a god, despite the opening claims. Neither could I see any historical proof, also claimed on the site. There were of course numerous baseless assertions, but certainly no proofs. Did I miss those facts somehow? If so then please give me precise references to scientific jounals or reviews that prove a god.

Don't be astonished at his statements. He was just using childish display of an imaginative defense of his ignorance.
Yet, if the bible were true then this god would appear to have used obscenities and violence as part of his plan. Would you explain in your own words why that could ever be seen as defensible, given that this god is credited with omnipotence and could have chosen a non-violent and loving plan.
They also totally miss the point about the name of God. The Jews didn't avoid speaking and writing it because the name was lost or little known, but because any attempt to define God necessarily falls short, and keeping the concept somewhat of a mystery, even in name, represented God's essentially mysterious nature.
Cris said:
That's not a term that can be applied to any part of human anatomy. It's pure fantasy.

And you assume to know full well what human anatomy consists of ...
Cris said:

Yet, if the bible were true then this god would appear to have used obscenities and violence as part of his plan. Would you explain in your own words why that could ever be seen as defensible, given that this god is credited with omnipotence and could have chosen a non-violent and loving plan.
One kilogram of tomatoes, one is decayed. Wouldn't it better to throw the decayed one?
enton said:
One kilogram of tomatoes, one is decayed. Wouldn't it better to throw the decayed one?
M*W: One group of intelligent members on sciforums Religion Forum. One of them is overwhelmingly ignorant. Wouldn't it be better to throw the ignorant one a big donkey dick to eat?

If a designer creates a faulty product, it is not the fault of the product but the designer.

For the Christian god to blame its products for his own mistakes is the epitome of idiocy - such is the principle of Christianity.

And you assume to know full well what human anatomy consists of ...
Why would I assume that? In the records of human knowledge concerning human anatomy no such component defined as "soul" exists.

Do you have records that show the contrary?
Cris said:

If a designer creates a faulty product, it is not the fault of the product but the designer.

For the Christian god to blame its products for his own mistakes is the epitome of idiocy - such is the principle of Christianity.
Our own God is not a domineering God. He gives people freedom of what to choose, whether you want to be his follower (christian), an aist (atheist/agnostic), a pagan, or a personalist. Anyway, you're accountable enough by deeds,i.e., if you're not an idiot. :)

Our own God...

Is this the one your group made up to meet your personal taste? Just like all the other variations on the same moronic theme? So, who's god can yours beat in a fair fight? How would I know to choose your god over some other version? Is yours more badass than the several thousand other incarnations? I want to know, because I don't want to get to heaven (oh yes, I'll be there) and find some other god beat up MY god and won't let me in. I'd be sorely pissed off. And I'd blame you enton.
superluminal said:
Is this the one your group made up to meet your personal taste? Just like all the other variations on the same moronic theme? So, who's god can yours beat in a fair fight? How would I know to choose your god over some other version? Is yours more badass than the several thousand other incarnations? I want to know, because I don't want to get to heaven (oh yes, I'll be there) and find some other god beat up MY god and won't let me in. I'd be sorely pissed off. And I'd blame you enton.
Who else but the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, the living God, the Father of Spirits and the Father of lights, the God of knowledge, the God of truth, the God of peace, the God of gods (Psalms 82:1). Now this living God is that same God who from everlasting to everlasting resides in the habitable part of His earth together with His Son. And this God, whom we acknowledged as Father being christians and children of adoption, rides upon the heavens of heavens. So which heaven do you aim? :rolleyes:

He gives people freedom of what to choose,
But apparently not the necessary or adequate information to make informed choices. If heaven were true and such a god was indeed a wondrous presence why then would anyone choose anything else? Surely this is a no-brainer. Yet two thirds of the world population choose something different to Christianity. Given that Christians have had 2000+ years to tell their story why have the majority rejected the idea?
Cris said:

But apparently not the necessary or adequate information to make informed choices. If heaven were true and such a god was indeed a wondrous presence why then would anyone choose anything else? Surely this is a no-brainer. Yet two thirds of the world population choose something different to Christianity. Given that Christians have had 2000+ years to tell their story why have the majority rejected the idea?
You cannot say that majority rejected the idea. In fact how can you conclude people leaving before the times of Moses and those apart from the Israelite ancestry? Only God has the dominion to justify or condemn people before the Christian era (there is no exception). Now, and beginning from the period of the first century christians, Christ Jesus has the sole authority to justify or to condemn a person (except those who have not even heard about the Bible).