The Bible is Bullshit

Here you talking metaphorically?

Yes, it is a serious disease and should be going to medical treatment, no, no, no, no. you misunderstand. i don't have insomnia either. i was making the assertion that my spiritual experience was ongoing for over a year, so for phlog's assumption to be true, that my experience was due to a sleep disorder, i would have had to have been asleep for over a year. do you understand now?
Believers, of course. They speak for their gods and tell us what we should and shouldn't do.
Yeah, except not once have we told you what you should or shouldn't do. In fact, the mentality behind foisting one's views on others is alien to me and is not a part of my religion at all.

So, yeah, nice strawman there. ;), no, no, no, no. you misunderstand. i don't have insomnia either. i was making the assertion that my spiritual experience was ongoing for over a year, so for phlog's assumption to be true, that my experience was due to a sleep disorder, i would have had to have been asleep for over a year. do you understand now?

Sorry Lori, but you simply were incapable of telling the difference between reality and dreaming.

no i was not. i was wide awake. it was not a dream. sorry. you're trying to say that i was writing something (which took a few days) while i was asleep, and it was in a dream that i was, yet i was aware of what i was writing and the physical act of doing it, and when i woke up, there it was on the paper in front of know, that i had been writing on and remembered doing it? are you sure you're thinking about this correctly, because that doesn't make any sense at all. i was also awake when i had finished the letter, and sat on my couch watching the paper fold up on itself. and the paper remained that way...forever. now unless you're suggesting a dream can be so impactive that it actually causes physical things to happen like 7 paragraphs of poetry to be written down, or paper to wad itself up. then i would be inclined to ask well what the hell is the difference if we're awake or asleep? if the same shit gets done, and you remember doing it (in your dream)? why don't we just live our whole lives from our beds dreaming away? beats going to work...just dream you're doing your job and it gets done! dreaming about sex would be just as good as having it.
as usual, you missed the point..

No, YOU missed the point. If it wasn't for believers and their sick and twisted religions, there would be no conflict. The conflict begins when you tell us how to live, despite the fact you have no morals whatsoever.

are you saying your a christian?
or are you saying you are no one..

No, I'm not saying I'm a fucking Christian. I am saying it is only the believers who are here speaking for their gods. No gods are speaking here, just the believers.

I am here, but I don't speak for gods.
you really think that by chopping up and rearranging my words that you make a point?

I did no such thing, I merely pointed out the qualifiers of your post, which indicated the abuse of meds, alcohol and drugs. It's little wonder the brains are functioning at all there. :)
Then you're looking at the wrong definitions.

Should I be tossing out dictionaries then and go by your definition?

You assume it is, due to your own paradigm. But that does not necessarily make it so.

My own paradigm? What is that supposed to mean?

It's not a matter of assumptions, it's a matter of violating physical laws, which believers believe they have the power to do simply by praying and believing. It is silly in the extreme.
I did no such thing, I merely pointed out the qualifiers of your post, which indicated the abuse of meds, alcohol and drugs. It's little wonder the brains are functioning at all there. :)

Q.. are you married?

if so i will pray for your husband..
at least we at sciforums don't have to live with you..
Are you still in possession of these writings?

no. after my exhusband scared the shit out of me on the phone that day, i took everything that had to do with my experience and through it into the fireplace along with a full carton of cigarettes and set it all on fire.
no. after my exhusband scared the shit out of me on the phone that day, i took everything that had to do with my experience and through it into the fireplace along with a full carton of cigarettes and set it all on fire.

How convenient there is no provenance.
How convenient there is no provenance.

i was scared, and then mad. i felt like something was watching me...something evil. he said on the phone, among other things, "you think you're gonna save the world".

i don't see what difference it would make if i had the pages anyway. i spent days writing them, and toiling over them. transferred them to pretty stationery. then watched the pages fold up on themselves and the stationery packaging shrink, on it's own, on my coffee table, to the point where the envelopes were being thrust out the open end of the package.

i asked if that meant that i wasn't supposed to send the writing. it was a poem in the form of a letter. the answer i got was "yes".

so i went upstairs to take a nap, and i was awoken by the phone. it was my ex, scaring the shit out of me.

and i went back downstairs, gathered up all the papers, and my carton of smokes, and burned them.
i was scared, and then mad. i felt like something was watching me...something evil. he said on the phone, among other things, "you think you're gonna save the world".

i don't see what difference it would make if i had the pages anyway. i spent days writing them, and toiling over them. transferred them to pretty stationery. then watched the pages fold up on themselves and the stationery packaging shrink, on it's own, on my coffee table, to the point where the envelopes were being thrust out the open end of the package.

i asked if that meant that i wasn't supposed to send the writing. it was a poem in the form of a letter. the answer i got was "yes".

so i went upstairs to take a nap, and i was awoken by the phone. it was my ex, scaring the shit out of me.

and i went back downstairs, gathered up all the papers, and my carton of smokes, and burned them.

Interesting dream.
Interesting dream.

you have stated that you are able to distinguish between dreams and reality, even if the dream seems very real. i too have this astonishing capability.

and i haven't dreamed anything nearly as weird or impactive as you have apparently.

i've had recurring dreams that mirrored my life and i learned from. and i did have a lucid prophetic dream once. i woke up from it at 7am on 7/7/2005.

but most of my dreams have been of the frustrating and nonsensical variety. the waitressing nightmare...last night i was riding down a highway on a mattress. :shrug:

however, during this very strange time in my life, and over a period of several years, when this supernatural stuff was consuming me, i was awake, and i was asleep, many times over, and i had no difficulty recognizing which state i was in.