The Bible - the book of evil

but enton he did'nt just kill the guilty did he, is it reasonable to kill children, animals, all the innocents, therefore it makes god unjust, and evil, do try to think about what you are saying, before you speak.
audible said:
but enton he did'nt just kill the guilty did he, is it reasonable to kill children, animals, all the innocents, therefore it makes god unjust, and evil, do try to think about what you are saying, before you speak.
Think about what you are saying, before you speak! Do you hold your breath now? Keep on holding up to an hour. If you can't do it, just command your heart to rest for awhile? Can you? Don't return the above questions to me because certainly my heart is not a lazy part of my body. It competes with my brain.
enton said:
Think about what you are saying, before you speak! Do you hold your breath now? Keep on holding up to an hour. If you can't do it, just command your heart to rest for awhile? Can you? Don't return the above questions to me because certainly my heart is not a lazy part of my body. It competes with my brain.
well your heart, has nothing to do battle with, and It's a bit dubious that you even have a heart either.
audible said:
well your heart, has nothing to do battle with, and It's a bit dubious that you even have a heart either.
You made me smile :D !
Quote enton:
"The Bible is the book of readers. Now, if you're intention is to become vil, then the Bible is of course the book of evil reader (like you, if you are). As for me, I do read the Bible and I don't take heed to the words of evil characters like Eliphaz when He said "Hast thou marked the old way which wicked men have trodden? "

* I have no idea what you mean by this.

Quote Cris:
"Why is it that the being with allegedly perfect intelligence has to resort to obscene violence so often? This does not indicate one who is either intelligent or wise, but an evil monster whose book in his name records the evils he has committed and supports."

* Enton, do you have any logical response to this statement?
stretched said:
Quote enton:
"The Bible is the book of readers. Now, if you're intention is to become vil, then the Bible is of course the book of evil reader (like you, if you are). As for me, I do read the Bible and I don't take heed to the words of evil characters like Eliphaz when He said "Hast thou marked the old way which wicked men have trodden? "

* I have no idea what you mean by this.

It is what I had been trying to make you understand for so long.

One reads, understands what one is willing to read and understand.

Say, by a person with evil intentions, a picture like this


will be described as, "Look at me, this kitty I have in my arms, I am going to choke it and eat it raw!"

While a person with kind intentions will have positive thoughts about it.

The same way, a book cannot determine how it will be read and understood.
stretched said:
Quote Cris:
"Why is it that the being with allegedly perfect intelligence has to resort to obscene violence so often? This does not indicate one who is either intelligent or wise, but an evil monster whose book in his name records the evils he has committed and supports."

* Enton, do you have any logical response to this statement?

I'll reply for my part:

For one, people tend to abhor any display of power and regard it as violence.

For two, those of lower spiritual intelligence need to be approached with brute force, as they don't understand anything else.
stretched said:
Quote enton:
"The Bible is the book of readers. Now, if you're intention is to become evil, then the Bible is of course the book of evil reader (like you, if you are). As for me, I do read the Bible and I don't take heed to the words of evil characters like Eliphaz when He said "Hast thou marked the old way which wicked men have trodden? " ?

* I have no idea what you mean by this.
In this website if you will open, you will read a Biblical topic entitled "The Rightful and Lawful Manner of Using the Bible". It will surely suffice your query regarding my statements above.

stretched said:
Quote Cris:
"Why is it that the being with allegedly perfect intelligence has to resort to obscene violence so often? This does not indicate one who is either intelligent or wise, but an evil monster whose book in his name records the evils he has committed and supports."

* Enton, do you have any logical response to this statement?
Don't be astonished at his statements. He was just using childish display of an imaginative defense of his ignorance. But this link is all about God, proof of His existence and the Bible.
Quote w:
“One reads, understands what one is willing to read and understand.”

* Or one reads, and understands what is obvious, without trying to justify the irrational. Questioning the nonsensical is not a mark of unwillingness.

Quote w:
“The same way, a book cannot determine how it will be read and understood.”

* A book, by definition should speak for itself. Dan Brown got it right by selling 27 million copies.

Quote w:
“For one, people tend to abhor any display of power and regard it as violence.”

* The Dalai Lama has a powerful aura, but I don’t confuse it with violence. Generally the more power one has, the less violence one needs to commit. The OT is candid regarding violence and the degree of unnecessary violence is glaringly apparent.

Quote w:
“For two, those of lower spiritual intelligence need to be approached with brute force, as they don't understand anything else.”

* Like the tiny little spiritually defunct babies that were slaughtered in the OT. Nurturing and reasoning would not work on them.

Quote Cris:
“Why is it that the being with allegedly perfect intelligence has to resort to obscene violence so often? This does not indicate one who is either intelligent or wise, but an evil monster whose book in his name records the evils he has committed and supports."

* In his infinite wisdom, god chose brute force to achieve his end?

