The Bible is Bullshit

i wasn't asleep when that happened. i was in the middle of channeling a poem. i got up to use the restroom, and when i started to walk, it felt like i had lead boots on, even though i was barefoot.

Clearly you were asleep, and having a dream, as the heavy legs is an indicator of REM atonia.

The more you describe these experiences, the more they seem like hypnagogic dreams.

Nothing mystic Lori, just the same shit that happens to people all year round.

You might not think you were dreaming, because the episode was not while you were in bed, but sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, can be brought on by stress, and see you nod off anywhere.

What is more likely, that you have suffered from a well documented sleep disorder, and had a few whacky dreams, or the supreme being, creator of all the Universe, talks to you using cryptic means, .....
Clearly you were asleep, and having a dream, as the heavy legs is an indicator of REM atonia.

The more you describe these experiences, the more they seem like hypnagogic dreams.

Nothing mystic Lori, just the same shit that happens to people all year round.

You might not think you were dreaming, because the episode was not while you were in bed, but sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, can be brought on by stress, and see you nod off anywhere.

What is more likely, that you have suffered from a well documented sleep disorder, and had a few whacky dreams, or the supreme being, creator of all the Universe, talks to you using cryptic means, .....

Phlog, I was not asleep. Not even close. Not even drowsy. I was wide awake and productive. I was writing in my living room.
"The Bible is Bullshit"... The original author wastes no time telling us what he/she thinks.
ha ha....i am just kidding. Q probably provides some function and i dont want him\her to feel bad. It was a natural response though.
Delusions aren't lies. I suppose you think when a crazy person tells you about the voices in their heads, they are lying?

If the person claims they are not crazy or delusional, what else is there to conclude? We've been down this road with Lori a hundred times or more.

What would be your conclusion?
i'm not delusional either! :wallbang:
I believe you, but just for the sake of argument...

Crazy people more often then not don't know that they are crazy. Also, the mind is capable of generating strange experiences even in normal people, that doesn't automatically mean that they are trying to deceive you or themselves.
personally, i think when god talks to you its a little more subtler than lori expresses..but then again.. she is allowed to believe what she wants to believe.
it is not our job to tell her she is wrong..this is her personal experiance and as such only she can assign it the value she believes it to be..

i wonder if any of you non-believers were to have an experiance as such, would you check into a hospital? odds have it you would not cause no-one wants to admit they are anything less than perfect..

when they were handing out perfection, i thought they were talking about the pop-up game, so i didn't get mine..
If the person claims they are not crazy or delusional, what else is there to conclude?
Lying requires malicious intent, a deliberate deception of other people. If one believes that what they is claiming is true, then by definition, that person is not lying. To be lying, they would have to not believe their claims to be true, and make the claims anyway.

What would be your conclusion?
Three main points on a spectrum: a)she is delusional, b)she had a genuine mystical experience, or the point in between: c)she had a mystical experience, but misinterpreted the contents thereof due to cognitive bias.
Each are equally possible.
personally, i think when god talks to you its a little more subtler than lori expresses..but then again.. she is allowed to believe what she wants to believe.
it is not our job to tell her she is wrong..this is her personal experiance and as such only she can assign it the value she believes it to be..

i wonder if any of you non-believers were to have an experiance as such, would you check into a hospital? odds have it you would not cause no-one wants to admit they are anything less than perfect..

when they were handing out perfection, i thought they were talking about the pop-up game, so i didn't get mine..

i had a lot of good preparation via a long standing relationship with god prior to a very unusual event in 2005. i knew his voice, and i trusted him, and what he told me to do. but in 2005, it wasn't just god i was dealing with. i can't say for sure, but i think what i was channeling was an angel (who wrote the poems). i'm inclined to believe that because god told me that whatever it was wasn't used to being in a physical body.

there was also a time during the event when i believe my ex husband was channeling something demonic. he called me on the phone at a time when he was really messed up on prescription drugs alcohol and pot, and he spoke to me very tauntingly. he didn't sound like himself. and he told me things about what i was going through that he had absolutely no way of knowing. i don't think i've ever been so scared. i screamed some scripture at him, hung up the phone and got down on my knees to pray, because i didn't know what else to do, and god yelled at me to "GET UP!" which startled me, but kind of snapped me out of it.

my ex didn't remember calling me when i questioned him about it the next day.

there were also humans involved. these people interacted with me in my home, and in a spiritual form. the only explanation i can come up with for their ability is astral projection. i'm unfamiliar with this practice myself. these are people whom my experience somehow helped. they were there to witness what was happening to me, and also to influence me. i can identify some of these people because they describe what happened while i was "alone" in my home...outwardly and in the physical realm.

it was difficult to go through for a lot of reasons. i felt isolated, and immensely frustrated. i felt like a rat in a cage...the butt of an experiment. but i always trusted god and my own intentions. that and some of the people's testimonies that were involved got me through. but people are people. sometimes they're not nice, and sometimes they're not honest, nor appreciative. that made it hard.

i started a thread not too long ago posing that question "what would happen to an atheist who had a spiritual experience?" suggesting the same thing...that they would be inclined to check themselves into a hospital and succumb to the madness that they would be diagnosed with.

but i don't think god would do such a thing. i think that god knows who would listen, and who would not, and that he wouldn't do a futile or a bad thing. i do though, think there are spirits who would seek to destroy a human this way. in light of the fact that we don't know what schizophrenia is, and what i've been through myself, i'm inclined to believe that these people who suffer, suffer at the hand of demons.

i don't think that the crazy person walking down the street talking to himself emphatically, is talking to himself.
Phlog, I was not asleep. Not even close. Not even drowsy. I was wide awake and productive. I was writing in my living room.

You demonstrated all the symptoms of a hypnagogic dream. You were asleep. You just don't recognise that you were, because the dream was set in the same surroundings in which you awoke.

That happened to me in the instance where I dreamt I was being strangled.

I understand how real if can feel, but you have to understand it only feels real. It isn't real.
i can't say for sure, but i think what i was channeling was an angel (who wrote the poems). i'm inclined to believe that because god told me ...

... i screamed some scripture at him, hung up the phone and got down on my knees to pray...

the only explanation i can come up with for their ability is astral projection. i'm unfamiliar with this practice myself.

...they would be inclined to check themselves into a hospital and succumb to the madness that they would be diagnosed with.

... in light of the fact that we don't know what schizophrenia is, and what i've been through myself, i'm inclined to believe that these people who suffer, suffer at the hand of demons.

i don't think that the crazy person walking down the street talking to himself emphatically, is talking to himself.

...messed up on prescription drugs alcohol and pot...

We may have our explanation. :)
Crazy people more often then not don't know that they are crazy.

That has been mentioned to Lori on several occasions, myself included.

Also, the mind is capable of generating strange experiences even in normal people, that doesn't automatically mean that they are trying to deceive you or themselves.

I get that. But, don't normal people understand and acknowledge that?
Lying requires malicious intent, a deliberate deception of other people.

I did not see a requirement for "malicious intent" in any definitions of lying that I could find. Pretending with the intent to deceive is more relevant.

If one believes that what they is claiming is true, then by definition, that person is not lying. To be lying, they would have to not believe their claims to be true, and make the claims anyway.

Lori could be lying about believing her claims, too.

Three main points on a spectrum: a)she is delusional, b)she had a genuine mystical experience, or the point in between: c)she had a mystical experience, but misinterpreted the contents thereof due to cognitive bias.
Each are equally possible.

Sorry, but there are more alternatives than that. And of course, the so-called "mystical experience" IS the point. It's bullshit, whether it's a lie or not.