The Bible is Bullshit

personally, i think when god talks to you...

God talks to you, too? Do you also have these conversations with your god?

.. she is allowed to believe what she wants to believe.

No matter how much conflict it causes?

it is not our job to tell her she is wrong..

No matter how much conflict it causes?

i wonder if any of you non-believers were to have an experiance as such, would you check into a hospital?

We don't have those "experiences", remember?
i started a thread not too long ago posing that question "what would happen to an atheist who had a spiritual experience?" suggesting the same thing...that they would be inclined to check themselves into a hospital and succumb to the madness that they would be diagnosed with.

but i don't think god would do such a thing. i think that god knows who would listen, and who would not, and that he wouldn't do a futile or a bad thing. i do though, think there are spirits who would seek to destroy a human this way. in light of the fact that we don't know what schizophrenia is, and what i've been through myself, i'm inclined to believe that these people who suffer, suffer at the hand of demons.

i don't think that the crazy person walking down the street talking to himself emphatically, is talking to himself.

You miss the major points about the world we happen to live in.

It's obvious that countries and their militaries do not get on with each other, so much so they usually have these occurrences of spy rings and they tend to actively look for some way to pull the wool over the eyes of their opposition.

Now these countries don't make these decisions because of a God or a Devil, they make these decisions because power corrupts especially when money is involved.

The creation of auditory inputs is nothing new to this world, unfortunately though because of the coldwar super-secret "national security" classification most average people know nothing of the misuse, of how their friends and family can be manipulated as pawns to prove power of one country or another.

It pisses me off a bit because I see this happen to people all the time and people try to rationalise what the problem is. They'll claim it to be a psychiatric issue, their claim it to be a God, a devil, a demon, a ghost, aliens or the fucking tooth fairy. They can't see it for what it is, much like people didn't think bacteria existed originally.

It could all be fixed in one instance, it just has to be identified for what it is, no more lies, no more espionage or misuse.
You miss the major points about the world we happen to live in.

It's obvious that countries and their militaries do not get on with each other, so much so they usually have these occurrences of spy rings and they tend to actively look for some way to pull the wool over the eyes of their opposition.

Now these countries don't make these decisions because of a God or a Devil, they make these decisions because power corrupts especially when money is involved.

The creation of auditory inputs is nothing new to this world, unfortunately though because of the coldwar super-secret "national security" classification most average people know nothing of the misuse, of how their friends and family can be manipulated as pawns to prove power of one country or another.

It pisses me off a bit because I see this happen to people all the time and people try to rationalise what the problem is. They'll claim it to be a psychiatric issue, their claim it to be a God, a devil, a demon, a ghost, aliens or the fucking tooth fairy. They can't see it for what it is, much like people didn't think bacteria existed originally.

It could all be fixed in one instance, it just has to be identified for what it is, no more lies, no more espionage or misuse.

I agree

I get that. But, don't normal people understand and acknowledge that?

I don't know that they do. Selective attention and prior religious feelings could make a coincidence seem more than just that.
You demonstrated all the symptoms of a hypnagogic dream. You were asleep. You just don't recognise that you were, because the dream was set in the same surroundings in which you awoke.

That happened to me in the instance where I dreamt I was being strangled.

I understand how real if can feel, but you have to understand it only feels real. It isn't real.

i wasn't asleep phlog. i was extremely aware of what i was doing. i was quite enthralled in what was happening to me and through me. the words on the paper didn't go away, and this experience went on for years in various forms. i wasn't asleep for over a year. i had a job that i went to every day. i had friends and a family that i interacted with. a car that i drove. and still, this was ongoing. i was actually more awake than i had ever been in my life.
We may have our explanation. :)

you really think that by chopping up and rearranging my words that you make a point?

you do make a point...about yourself and your intention and methods.

and they stink.

Now these countries don't make these decisions because of a God or a Devil, they make these decisions because power corrupts especially when money is involved.

i wouldn't doubt that what you're saying might be true, but that doesn't mean that god or the devil do not exist. these two concepts may be mutually exclusive, but i do doubt that.

i would be more inclined to believe that my experience was in opposition to what you're suggesting, than to have been caused by it.

Sorry? ...Is writing wrong?

uh...i'm not sure why you're asking this question.

but to answer anyway, i suppose that writing could be right or wrong, depending on why and what you're writing (like anything else you might do).
God talks to you, too? Do you also have these conversations with your god?

No matter how much conflict it causes?

No matter how much conflict it causes?

We don't have those "experiences", remember?

the only thing my testimony is conflicting with is your ego.
I did not see a requirement for "malicious intent" in any definitions of lying that I could find.
Then you're looking at the wrong definitions.

Lori could be lying about believing her claims, too.
A possibility. But I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, since I'm not a misanthrope.

And of course, the so-called "mystical experience" IS the point. It's bullshit, whether it's a lie or not.
You assume it is, due to your own paradigm. But that does not necessarily make it so.
uh...i'm not sure why you're asking this question.

but to answer anyway, i suppose that writing could be right or wrong, depending on why and what you're writing (like anything else you might do).

It was an allusion.
You do not even sue,to which I alluded?
No matter how much conflict it causes?
No matter how much conflict it causes?

first person: this is what i think..
second person: your full of BS..

who is causing the conflict?
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um actually i have been reading an article about says that it is caused by a virus attached to our says ppl borne in winter or early spring are more susceptable
(discover magazine)

hm...those percentages are pretty small.

but, i think sin is genetic. hence i think the propensity for communion is genetic. so perhaps the propensity to be bothered by the spiritual realm is too. :shrug:

Only once I met a man who not sleeping and or this he was treated to a doctor.
Did not notice that everyone is sleeping?

if you're speaking metaphorically, then i would equate what i've been through as an awakening.

and, not everyone is sleeping.

Here you talking metaphorically?

Yes, it is a serious disease and should be going to medical treatment

i'm sorry, i think i'm having a hard time understanding you due to translation possibly.

i have stated that i was not asleep. i was not speaking metaphorically when i said that, i was responding to phlog assumption that i have a sleep disorder, which i do not have.