(Nice pic of kitty kebabs :D )
Directly taken from the website you linked:
The words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:5, 7 showed how His prophecies are coming to pass right now in our time. These prophecies include the proliferation of deceivers, the occurrence of wars and rumors of wars, famine, pestilences, and earthquakes in diverse places.

Hmmm - war, famine and earthquakes - who'd have thought!!
I prophecy, right here and now, that there will be another earthquake in San Francisco within the next 100 years.
I also prophecy, right here and now, that there will be another conflict somewhere in the Middle East within the next 100 years, and that a number of people will die as a direct result of it.

No evidence of me being God, now, is it. :rolleyes:

Any wise person will surely believe in the existence of a Supreme Being because no one will exist without Him. According to the Bible, our existence is a concrete proof of His existence.
Another reason why the Bible should not be taken seriously.
According to a letter I just wrote, I am the King of Spain, and my existence is proof that I am.

I don't wish to be rude, but is the website you linked for a serious organisation? Or just for a money-grabbing evangelical "pay for your redemption" kind?

Cris is certainly not childish, and his logic is straightforward and emotionally unbiased. You can learn a lot by paying attention to his posts. :)

I am looking into your website.
stretched said:
Quote w:
“One reads, understands what one is willing to read and understand.”

* Or one reads, and understands what is obvious, without trying to justify the irrational. Questioning the nonsensical is not a mark of unwillingness.

Quote w:
“The same way, a book cannot determine how it will be read and understood.”

* A book, by definition should speak for itself. Dan Brown got it right by selling 27 million copies.

Quote w:
“For one, people tend to abhor any display of power and regard it as violence.”

* The Dalai Lama has a powerful aura, but I don’t confuse it with violence. Generally the more power one has, the less violence one needs to commit. The OT is candid regarding violence and the degree of unnecessary violence is glaringly apparent.

Quote w:
“For two, those of lower spiritual intelligence need to be approached with brute force, as they don't understand anything else.”

* Like the tiny little spiritually defunct babies that were slaughtered in the OT. Nurturing and reasoning would not work on them.

Quote Cris:
“Why is it that the being with allegedly perfect intelligence has to resort to obscene violence so often? This does not indicate one who is either intelligent or wise, but an evil monster whose book in his name records the evils he has committed and supports."

* In his infinite wisdom, god chose brute force to achieve his end?

(Nice pic of kitty kebabs :D )

You are still so full of hate, Stretched.
You still get off on cynicism.
* Not full of hate water, For example, I love you. However, I do have difficulty when I get given a piece of shit, told its chocolate, and encouraged to eat and enjoy.
The same way, a book cannot determine how it will be read and understood.

Then, by your own words, the bible is utterly useless in representing the word of god. That has been been shown time and again as theists vehemently disagree with one another on its contents, you included.

If it were the word of god, there would be no misunderstandings.
those of lower spiritual intelligence need to be approached with brute force, as they don't understand anything else.

Who determines what is higher and lower spiritual intelligence, YOU? Are you of superior spiritual intelligence than others?

WTF is spiritual intelligence?

* Not full of hate water, For example, I love you.

Really? How do you love me?

However, I do have difficulty when I get given a piece of shit, told its chocolate, and encouraged to eat and enjoy.

Stop this self-victimization logic.

If you think the Bible is a peace of shit, treat it like such, and go your way, leaving it behind. If it is shit to you, then why are you poking in it, stirring it?

* * *


The same way, a book cannot determine how it will be read and understood.

Then, by your own words, the bible is utterly useless in representing the word of god. That has been been shown time and again as theists vehemently disagree with one another on its contents, you included.

The Bible is not useless at all, those who know how to use it, use it well. As with everything else.

The only problem is that it may not be useful as YOU expect it to be. In which case, this is YOUR problem, not the Bible's or the theists'.

If it were the word of god, there would be no misunderstandings.

Misunderstandings happen and persist largely because of people's poor spiritual health.

Who determines what is higher and lower spiritual intelligence, YOU? Are you of superior spiritual intelligence than others?

God set the standards, and God gives everyone according to their share -- according to their will and ability.

WTF is spiritual intelligence?

It is, among other things, about understanding the true nature of things.
If one keeps resorting to the so-called common sense, to some popularily accepted notions of what is reasonable, one thereby demonstrates a desire to not use his own spiritual intelligence, to refrain from it.

Sarkus said:
I don't wish to be rude, but is the website you linked for a serious organisation? Or just for a money-grabbing evangelical "pay for your redemption" kind?
Answer it by yourself. You have your own intelligence, that is, if you are intellligent.
Quote w:
"Really? How do you love me?"

* Through your words. I have a good understanding of subtext. But trust me on the love.

Quote w:
"If you think the Bible is a peace of shit, treat it like such, and go your way, leaving it behind. If it is shit to you, then why are you poking in it, stirring it?"

* Doing my bit against cruel indoctrination, fanaticsm and the human ego. The more I poke, the more holes I find. And I love poking holes. Did you know that if you stirr milk enough it turns into froth? :)